Friday, March 18, 2011

Committee on Homeland Security

Objective today is to begin work on your bill. The preliminary research that you will be doing will be presented in your committees. To get a better understanding of what committees do go to
Domestic Terrorism Hearings Opens with Contrasting Views on Dangers
Post a comment that demonstrates your understanding of what the purpose of the committee is and then give your opinion of its hearings.


  1. This committee of Homeland Security has discussed topics like Islamic terrorism in the United States. At one point, they met for four hours to discuss Islamic terrorism. The purpose of the committee is to protect American citizens from foreign threats such as terrorism. They have been calling people to testify against terrorism in the Muslim community. They are doing their best to find out if the Muslim community is hindering or helping the war we are at with terrorists. In my opinion, these hearings are good because the purpose is genuine and they are trying to crack down on terrorists that try to disguise themselves as friends to our country.

  2. They are trying to see if Muslims in the community to see who are helping out or even supporting terrorism. They are bringing them in to see weather or not they can get information out of them. I think what they are doing is okay. With the information they are getting could help us on the next attack, if there even is one. I feel like they are subjecting them out because people that are past terrorists are Muslims. Although most don’t know anything about it there could be some that do and it could save us.

  3. This hearing is an information gathering occurrence. It can be said that it is similar to McCarthyism in the 50s, but all that is simple being done, is people are being encouraged to testify any information they know about radical Muslim actions or plans. They are not singling the Muslims due to their religion, they are simply trying to extract information.

  4. I think the purpose of this committee is to find out whether or not muslims are or are not supportive of terrorism and terrorist groups. They question many Mosques, and accuse some of being pro terrorism. There main goal is to make America safer, and make sure there are no hidden or secret spies/informants for terroristic groups in America. They want to gather information about terrorist groups from muslims in America that may know something. They want to catch these people so that they are unable to corrupt any other muslims, and overall keep America safe from terrorism.
    Personally i do not have a problem with it because it will make America a safer place,but if i were a muslim, i think i would be offended and insulted by these hearings. I think that this violates muslims rights of an American Citizen, because the government is socially profiling a certain race. However my standpoint is that it will make all of us safe, but why not, and if you look at it from a different standpoint then you may be offended by what is going on.

  5. The Committee on Homeland Security handles resolutions related to the security of the United States. Purpose of these hearings is that they're information gathering hearings to figure out what the problem is with Islamic terrorism by talking to Muslims to get them to testify.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The purpose of the committee is that the government is investigating the Muslim community to see if Muslims are helping out society with information about terrorism, if they are concealing knowledge of terrorism, or if they are igniting the flame of terrorism and terroristic threats. I believe that these hearings are ethical and helpful and should be done. If by interrogating people who may have information on terrorism helps us we should definitely be able to investigate in order to protect our nation.

    ~cH3l$Ey (Chelsey...)

  8. The purpose of this committee is to figure out how the Muslim community is reacting to the war on terrorism. They are seeing if they are encouraging or concealing information. They are bringing people in and testifying them to find out what they know. I think this is a good effort but flawed because we are stereotyping that Muslims are dangerous just because of events that have happened in the past. It is genuine because they are trying to prevent problems.

    -Michelle Bergeron

  9. The committee is trying to see if muslims in our country are helping us out or supporting terrorism. The purpose of the committee is to gather information to keep us safer. I understand why muslims would be upset but i think if it will keep us safer then I'm cool with it.

    Mike bradley

  10. The guy king wants to have a hearing to find out if muslims are supporting terrorism or are the going against it. He is doing all kinds of research to find out what the relationship is between muslims and terrorists. i feel like this is a good idea to cut down on terrorism but muslims are being subjected because they aren't saying anything about any other race or religion having anything to do with the terrorism just muslims.

    - kelly buchanan

  11. this article is about the war on muslim terrorism. in the article they talk about getting people up on stand to testify wether or not the muslim community is helping us on terrorism or is covering things up that they d not want the u.s. to know.
    i think that this article is surprising because it makes me wonder if the u.s. is in danger even when they think they are being helped. i think they should make everyone involved testify or tell their side of the story.

  12. The purpose of this committee is to monitor terrorism . The bring Muslims in to see if they can get information, such as another attack. some complain that this situation can almost be compared to when the US put japanese people into camps because they were afraid. They are trying to figure out if the muslim community is hindering us or helping us. I feel that muslims will be very offended by this such as Keith Ellison who is muslim and became very emotional during his hearing.--- Keith Greene

  13. The purpose of this hearing is an information gathering hearing. Everyone is scared to talk about the problem because they don't want to be politically incorect. Peter King is taking this problem in his own hand and trying to gather anything he can to see if the Muslim community is helping or hurting the United States. I don't think their is anything wrong with this. They could of just accused the muslim community right away of being a threat to America instead they are trying to gather as much information as possible to make the best decision.
    Kelly S

  14. This committee investigates people of the muslim community. Their goal is to find out if muslims are trying to hide terrorism, end terrorism or tell people about it and gather more terroristic troops. They want to find out what the muslim community is up too. I personally feel that yes, it is a controversial way of doing it but it needs to be done. would you rather bother a couple of people or naively just allow terrorism to expand within our country. We need to do something about it and if this is the best way to get it done then yes I agree with the decisions of the committee.

