Thursday, October 20, 2011

Senator, What Political party are you?

Today you will officially pick the political party that you will represent in your role as a US Senator.
Take all three political party quizes:
1. Are you a republican or democrat?
2. What political party are you?
3. What political party is right for you?
After reading the results of the quizes go to an official site of the party that the test said you most closely resembled; democratic party, republican party, Libertarian Party,
Green Party , Tea Party
Post a one paragraph declaration explaining the party you will join
Paragraph must include
a. name of the party
b. an explanation of the major beliefs of that party and why you chose to join it.
c. include any things that you do not agree with


  1. I declare that I will become a member of the Democratic party. I agree with many of their views. One example is their immigration reform views. Democrats want to secure the borders and reduce the amount of illegal immigrants coming into the US. Also, I agree with their ideas on health care. Democrats want to make health care more affordable and make health care available to all Americans even if they have a pre-existing condition.

  2. im in the republican party. they are against abortion and against letting health care cover it.and they are pro business against gov. health care. very pro defense, they are for lower taxes and less government. id join cause im for these things. i am very pro life. i dont really disagree with anything.

    Alexis Augustine

  3. I am going to join the Republican party. I agree with them on abortion, lower taxes and their pro defense spending. However I do not agree with them when it comes to government run healthcare. I am for the government running the government. I also agree with them when it comes to minimal wages. I think they should be kept where they are. Increasing them will hurt buisnesses and hurt the economy even more.
    -alexa bolton

  4. I am part of the tea party. Less government in our lives the best because the American citizens should make their own decisions. Everyone should earn their own health care, no free health care ever. Taxes should not be increased, the government should just stop spending money on things we do not need. Also, taxes should be a flat rate for everything just like how Hermain Kane says the 999 9 percent on everything which will make it easier for everyone to afford these taxes.

  5. The party I joined will be the Republican party. This is a result of their conservatism as most of the current laws I currently agree with and, as a result, should not be modified. I do not believe that welfare should be rewarded to the lazy who do not bother to get a job. The military needs to be strong in order to protect the country. Taxes should not be increased because the people should be able to wisely decide what to purchase. Capital punishment can be used to prevent a waste of tax dollars and cause fear in aspiring criminals. Gun laws are sufficient and I do not agree with the attempt to restrict firearms, thus infringing on the constitution. -Kevin Ng

  6. I am a moderate republican. I associate with mainly republican beliefs such as having small government, not having much welfare, and I am for having a strong military. I also like the fact that republicans are more involved in the business world and the fact that they don't fight for large gun restriction laws. Although I associate mainly with republicans, I have some democratic views such as the fact that I am pro choice and want to legalize. marijuana. A major reason why I side more with republicans is that I don't care much for the environment because I will be dead by the time anything majorly negative happens with the environment.

  7. I am on the republican party. I agree that the government should not run health care. I feel like when the government runs health care that hospitals become full of people and less people get the help that they need. I am also for giving money for the military to make it stronger and to help us be a safer place to live. I am not against abortion like must republicans are, I feel like it's the woman's body and if for some reason she wants to terminate her pregnancy she should.

  8. I am a very moderate Democrat. I agree with both sides, but I am more of a Democrat. I am pro abortion but against taxing of the rich. I am against government health care.

  9. The tests say that i am Libertarian, but I believe that I am a Moderate.
    Major beliefs of the Libertarian party are beliefs that preserve the rights on individuals, and keeps the Government out of citizens lives. They believe the citizens should fend for themselves. Though I am Libertarian, I do agree in Republican beliefs. I am very pro-business, and i believe that taxes should not be raised on those who are successful in life. I do not agree with strong Government involvement.

    Joe Yorke

  10. Based on the political party test, I am a part of the green party. Generally, the Green Party is in favor of non-violence, social justice and respect for diversity. On a separate political party test, I was described as a Republican, but I seem to agree with more of the ideas with the Green Party. Because of these two outcomes, I consider my self a moderate.

  11. I declare that I will join the Republican party. I chose this party because they believe individual achievements. I believe the government should not have too much power over the people. Also the Republican party is against government healthcare. I believe people should earn their own jobs with health benefits. I do not agree with the fact that the Republican party is against abortion, I believe in pro choice

  12. I declare that i am going to be an independent. My views are slightly skewed towards the thoughts of a moderate Democrat. I think though party's are not a good thing and try to get people to think one way. I like the freedom in thinking that being Independent gives. it allows you to do what you think is right instead of worrying about what the party baking you will think. I am very moderate in my beliefs though. - Dan Davidson

  13. The quizzes told me I'm a member of the Republican party. I think I'm more of a moderate though because I agree with some of the Republicans beliefs but also I agree with some of the Democrats beliefs. I don't really think we should have a steady tax rate, somewhat.

