Thursday, September 1, 2011

Role of Government and Hurricane Irene

Read Hurricane Irene: New Yorkers prepare for 'historic hurricane' post a comment of one paragraph ( min 5 sentences on the article). Your post should focus on the ideas of what is the role of government in this situation and how much blame should the government face if a Katrina type "government failure" happens. Also comment how much personal responsibility should people have in a situation like this. Sigh the posting with your full name.


  1. The government needs to make sure everyone is safe. They need to get everyone to leave the area. The government should face a lot. They need to let everyone know what is happening. Also, even if they don't know just to be safe they need to make everyine leave, so the government is not a failure. If they didn't tell anyone to leave and something bad happen it's their fault. The people should be resonsible for leaving their homes and finding somewhere else to go. If they couldn't find a place there are shelters around for them to go and be safe. Anna Gianforcaro

  2. In a situation like this, the people are just as responsible as the government. While the government can tell people to evacuate, it is the people's job to take it to the next step and get to a safe location. The government is right in the fact that they shouldn't punish people for ignoring evacuation orders since it's just trying to protect citizens. It is also important to do more than just tell people to leave, many preparations need to be made such as food arrangements and shelter. All in all, it is a group effort to stay safe in a situation like a hurricane. Mike Capuano.

  3. I do not think it is the governments entire fault. I believe people should've listened to the evacuation orders because thegy new this storm was coming. But I also blame the governement for not being perpared. They knew the storm was going to be big and they should've had rescue on hand. The government should take about half the blame for something like this. Alexa bolton.

  4. It is the government's job to warn people about potential disasters such as Irene. But it is up to the people to choose to either follow the instructions given or to disobey them. If the government fails to prepare society for a disaster, clearly the blame will be placed on them. Although, the people will be at fault if they refuse to obey government orders. Natural disasters are no one's fault, but the way they are dealt with can either be good or bad.

  5. The government is responsible for protecting people during a natural disaster. However, try as they may, without the cooperation of the citizens, this can't be achieved. Still, the government has to provide support for the people. Back in 2005, when hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, the government provided little to none help to the people. They should had provided rescue parties, providing food, water and shelter. Likewise, if the citizens refuses to listen to the government's warnings or accept their help, then it is the people's fault. The government is there to help the people, but whether the people choose to accept it or not is entirely up to them.

  6. The government wanted to proactive not reactive and keep everyone safe. You can't be 100% sure that your gonna be safe if you don't evacuate. It's better that the government made people who are flood prone evacuate because even thought the storm wasn't that bad you can't predict mother nature. I think the goverment did what was right by making people leave. I'm glad hurricane Irene wasn't as bad as was because it could've been a lot worse.

  7. The government's job is to protect people and make sure that all possible safety precautions are met. This includes issuing evacuation orders and putting the necessary aid where it needs to be like food and shelter. It is then the people's responsibility to take care of themselves by either listening to the orders issued by the government, or proceeding their own way at their own risk. Government was right to not penalize disobedient people, but people should heed all the advice and support the government can offer. Government and Federal aid should be there to fall back on, but they should not be a primary crutch.

  8. In the case of a natural disaster, the government is responsible to warn its people. It must attempt to protect the people and their property. However, such an attempt has to be met halfway. If the people refuse to take a threat as serious as Irene, then the government can only do so much and the people are to be blamed. The only scenario in which the government can be accounted for the failure of protection is if the government suddenly believed that the magnitude was of little impact and ignored it.

  9. The government should not be blamed for anything. They can't really stop a force of nature as much as some people think they can or think that they should be able to. They act like Hurricane Irene was a terrorist and the government failed to stop her attack. The best the government can do to prevent deaths is warn everyone to evacuate and set up shelters with supplies. If people choose to not leave their houses then it's on them. The government shouldn't be blamed if someone chooses to stay with their house and possessions but end up dying because they were stubborn. If this happened in a different place, the east coasters probably wouldn't even care that the government didn't save everyone. Most if not all of the deaths are basically a personal blame situation.--Nick Komorowski

  10. In a situation like this one the government needs to do everything in their power to make sure that the citizens of this country will be safe. With that said though, the citizens of the eastern coast need to prepare themselves and make sure that they will be safe. A person should not and could not rely entirely on the government to secure their well being. If a disaster happens the government cannot be the only ones blamed. The responsibility should be on each individual to do what they need to stay safe and secure.- Dan Davidson

  11. The government evacuated some 250,000 of New York's people, and warned them that the "might die" if they didn't leave. The government informed people that they should not attempt to swim in the sea and urged everyone to remain indoors. The government took appropriate precautions to protect the people on the west coast against the destructive hurricane approaching. They shouldn't get blamed for everything that happens, although some things they didn't enforce. They gave people 24 hours to evacuated their homes, but when people didn't listen the fines that should have been given were not put into effect. The government should have gave out the fines to the people who ignored he mandatory evacuation, but didn't so they should be responsible for the anyone who were injured that stayed. The government shouldn't be the only ones blamed because the people on the west coast that ignored the evacuation warnings should have taken the responsibility of protecting themselves and listening to the government, but instead they stayed putting their lives in danger and possibly other as well. --Cristina Martin