  15. The purpose of this committee of homeland security is that they are discussing topics like terrorism in the US. THe committee is trying to decide if Muslims in our community are helping out here or supporting terrorism. THey brought people in for questioning and to gather some information on this. In my opinion, this is right to do because we are just trying to figure out information that could help on a terrorist attack.

  16. The Homeland Security Committee is working to see if any muslims in our communities have anything to do with or know about terrorism. The chairman of the committee is Peter King and the main question he brought to the table was whether or not Muslims cooperate with law enforcement. The committees purpose is to ask questions and gather information about terrorism. I think it is a good idea because there is a possibility that they could find important things out but i also understand why people are against it.

  17. the hearings are being held to see if the government can find any additional information of "homegrown terroists." basically, the muslim community is being qurestioned on the citizenship; the government thinks that there are terrorists that are plotting against the united states , on our on soil. the committee is trying to make sure that there aren't terrorists plotting to attempt another terroristic attack on the united states. i feel that what the committee is doing isn't right. they can't just start to question the muslin religion because of what hapened 10 years ago. I understand that they are scared but now we are starting a huge conflict because we're scared, scared of thoughts and assumptions.

    -chris drass

  18. The homeland security committee discusses topics like Islamic terrorism. The article is about one event where the committee met to gather information and discuss Islamic terrorism. The committee has been having people testify against the terrorism in the Muslim community. Their goal is to find out if the muslim community is helping or hurting the United States and our current war on terrorism. I believe that these hearings are helpful in trying to find terrorists but they are also stereotyping Muslims in regards to terrorism.

  19. The Homeland Security committee is about Congressional oversight of Homeland Security. They propose legislation only about Homeland Security such as; border security, counterterrorism, cybersecurity, and emergency response.

    The hearings of radicalization of Muslims is about how HS is pulling Islamic citizens to get information about terrorist plans against the United States. The debate is primarily about waiving American rights. There is a great division between the committee. ಠ_ಠ

  20. The committee is getting information from the Muslims to see if they are causing problems or if they are being helpful. The hearing was about weather or not the Muslims are law-abiding people that are becoming unfair targets or if they are ignoring radicalization.
    In my opinion, i think that the Muslims are being unfairly targeted. Like Dr. Jasser stated, “The truth is that Muslims are just as independent, just as feisty, just as concerned about safety,” i think that they should not be targeted, although it would be safer just to make sure of things.

  21. This committee is debating weather the islamic Muslim community in the United States are undercover terrorists that is posing a threat to the citizens of the United States. Critics are saying that this is a revival of McCarthyism. I don't think we are wrong for cracking down on terrorism for the safety of the country. If someone is suspected of being a terrorist they should be tried.

  22. The purpose of the committee is trying to find out if the world of Muslims is either helping or ruining the world today of terrorism. It is an informational hearing that is going to call everyone in the government to testify to see if there is an actual problem with the Muslims in the community. They need to see if the world today actually feels that the Muslims are a threat to our society. I personally feel that it is wrong to single out all Muslims, only because some have no threats at all to our society, or in our world of terrorism. Though on the other hand I can see why some people question them only because of the past terrorist threats we had with them.
    Chelsea Savage.

  23. Mr. King and the rest of his committee are trying to figure out whether or not the Muslims are helping or hurting the terrorist cause. So they are having hearings to get information and i feel that this is very needed to get the work done that needs to be completed.

  24. i think what the committee is doing is right. they are trying to gather information about muslims and terrorism to prevent terrorism and stop it. even though the muslims are offended and insulted, it is all for a good cause so america can be more safe

  25. The purpose of this committee is to find terrorists and islamic extreamists that are living in America. But the committee was made so that there is a fair trial and a fair system to questioning. They are making sure that they are not accusing anybody on false pretenses. My opinions on these hearings is that i think it is a good idea. If we know that there are terrorists and terror groups operating out of are country why not do something to stop that. Islams are being targeted because the majorty of terrorist are islamic. opposing arguments are that the islamic comunities already help turn in terrorist. but if they have nothing to hide then why do they care about the trials, and in addition it may presure more islamics to give information about terrorists.

  26. the committee on homeland security's job is to keep america safe from foreign threats. recently, the committee has been holding hearings that are investigating muslims contributions to the war on terror. they are trying to figure out if muslims are helping the american government and giving them useful information or if they are against the government and raising terrorists in america and supporting terrorism. i think that it is good that the committee is doing this because they are taking precautions and doing everything they can to keep america safe.
