Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Federal Minimum Wage Act

Read The Federal Minimum Wage Act.
Go to the National Restaurant Association's website. See what they do. Post a 2-3 sentence answer to the question: What does the NRA think about the minimum wage law? Also surmise what possible influence they may have had on the existing law.


  1. The NRA thinks minimal wage is an ineffective way to reduce poverty. They believe restraunets are having to shut down, reduce employees and their hours and increasing their prices. The NRA could have an effect on the minimal wage amount and rules. They probably fought to keep the wage low and make requirements so that certain circumstances, minimal wages do not apply.
    Alexa Bolton

  2. The NRA doesn't like the minimum wage law because they think it is an ineffective way to reduce poverty and it gives the business owners tough decision with staff hours and price increases. They may have influenced the law by getting the government to keep the minimum wage from increasing a lot more than what it did.

  3. The National Restaurant Association believes that the minimum wage law is hurting restaurants because they have to raise prices or cut workers to make up for the raises. I think that the NRA had influence in making the minimum wage law for restaurants at $2.15 if you are able to get tips. The law says your employer much pay u a low wage according to how many tips you receive a night it just has to equal out to $7.25 an hour.

  4. The NRA is ultimately against raising the minimum wages. They claim they do not want it raised because they have to cut jobs. They must cut jobs because they must be able to pay their employees the high wage. If the wage was lower they could hire more employees, creating more stable jobs.

  5. They think the law is largely negative in the fact that it eliminates jobs because it gives each individual person a higher pay. They feel if the wages are lower, they can higher more people per business therefore creating a larger opportunity for potential workers. They probably made huge attempts to decrease the minimum wage to saves themselves money.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The NRA believes that the minimum wage should not be increased, and can be inferred that they do not even want a minimum wage law. They feel that an increase of the minimum wage causes restaurant owners to eliminate jobs and is an overall ineffective way to eliminate poverty. The NRA could have influenced the law to have a lower increase instead of an originally planned increase. -Kevin Ng

  8. The NRA believes minimum wage is ineffective. It is possible for them to have a say in the amount of minimum wage, and qualifications of minimum wage. The NRA I think would be for keeiping the minimum wage low.

  9. The National Restaurant Association probably does not want to have to abide by the minimum wage. They probably were the reason for restaurants being able to pay less than minimum wage. It is better for them to have the workers tips pay for their salary instead of the company giving them money.- Dan Davidson

  10. The NRA is against the minimum wage law and believe that it is an ineffective way of eliminating poverty. By increasing minimum wage, business owners struggle to send out payments and will greatly effect their business in the long run. The NRA could possibly influence the government to lower minimum wage, arguing that more jobs will be lost than gained.

  11. The NRA wants to stop minimum wages from increasing and to lower it. They claim that an increase in labor cost means fewer jobs for entry-level workers. The NRA try to find ways for business to pay their workers less by setting up certain condition, where they can do so. Most conditions are targeted towards younger workers, students, disabled and those who earn "tips"

  12. The NRA is ultimately against raising the minimum wages. They think the law is largely negative in the fact that it eliminates jobs because it gives each individual person a higher pay.I think that the NRA had influence in making the minimum wage law for restaurants at $2.15 if you are able to get tips.

  13. the nra is against minimum wage laws, they believe its not an effective way to get rid if poverty. but if you raise it, its only going to hurt businesses, it will eliminate jobs and wont help with poverty.

  14. THe NRA is completely against the minimum wage law and raising it any higher then it already is. Resturaunts say that it is causing them to have to higher their prices and cut back on workers leading to many probems. It is not a good way to reduce poverty. They are most likely the reason that minimum wage is not higher then it is and that it is not used for things such as resturaunt workers who make tips.

  15. The NRA thinks that minimal wage will reduce poverty in the world. They believe that most restaurants are having problems with their place. They would have to cut staff hours and maybe lose business because no one will be able to work. The NRA could be things that business could do to stay open. They could hire more people and play less that minimal wage,but no one would work for less sometimes. They also could raise minimal wage to help too, but you can not have much staff.

  16. The NRA opposes any further federal or state mandated increases in the starting wage. The NRA thinks an increase in labor costs means fewer jobs for entry level workers. The restaurants might have a possible influence on workers that earn tips. I think the possible influence they have is when the law says that you make at least $2.13 an hour if you get a cash tip and if your tips plus cash wages do not equal at least $7.25 per hour, your employer must make up the difference.

  17. The NRA( National Restaurant Association) is believing that the new minimum wage law that was just introduced a couple of years ago is effecting restaurants everywhere due to raising the prices and laying off workers as well. Also, the minimum wage for a restaurant is $2.15 and with tips included should equal out to $7.25 an hour

  18. The NRA is against the minimum wage law. They believe it is an ineffective way to fight poverty and hurt the restaurant business by making them cut employes hours. The NRA would have wanted a lower minimum wadge so the restaurants could create more jobs and not have to raise their prices.

  19. The NRA hates the idea of minimum wage because it is hurting the restaurant business. They have to cut jobs to pay their workers and restaurants are being closed. The NRA had an effect on making the minimum wage a law for restaurants. They could pay more employees and hire more people.

    Anna Gianforcaro

  20. The NRA thinks that the minimum wage law is not benefiting restaurants in the long run. This law is hurting restaurants because they now have to make choices with workers hours and raising prices. If you raise it, it still wont help poverty.

  21. The NRA thinks that raising the minimum wage will help but it will end up hurting instead of benefiting. The minimum wage being raised will help reduce poverty by workers making more money, but it can hurt restaurants by creating a bigger expense budget. Restaurants will resort to laying people off because they can't afford to pay higher wages, or they will increase prices to make up for there profit margin, and increasing prices can resort to loss of customers.

  22. The NRA believes the minimum wage law is not working and they do not want it. They think that if you raise the pay, then companies will have to cut jobs because they do not have enough money to pay everyone. If the wages were lower, then companies can higher more people and create more jobs. They probably tried to influence the government by only raising minimum wage a little bit to keep companies from having to cut jobs.
    Nate DeMarcantonio

  23. The NRA doesnt like anything about minimum wage. The NRA also wants to lower the wage. The lowering of mini wage would cause more jobs open.

  24. The NRA is not in favor of the minimum wage law. They think that is in ineffective in reducing poverty. The most likely influenced the law for having tip plus hourly rate equal to at least $7.25 and if not then it must be covered by the employer.
