Thursday, November 21, 2013

Objective: Create a Cops episode that demonstrate understanding of the 4th amendment, and specific case law dealing with a 4th amendment issue

 Research a Supreme Court Case that deals with a search and seizure issue.
1. Go to for Good Resources for Supreme Court Cases 
2. Scroll down on the left of the above page and find search and seizure . Click around and look for a case that interests you. Read it understand the facts of the case , the legal question the court considered, and their ruling( and the reasoning behind the ruling)
3. Create a Cops episode that loosely deals with that case.
    a. episode should be filmed on ipad or i movie
   b. episode must contain the following elements
-filmed or existing video that loosely relates to a precent setting case(60 pts)
- a segment of the video that includes a slide or narration( apart from the filmed episode) that poses asks a legal question about the search(10 pts)
- a segment that correctly gives the legal reasoning why the search is legal or illegal (20 pts)
- a brief explanation of the Supreme Court Case the episode is based on (10 pts)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sub plans
Period 5 Senior Seminar
Explain to students that our next unit after mock congress is on economics and these two companies will play a big role in our discussions

Show video Ipod Revolution all five parts.
At the end have students list 3 reasons for the ipod's success
2 things about Steve Jobs as a person that led to his success
1 summary sentence of the video.
Show video Swoosh: Inside Nike

Friday, November 15, 2013

House search

Read Police Arrest Father and Son for Underage Party
1.  If you were a defense attorney in this case what 4th amendment issue could you look into?
2. Read  Birmingham City Utah v Stuart
Apply the reasoning of the court in that case to the West Chester Case and writing as judge explain your reasoning on the legality of the house search.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Criminal Justice

Pick any 10 page segment of Steven King's Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Book.
1. Describe in a paragraph any differences and similarities between the book and the movie ( include a commentary on your preferences)
2. Based on the movie, pick out and describe how each of the following theories of punishment were exemplified in the movie.
- rehabilitation
- incapacitation
- deterrence
- retribution
Tell which parts of the movie showed which theory and how.

3. A few times in the movie older inmates were said to be "institutionalized" . Brooks Hanlon was , and Red also thought he may have been. What does that concept mean and how could that be a bad thing at the time of parole.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The goal for today is to understand the case and to be able to discuss the complexities of it.
Read Officers in the Bronx Fire 41 Shots both pages.
Read The Diallo Verdict
answer the following questions:
1. what were the officers charged with?
2. what was the prosecution's argument?
3. What was the defense's argument?
4. What do you think?
5. List three words/ phases you do not understand. Look up and define those words.