Tuesday, December 20, 2011

stock presentation

The goal of this project is to determine factors that have influenced the price of your best and worst stocks.
Create a powerpoint on gmail.
Slide 1 - this slide must contain an explanation of the stock that made you the most money
Visual representation of the company w/ explanation of what it does. Be precise.
-include purchase price- current price- and net gain.
Slide 2 - research and explain factors that may have caused the gain.
- creative visuals are encouraged.
Slide 3-4 do the same for your worst stock.
When completed place powerpoint in the bush hand in folder

Monday, December 19, 2011

Read Household Debt article. Post a 2 sentence comment that summarized the article and gives your opinion of the problem.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gdp- and the "Great Recession"

Read Great Recession to understand the facts and statistics behind the "Great Recession"
Then do the following:
1. Pick out any 4 stocks and answer the following questions about those stocks.
2. What was the stock's price in January 2008?
3. What was the stocks price in Dec 2008?
4 . What was the Price in June 2009?
5. What is the Price today?
Finally after researching 4 companies answer the following question
6. How do you think the data you collected on these stocks played a role in the Great Recession?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Supply and demand

A. Read article that analyzes Walmart and Target's stocks. Answer the following questions:

1. According to the a article which companies are taking away market share from Walmart on low end items?
2. In what areas does Walmart face market share competition from Target?
3. Why does the author feel good about the future for Walmart's Stock?
4. What does he say about the future for Target's Stock? Why?
do research on current companies and find articles that examine the effects of supply and demand.
B. Do handout on supply and demand.

Read basics about supply and demand Worksheet.
C. do handout. Then go to ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY on worksheet( above) and research two articles and follow directions

Friday, December 9, 2011


1. Read about the Laws of Demand. What are the 5 factors that can influence demand?
2. Watch ABC News look at Starbux. Summarize into a paragraph the news report's conclusions about the starbux's decline and resurgence .
3.-Search current news articles to find a recent example of 3 of the factors that effect demand for a product.( as explained in the above article.)
- Summarize each current example into 2-3 sentences.
example: The demand for iphones 3G (sales of) has dropped in recent months because of the rumors of the new 4G iphone that have been circulating on internet chat rooms. Rumors abound about a waterproof 4g phone that has a battery with twice the life.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Walmart- Target Stock Analysis

Read Excerpt from La Times review of the Walmart Effect. Set up a T chart. On one side of the chart list Positive effects of walmart- on the other side list negative effects of Walmart. List at least 10 effects in total. (one side will probably have more effects than the other.)

Read article that analyzes Walmart and Target's stocks. Answer the following questions:
1. According to the a article which companies are taking away market share from Walmart on low end items?
2. In what areas does Walmart face market share competition from Target?
3. Why does the author feel good about the future for Walmart's Stock?
4. What does he say about the future for Target's Stock? Why?