  14. I am a Republican. I support the Republican party's views on a strong national defense, less social service spending and taxes, an "all of the above" energy strategy that uses fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable resources. I also believe that the private sector of the economy is wear most, if not all, economic growth comes from. I support school selection to promote competition among schools to ultimately increase the quality of education to compete on a world scale. I believe our health care system is partially flawed, but the government should not control the system and take away from people who already enjoy their care.

  15. Both of the quizzes said that I was a moderate Republican, so I decided to join the Republican group. The Republican party believes in lower taxes, they are anti abortion and against government health care. The only thing I do not agree with in the Republican party is abortion. I think people should be able to have an abortion if they want to. Sometimes, younger people get pregnant and if they do not get an abortion, their lives will be ruined. Abortion should be up to the people, because you never know the way having a baby will effect their lives.

  16. I am a far left-wing republican. I am Pro-Business, so I believe in lower taxes and less governmental control. If we had lower taxes, then good old Capitalism will bring the economy back up. I think we should invest in a strong military but I don't think it should be on top of the list of most important things to do. I am however Pro-Choice; I think a person should have the rights to do anything with their body. I think there should be more State power than Federal.

  17. I am part of the republican party and their major beliefs is anti- abortion in this country and dont believe in it at all. Also another belief is that they are against the goverment's national health care. They also believe in low taxes and believe in a world class system of primary and secondary education. I believe that their should be lower taxes for everyone and as well as a very strong military. I dont agree with how sometimes the big businesses are and how they are run sometimes. Also i dont care about how they run the environment as well when nothing will really happen when we are dead

  18. I am a for neither of the parties i am an independent.i believe in not having government health care which is for the republican party but i believe in Pro-Choice and that a women has a right to her own body and you can not outlaw something like that.I think that that nothing is wrong with the death penalty and that an eye for an eye is okay.I support the republicans views on the military being strong because a nation needs to have a good defense.


  19. I pick the Republican party because i was more conservative view on issues. I believe the government should not have a big role in people lives. Republicans are against abortion. They want to lower taxes on everybody. Very pro defense and pro business. i believe that the government should spend less time on social programs. I believes all these things that they should spend less time on people lives and that they should have higher taxes.

    Anna Gianforcaro

  20. I am going to join the Democratic party. I agree with most of their views. The immigration law. That is to make sure the boarders are watched so no immigrates will come into the U.S. They should have richer people pay high taxes to help out the economy. The rich have the money to give more than other people. Health care should be equal for everyone. That is why I am in the Democratic party.

    Matt Bayes

  21. I fall under the Democrat Party, I fall under the Democrat party because of there views and what they stand for. I fall under Democrat party because they favor farmers, laborers, and labor unions. The Democratic party also oppose unregulated business and finance and favored progressive income tax. Also Democrats are advocating more social freedoms, affirmative action, balanced budget, and a free enterprise.

  22. I declare that I am in the Democratic Party. I am Pro Choice, Pro Union, and I believe in regulations on business and the stock market, and I also believe that we should fix our environmental crisis. The only thing I moderately disagree with is the fact that I think everyone has the equal opportunity to make what they want of themselves, be we should help the ones who are down times and need help with money.
    Mike Barbacano

  23. I am a member of the Republican Party. This particular party believes in the powerful construct of the American system. Helping others around you is necessary and is valued over taxation and forced labor. A small government is better for the people and people know better what to do with their money than the government. Free markets promote business's to use logistical analysis to encourage entrepreneurs to innovate. I disagree with the idea that helping every third world country is a beneficial idea. I'd rather see the government become suitable to protect its own country before helping others.

  24. I am an Independent, having beliefs from both parties. I believe both parties have good ideas on certain things, and bad ideas on others. For example, I feel that everyone should be able to own a gun, have an abortion and generally do what they want without the government telling them what they can and cant do. I also believe that people should not be punished for doing drugs, but for what, if any, crime they commit while under the influence. I basically believe in common sense and personal freedom. We all know what's wrong and we all want our freedom that our founding fathers fought for.

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  26. I declare that I am in the Democratic Party. I do agree that its the right of the people to decide what they want and that the gov. should keep their noses out of it. but i do also agree with a gov. supervisor. A gov. that can look over its citizens and protect them but let the people decide over all what they want. In the terms of taxing the rich, i am against this. some people come out on top better then other and we have no right to take away. On abortion, again i think it should be their choice.

