Friday, September 5, 2014

Degrees of murder

After viewing 48 Hours Fatal Choice read the article explaining how the law distinguishes between First and Second degree murder.
1. Based on the evidence presented in 48 Hours Fatal Choice and your knowledge of 1st, 2nd, and voluntary manslaughter as well as the defense of justifiable homicide, explain in a minimum of one paragraph what if anything Sandra Franklin is guilty of. More importantly demonstrate your understanding of the degrees of murder by explaining why.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Explain the following
1. The author lists and explains three views of human nature;
a. the French Enlightenment school
b. Thomas Hobbes' view
c. the American founders view.
Briefly explain , in your own words, the thinking of each.
2.In your own words , explain  why the author thinks understanding human nature matters. 
3. Think about and in a paragraph explain your thoughts on human's nature. Are we basically good or evil? What motivates us etc....

Read New York Times article Police Shootings: Reasonable Fear.
1. Explain in your own words what the police must consider before they resort to deadly force.
2. Summarize the Ferguson Police Department's version of the shooting of Michael Brown.
3. Summarize the Dorian Johnson's version of what happened.
Think about and discuss with your group  your thoughts about the situation. 
Ideas to consider
- What factors need to be known or proven before a judgement can be made?
- Does the policeman's background play a role in this?
- Is Michael Brown's past important?
- What role if any does race play in this ?
- How does the criminal justice system work?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

final project cj

Click on Final Trial Project.View in a new window for the parameters of the project.
Choose a case that is interesting to you and one in which you won't mind spending a lot of time learning about.
These are good places to start looking for a case.
The Following is a list of possible choices. These are cases that students have done in the past. You are NOT limited to only these cases, this list is just to help you focus.
Diane Downes- ( book Small Sacrifices )murder trial for killing children
Thomas Capuano-  Rich DE lawyer murdered ex girlfriend
Ryan Ferguson- tried, convicted of murder, recently found to be innocent 
Murder of Jason Sweeney ( Fishtown PA)
Charles Lindbergh baby kidnaping
Amanda Knox- american college student tried in Italy for killing roomate
Jeffrey MacDonald ( book Fatal Vison)
Ron Cotton - falsely convicted of Rape
Susan Smith -murder trial for her killing children
Conrad Murray - tried for killing Michael Jackson
IRa Einhorn- 1970s hippie tried for killing girlfriend in Phila
Scott Peterson- infamous California Murder trial 
Rae Carruth- NFL wide receiver murder trial
Timothy McVeigh - Domestic terrorist who blew up Oklahoma Federal Building
Jason Sweeney - murder trial of three friends who were tried for killing him
Joel and Ethel Rosenberg- Executed for treason in 1950s 
Lizzie Borden - 1890s case where she allegedly took an axe to her parents
Robert Marshall- (book/ movie called Blind Faith made on case)
Clutter Family murder- (famous book In Cold Blood written on case)
Andrea Yates- insanity trial for killing her 4 children
O.J. Simpson Civil Trial- can NOT do criminal Trial
John Gotti -mob trial
Lyle Erik Menendez - twins tried for killing rich parents
John Allen Muhammad- DC Sniper
Stacey Koon, Theodore Briseno, Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind - Rodney killing beating
Colin Ferguson- shot people on NYC subway then defended himself ( very poorly)
Jodi Arias -murder trial of Mormon Boyfriend
Alexis Simpson- tried for killing college roomate

George Zimmerman- found not guilty of killing Trayvon Martin

Damien Echols- West Memphis 3; three teenagers wrongfully convicted of murder

Drew Peterson- former police officer thought to have killed at least two of his wives

Jerry Sandusky- former Penn State Football coach convicted of multiple accounts of child molestation

Elizabeth Smart - kidnapped and then found
Jaycee Duggard- kidnapped and found 18 years later