Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Period 4 join a contest bushb219 Join my free Stock Market Contest!

Monday, November 28, 2011

stock market

Join the stock market game. This contest will run until the end of the semester. The goal is to learn how the market works and to better understand the concepts of supply and demand.Click on the link below. Use your ridley password and create a username that includes your first and last name.
Join my free Stock Market Contest!
After joining the contest the questions on the below link are the key concepts and terms that you need to know to be successful in this unit. They will all be fair game for the unit test on the market.
Power point project
Pick one company.
You must create a power point for that company.
The goal of the power point is to inform the class on the following things:

What is the company?
What does it do? Use the company’s profile on yahoo finance as the source. ( Research and learn. Don’t tell us what you think they do)
What other companies and or products do they own / produce?
What is the stock's currently price? ( time / date/ price)
Find a current headline( from yahoo finance) that explains something that is going on with the company. Briefly explain it.
How has the company’s stock been doing over the last 52 weeks?
Cut and paste pictures/ charts/ graphs onto the power point. Not a lot of words are needed. Your explanation of these is the important thing.
Do power point on your gmail account.
Make it attractive to the eye!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Prop 19 goes down in defeat

Read Prop 19 Goes Down in Defeat. Post a comment 0f 2-3 sentences . Comment should NOT include you opinion on marijuana use but only comment on the political process described in the article.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Making an Effective Speech

Grading rubric for the senate speech have been handed out. Check out the following sites for guidance and ideas on how to make a good speech.
1. Presentation tips for Public Speaking -
2. How to Write a Good Speech-
Key points
1. Know your stuff. If you are unclear about the material you will not do well.
2. Be over- prepared. Rehearse your speech, time yourself, sync your power point with the speech.
3. Know your audience
4. Use various techniques to engage your audience.