  27. I declare that I'm a member of the Libertarian party. I believe that government involvement should be minimized everywhere for everything. The government should have no say in the lives of the governed and business is not involved. I believe that business should predict the outcome of the country as a whole and those who try to restrict freedoms of people everywhere should be dealt with by the government. I am pro-choice, anti-union, anti-regulation, and anti-tax. I support active militia groups, community involvement in crime reduction and management, and a near unregulated market for free trade to flourish. Businesses are not people, however, and are subject to fines and public humiliation if they break laws. Welfare should help those who fall on hard times only by assisting them to find jobs and providing basic labor jobs for those who have nothing else. I believe government is a game between business and people with government as a referee, only to dish out penalties and promote freedom and fairness. As a referee, you should be anti-biased.

  28. I'm going to join the Democratic party. They fight for the equality of Americans. I think everyone should be equal because we are all human and its not right to judge something for something else that everyone isn't. I just believe everyone is different but should be treated the same way as everyone else.

    -Heather Wilson

  29. I consider myself Republican. To begin I believe that immigration is a huge issue costs our country too much money that is dose not have. I also agree that we should do as much as possible and basically nuke the middle east because I personally think the western civilization is a backwards group of people that wants to eliminate the race I belong to. Not trying to be racist, just realistic. To continue, I disagree with the major use of welfare and social programs because they are a waste of money. I like this quote- "Work hard your whole life, millions of people depend on welfare depend on you." I do agree that gay marriage should be legal but one thing I have to say is that everyone, gay and straight people make a big deal out of their sexuality. I'm completely cool with gay people, but the media tries to push gay rights down your throat, which I think is stupid because sexuality should be personal no matter what you like. The healthcare situation is really screwed up, I don't even know every aspect of it but Obamacare dose not work and basically socialized medicine is not favorable to me. I have to disagree with Environmentalist because I think we should DRILL DRILL DRILL and get our resources because we are sitting on top of a lot of oil, this would bring more money to our country and create more jobs. I'm also against outsourcing because that diminishes American jobs thus creating more people on welfare.

  30. I declare that I am a moderate republican. I support most of the republican views, but I also have some democrat views. I think that taxes should be lowered, and government health care should be improved. I support the American military and i think it is neccesary to be involved in war. I believe that abortion is wrong in some cases, but okay in others. I think that abortions are only acceptable in rape and incest cases.

  31. I fall under the Republican party. This party believes in not having abortions. Pro life. It also believes in lowering the taxes and their very pro defense. I do not agree with giving people welfare because they had a chance to make money and get a good job so they should not get the easy way out.

  32. I am a moderate Republican. I believe in lower taxes for middle and lower class and less government control. I am also anti abortion in most cases. I am democratic in some aspects also. I am pro union and want to protect the environment. I believe in gay rights and higher taxes for the rich. If you earn more money you should pay more to help out the economy.
    Allison Herman

  33. I declare that i am a moderate democrat. I believe that there should be a regulation of business and that there needs to be more economic equality. I also agree with pro choice and pro union. I feel that we should raise taxes on the rich and also cut our spending. I do not agree that there should be gun restrictions, if you want a gun to protect yourself and your family you have the right to own one.

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  35. I am choosing the Libertarian Party because I believe in strong civil liberties, minimal regulation on the free market, and I believe that we should not be involved with foreign countries as strongly as some believe. I think that we should minimize the use of welfare programs because I believe that everyone has an equal chance to get ahead.

    Steve Ferzetti

  36. I am a moderate Republican. I agree with the views of a strong military defense, I am pro death penalty, I am against government run health care, i believe the government should lower taxes, and I am pro business. I also agree with the Republican view on energy which they phrase as "all the above". Some views I disagree with are the rights for abortions. I believe that should be the choice of the person not the government.
    Phil McMenamin

  37. I am going to be part of the democratic party. I chose this party because I feel like I agree with many of their beliefs. I agree with their strong belief in equal rights for all citizens. Also democrats believe that everyone should have some basic security in health care and I agree with that. They also work to prevent the environment.

  38. I was told I was more of a democrat. I guess I'm okay with this because it says that we enjoy our individualism, but we see ourselves as a whole nation. I like that it says democrats fight for equal opportunities for Americans and working families. Democrats fight for civil rights, which I like. Also, their views on health care are sort-of like mine. The democratic party had a law passed in 2010 that held insurance companies accountable for their people-making lower health care costs, expanding coverage options, and providing more quality care for Americans. At this point, I do think we should have universal health care so it is free for everyone and no one will become poor or not have enough money to get treatment. Democrats also believe that the government should be open and accountable to its people, which I completely agree with. I guess the democratic party is a good party for me.

  39. I am a republican because i believe that people should carry guns, that we should get rid of welfare because people are taking advantage of it and are not out working, and that the government should be less involved in our lives.

  40. I am a Moderate Democrat. I believe that the world should be environmentally friendly. I also believe the government should insure economic equality in some ways. I am against abortion, for there is always the choice of adoption. Just because you are unable to take care of your child does not mean that someone else can't provide for your child. I do not agree with higher taxing on the rich because most of them earned their money by working hard. The lazy people the money would be going to do not deserve it.

