Friday, March 23, 2012

Senate Committees

Go to the Senate Committees Homepage
Read the About the Committee System Section.
Go back to the homepage
Pick 1 committee that sounds interesting to you or a committee that you may want your bill to be in.
Answer the following in a comment
1. What does the committee do/what is the committee's jurisdiction?
2. Find a bill that came from the committee or is currently posed to the committee and summarize what that bill does.
3. Explain why that bill is in that committee.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Senate Research

Your objective today is to research a current US Senator and find the following information:
Go to for list of all current US Senators
1. What state? and party?
2. List 5 things you think are important to know about the Senator's biography.
3. How many terms has the Senator served?
4. On what committees does the Senator serve?
5. Go to find one piece of legislation that the Senator sponsored or co-sponsored. Find one that makes sense to you and summarized into a few sentences what the bill does.
6. Describe what the current status is on the bill. ( did it pass, fail, in committee, etc..)
7. Go to the Senator's web site and find a current news story that is of interest to you. Summarize into a few sentences the Senator's position on a current issue.
Do all of this in a gmail word document .
8. Finally pick an issue that your Senator feels passionately about and write a 30 sec sound bite, to be delivered in class, writing as if you are that Senator. The sound bite should be written as if your senator is answering a question from a reporter, so give the question then give your 30 sec answer.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Environmental Protection Agency

Read Understanding the Clean Air Act
Read The Negative Impact of EPA Regulations
Post a comment answering the following...
a. What are the benefits of regulating emissions?
b. What are the negative consequences of regulating emissions?
c. Should the government regulate the emissions from businesses?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Inform and recruit

Objective- create a means to inform people about and attract people to the party.

Republican Party
Democratic Party
Tea Party
Libertarian Party
Green Party

What Political party are you?

Senator, What Political party are you?

Today you will officially pick the political party that you will represent in your role as a US Senator.
Take all three political party quizes:
1. Are you a republican or democrat?
2. What political party are you?
3. What political party is right for you?
After reading the results of the quizes go to an official site of the party that the test said you most closely resembled; democratic party, republican party, Libertarian Party,
Green Party , Tea Party
Post a one paragraph declaration explaining the party you will join
Paragraph must include
a. name of the party
b. an explanation of the major beliefs of that party and why you chose to join it.
c. include any things that you do not agree with

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Legislation and lobbying

Read The Federal Minimum Wage Act.
Go to the National Restaurant Association's website. See what they do. Post a 2-3 sentence answer to the question: What does the NRA think about the minimum wage law? Also surmise what possible influence they may have had on the existing law.

Monday, March 5, 2012

read of 2011 Affordable Heath Care Actprovisions
Go to
click on lobbying on the left hand side of the page.Read
click on ranked sectors. Read and look at all the different sectors. Click around.
click on top spenders. read and look around.
Post the following:
- Define in your own words - lobbyist
post a one paragraph comment on the blog explaining one specific interest group and their influence/ interest on legislation.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Universal Health Care

After viewing the movie Sicko we have seen a strong argument for universal health care. Now we will research arguments against the idea of government run health care. Read
Reality check: Canada's government health care system
Read The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care
View John Stossel' Sick in America: Whose body is it anyway part 3/6 and 3/4
Create a list of 7 rebuttals or arguments against government run health care