Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19 Topic Political ads

Read Free-speech debate: Going to court to stop political attack www.thedailyjournal.com/article/20101019/OPINION/10190337
post comment on blog.


  1. The amount of money that big corporations can spend on elections can really unfairly tip the balance of an election. It creates a situation where business can help decide elections. Don't like the court's ruling on this one.

  2. Brittany Holmes

    i think that people do not have the right to make ads that are false. people cannot make up lies and rumors about other candidates because, yes we have freedom of speech and that is fine when people are saying the truth, but we cant falsify information about someone to trash their name . so i think it should be illegal to slander someones name with lies. we should only have freedom of speech with the truth and only the truth.

  3. from what I know, negative ads have been effective over the years. But I don't really watch them because I am not 18..yet..and I can't vote anyway. The attack ads have become more and more vicious towards each other as elections have gone by. I don't think the practice of attack ads should stop because by the outcomes of the election, they seem to have people voting.

  4. Racha Mouawad
    I think that people should be able to desplay any ads they want as long as it does not offend anyone. If shomeone is offended by the ad they should have the right to ask for it to be removed. Also, I do not think they should be spending so much money on ads. The money should be used to help with other causes.

  5. With the subject of freedom of speech, attack ads have really no limitations. But now, more cases are showing up against attack ads and for them to be shut down. Attack ads should not be shut down all together, but should have some limitations to suppress the violence and negative outlook on them.

  6. I think everyone should have freedom of speech but someone shouldn't have the right to advertise something that is not true. Freedom of speech definitely should not be illegal, but people should make sure they have their facts straight before posting anything in public.

  7. Attack ads are becoming more widely used because there is no limit on what they can and cannot say. They seem to get worse during every election, attacking the other candidate to no end. I think attack ads should be limited. People want to see the good, not the bad.

  8. Cody McClintock

    I think thy should be able to say whatever they want in the ads as long as they can back up what they are saying and I think the courts should not get into any of it.

  9. i think freedom of speech is a good thing but i don't think people should abuse this right and make up false ads about people. i don't think freedom of speech should be illegal but i think that there should be some limitations on what people can say about others on things like the tv, radio, newspaper etc.

  10. i agree with brittany. the only things they should be able to say is things that are true and can be found online. like if they voted yes on raising taxes then the opponent should be able to point that out.

  11. So much money is being spent now due to the supreme court decision. Now campaigns are nearly controlled by whoever has the most "dirt" on the other. This is truly getting out of hand, where freedom of speech is stretched to its limits. False ads are the problem, but twisted ads are possibly the worst, where decent politicians may have made a goo decision passing a bill, but small amendments in the bill that really have nothing to do with what is being passed are what they get crucified for. These vicious ads are getting worse and need some type of regulation.

  12. People should not be aloud to make false ads.I think if they have something to say they should only stick to the truth. Although i do agree freedom of speech is something good, if it is given with proven facts and not out to offend anyone

  13. Ryan.L

    I think that everything should be fair game. If they want to attack each other over each one of their ads then so be it. Freedom of speech should apply here. If not then just find another way to put an add out without offending anybody and going to the courts about it.

  14. It is important to have a good campaign when someone is running for an election, yet i feel that it is not that it is not right to have ads on tv or on radio that are false or attacking the other person. yes freedom of speech is an important thing, but people should use positives to help themselves and not negatives to effect others.

  15. In the constitution it says we have the freedom of speech. To me, that means you can say what you please. People are aloud to lie any time during a normal conversation. Why shouldn't they be able to do it in a commercial. It is their right to say what they want and it is unconstitutional to say they can not. If people are concerned about being misinformed about a candidate they can look up the truth.

  16. I think that everyone should have freedom of speech, and that is why the First Ammendment was written in the first place. As long as you're not threatening the President or anyone else in high rank then everyone has different opinions and should be able to express them freely.

  17. Every year, during the month of September to November, America became fill with negative ad attacks due to an election. The ad are made to ruin the candidate, and make sure people do not vote for the candidate.

  18. Americans get freedom of speech as a right, even if people can use it to kill someone's image when running for an election. Freedom of speech is a powerful right to have, but everyone has this right which means anyone has the right to use it to get back at the person using it against them.

  19. I think that attack ads should be allowed if they are true. If they are not true then i think there should be regulations. A politician should have to prove their facts before they post these ads on TV and the internet.