  41. I have more of a moderate view on government. I agree with the government run health care, but I am against abortion. I believe that our tax dollars should support medical issues for the members of America. I do not believe that they should have places where women are given expensive medicines to kill an innocent baby with our tax dollars. I also agree with the free markets where the Americans provide for the country, not just for themselves or for other countries. I don't think it is right to spend so much money on other countries when we are in so much debt. I think America should tighten their budget and have less taxes on the people.

  42. I would say I am more Democrat. I believe in most of what the Democrats believe in. I think we should have pro choice. What a person want to do with their life is completely up to them, its not fair for others to restrict something against you just because they don't believe in it. I also believe in pro union, if the government was going to cut your income by a mass amount you should be able to retaliate. Also free health care in my opinion would help us. I don't think its fair for people to be able to die because they cant afford treatment. If anyone was in that persons position they would want help, so its unfair and we need to think of others too. Some things I disagree on is higher taxes on Rich. Just because they earn more money doesn't mean they should pay more. Maybe they could make something where the rich had to donate to one charity once a year. I think that would be more effective.

  43. I am stating myself as a independent. I can't stick to any one party because i like ideas and the characteristics of both groups. I think the government should let more people be independent with any and all views they have.

  44. I declare that I am with the Democratic Party. I believe that nobody should be discriminated against just because of their ethnicity for whatever job or school they are applying for. also I believe that same sex marriages should be legal everywhere in America not just a few states. And that abortion should be something for a woman to decide for herself, not the government.

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  46. I fall more towards the moderate republican side. I do agree with the pro business on the republican side. I don't think big businesses are bad and that we should have them in society. I don't think people should get welfare because they already had the opportunity to have an education and make money. Also, I like how they want to lower taxes and against government health care. However, I fall on the Democratic side because I am pro choice 100%. I think citizens should have the right to do anything they want with their body.

    Amy Trinh

  47. I declare that I am Independent. I agree with most of the views of Democrats concerning basic human rights, but I also agree with most of the views of the Republicans concerning the economy. I am mostly in the middle, and I believe that the government needs many changes on both sides, so I cannot declare a specific party.

  48. I am a part of the Green Party, I chose this one because two of the quiz's gave me this as a direct or indirect result, so I guess that is right. The one thing I like about the Green Party is there family and child services views. Also their views on art education. I work in health care and I personally think that universal health care shouldn't be provided for us, that is one thing I don't agree with my party on. Lastly I don't like the rules on immigration, if some one comes over illegally they should be departed and not aloud back over, they should of just tried to apply legally. Other then that I don't really see myself in to much else. The government we have today shouldn't be as involved as they are, this would take a lot of the money situations we are in I personally believe the government has become to corrupt to function and lost it's original moral standards.

  49. I feel like I would be considered an independent despite the quizzes telling me I'm a libertarian. I do believe that everyone should have their rights and that no one should take those away, but the security of having a government is a good thing as well. Though I feel the government should know when to butt out of everyone's personal business such as religion, they should still be there for protection.

  50. I find myself arguing with every different points of each party. there should be smaller level of government, and more power to the people; yet, on the same note people don't generally know what they want, people have showed in the past what works for one doesn't work for all. the Government has been generalizing with everyone, and i believe the government should be more personal with the citizens of this country. people need laws and rules because otherwise anarchy will be in control. people cant be allowed to do whatever they want because they will, its human nature. there should be a balance of government; also, there should be a balance of power when it comes to politicians. Out government is so corrupt, even when people protest their beliefs no one listens. people voices need to be heard, otherwise a revolt or revolution is in our future. our government obviously isn't working, and we need a complete change. our government needs to be as public as possible so the people know what is going on in the country,and the citizens know that the politicians aren't being bought off or sold for bills that will help their political career. i'm going independent for the reason that we need change, and we need to get the corruption and greed out of our government.

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  52. James.

    i think the quizs are all skewed because one said that i was a republican and another said that i was far left wingand the third said that i was a democrat. i think that if a family is in need of support or theres anything a government can help with i think they should step in and help

  53. The results for the first test said that I was a Republican and the second test said I was a part of the Green Party. I believe I am most like the Green Party, not the Republican Party. The Green Party believes in social justice, democracy, ecological sustainability and economic sustainability. The one thing I liked about the Green Party was their belief in protecting families and young children. I also liked their belief in abolishing nuclear weapons and non-violence. They believe "We will work to demilitarize, and eliminate weapons of mass destruction, without being naive about the intentions of other governments." I believe in mostly everything that the Green Party believes and think this party suits me well.
