Monday, September 12, 2011

Ideas on Government- What is the role of government?

1. Go to Political spectrum quiz
Take quiz. Post a comment on the blog summarizing the results of your quiz.
2. Go to liberal v conservative
Pick any four topics that are of interest to you. Read each competing view. On a piece of loose leaf write your own view of the topic. Explain your view and explain if you are liberal / conservative or somewhere in the middle. Each explanation should be about a paragraph or more in length.


  1. Center-left moderate social authoritarian-Jake Galloway

  2. It said I was a libertarian, and I knew that.

    Ron Paul 2012?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am a right social libertarian, which means I am culturally Liberal but also shows that I am a little conservative on some topics.

    Steve Ferzetti

  5. centrist moderate social authoritarian. I was more right sided outside. I think this means im more conservative than liberal.-Phil McMenamin

  6. You are a left social moderate.
    Left: 3.12, Libertarian: 0.82

    i ended up pretty much being the same thing.
    i favor in other peoples individual rights.

  7. You are a center-left moderate social authoritarian.
    Left: 2.51, Authoritarian: 1.31

    I was more left when we did this activity outside. I expected that I was going to be more toward the left. I think that for some things I'm more liberal and others more conservative.

    -Rachael Scully

  8. The website said I was a left moderate social authoritarian. This was the same thing that I was when we did this activity in class.I kind of already thought that, because I think of the rights of individuals- Shannon

  9. outside I was to the left but for the quiz I was to the right. I think it means that i believe people should be equal and people should have certain rights.

    kelly gamble

  10. Results stated i was a centrist social moderate. left .61, authoritarian .78 which was pretty close to the the political spectrum i was standing in while on the football field. (moderate liberal). Which I some what already knew. Brie Anna Gricco

  11. It had me in the middle of the political spectrum. When we were outside it had me to the right.

    Heather Wilson

  12. Im a center-left moderate social authoritarian. Im more to the left than the right. It matches what I did in class. Renee Rickel

  13. I am a left moderate social authoritarian. When we were outside I was liberal, now I am more conservative. i was more liberal on the culture section and on foreign policy I was more non-interventionalist. I think this means I have more opinions on problems in my country rather than in other countries.
    -Alli Herman

  14. You are a centrist moderate social libertarian.
    Left: 0.61, Libertarian: 1.96
    ... pretty much what I was before.
    -anna natarella

  15. I was A Left Moderate Social Libertarian. I was pretty much in this area on the field too. This means that I am pretty much liberal, with one or two conservative views.

    Obama 2012

  16. I am a left social moderate.
    Left: 3.36, Libertarian: 0.6

  17. The quiz said I am a centrist social moderate, which is similar to where is was in the football field. It might mean in a political view that I am independent.

  18. im center left moderate, the same as outside
    Alexa Bolton

  19. i was a left center-left moderate social authoritan

  20. I am a conservitive and it is a good thing. it was very accurate to the football field test. mike coffey

  21. I am center left moderate social authoritan outside i was more moderate but now i am more convservatitve Anna Gianforcaro

  22. Left: 1.61 Libertarian: 2.14
    Foreign Policy: -7.3
    Culture: -5.79
    The results basically said that I'm a liberal. I'm strongly against war, and I think it is wrong to be closed minded against other cultures.
    Cindy Miller.

  23. I'm a center left moderate social, which was the same as the football field test.

  24. It said I was center left liberal. It was the same on the football field. Nate Demarc

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I said i was more towards the right, free health care and welfare is only going to put us more into debt.
