Monday, December 19, 2011

Read Household Debt article. Post a 2 sentence comment that summarized the article and gives your opinion of the problem.


  1. It talks about all the debt that the actual citizens have and how it impacts the economy. I think that if people would stop spending what they don't have and only spending what they do have it would greatly help the economy. They need to stop using their credit cards and making large purchases that they can't afford

  2. Not a whole lot of household recovery is going to occur if we're dealing with a bought congress. As soon as the government returns to dealing in matters of the people for the people, real recovery will occur.

  3. This article is talking about the increasing debt in America. It is saying that the government needs to find a solution for the debt for the people who own homes, cars, etc. I think that the government needs to step in and make something happen to help the economy.

  4. This article talks about the effect debt has on the economy and households. In my opinion, people should get rid of their credit cards. Save up as much of their money as they can and not spend it on unnecessary products.

  5. where you live should not determine the price of you r house, mortgage, etc. I believe the government has money to get us out of debt but is holding back like many people think because they always want to be ready for wars, natural disasters, etc.

  6. When household debt increases. Families cut back on spending to reduce payments. Large debt decreases credit score. I think this problem is whats causing the financial crisis. Low credit restricts people from purchasing any products.

  7. The article talks about how much debt the U.S is in. In the past couple of years, debt for households increased by trillions. They said that the debt is the worst its been since the Great Depression.

  8. This article is saying the government needs to do something to help boost up the economy. Which i agree, they need to find something that will help the economy grow.

  9. This article is all about the debt america is struggling in today. I think the government is holding back the money to use for other purposes they find more important. The government should help people get out of debt if they have the ability too.

  10. The writer is talking about how policy makers need to create a good program to try to lower household debt and lower interest rates. I agree with lowering those things and I don't see how hard it is to lower the rates, but it seems like it's not working very well.

    Julia Malseed

  11. The article basically is stating how everyone needs to stop being so thick headed with their views on where we need to be spending our money, and we need to apparently start by fixing the housing market and it's debt. I do believe that we need to stop arguing; however, I'm quite hesitant on this idea because if we do need the interest rates to go lower than 0, it is impossible to do so unless substantial inflation happens. In other words, it won't be easy to work on this and might not even work anyway.

  12. I think borrowing money is a big factor in the economic problems our country faces. The interest rates are very high for buying homes and cars and people get stuck paying them and get buried in debt.

  13. This article talks about how the debt increase in America. I think people should not spend money on luxury items; therefore, it is greatly effecting the economy. The government should make a move and help the economy.

  14. The article talks about people that are in debt from buying houses, cars etc. I think people try to buy more then they can afford. If people buy what they know they can afford there would not be a problem. People should stop using credit cards because they do not realize how much they are spending and then they cannot pay it back. The government should step in and try stopping these problems by keeping more people out of debt.

  15. The main idea of the article was to inform the reader about how household debt can contribute to the state of the economy. Personally I think that household debt can cause a great problem in the economy because people are less willing to spend on luxury items. However, this is not the only problem concerning household debt and the housing market.

    Steve Ferzetti

  16. The article is talking about how household debt has increased and the effect that is having on the economy. It talks about how the government should try to fix the problem. I believe that the household debt is playing a big role in the economy, and that we need to find a solution to the problem.

  17. Household debt is one of the reasons why we are still in such a bad economic state. The government ad the banks need to make it easier to homeowners by giving them more money instead of them having to foreclose on their homes. - Mike Barbacano

  18. the article is about how the solution to the growing economic problem is more spending on the peoples part. this is very true. but when the people save, their money doesn't circulate.this is not the only factor, government greed and company cutbacks are also hurting us.

  19. The article was about how the government needs to focus on rebuilding the housing market and how having lower interest rates will make people buy new cars or buy a house. I think that it is a good idea to lower interest rates because if people don't have to pay more for a car or house, than that will make them more likely to buy a car or house and that will stimulate the economy.

  20. The article is talking about how in debt America is. It is saying we need to come up with a program to lower debt and interest rates. I think we should do this because it will help the economy and the citizens.

  21. JAMES BROWN- people are spending up in more debt because they are spending money that they dont have. Thats why people are in so much debt so they cut back on spending.

  22. This article is about america's debt. I think it's the governments and the peoples fault. I think people should buy more stuff they can afford, instead of overspending with credit cards to buy things that they can't but i also think the government should be working harder to help get us out of debt.

  23. This article is about how when the recession started it raised household debts and eventually lead to destroying our economy. We need interest rates to go negative so it will boost our economy, but our currency now prevents that from happening. I agree with this because we should do anything we can to boost our economy.

    Ed Lawless

  24. The debt we are in is increasing. It talks about the long debate the dem and rep's are in over what would make the economy stronger. It also talks about how the costs of homes are dropping and the amount of people who's homes are getting for-closed on is rising and household debt in general is larger then it's ever been. So far there's no relief or programs set up to help fix this problem and it doesn't seem like the design of one will be easy to establish yet.

  25. The economy's debt has reached its point similar to the Great Depression; he debt went from 7 trillion to 14 trillion just from 2001-2007 alone. People need to stop spending unnecessary money if they know they do not have it to pay back, and the Gov't should be helping so that the economy's debt will be lowered.

  26. One of the major reasons we are in such a bad position economically is due to household debt. The government needs to work with people by making it easier for them to pay off houses instead of foreclosing everything. ymcmb gucci

  27. This article is about Ameirca's debt. I think the major reasons America is so in debt is because everyone overspends their money, and the government does hardly anything about it. People shouldn't overspend money, it isn't worth it in the long run.

  28. This article explains the increasing debt in America. It says that the government needs to find a solution for the people in debt who own homes, cars, and such. I believe that the government needs to make a drastic change to out economical debt or we could have a major crisis on our hands. TGOD

  29. The amount of household debt that america is in is very high. It is one of the reason that we are in such bad shape as a country. It talks about creating programs to try to lower household debt and lower interest rates. I think the government needs to help people out and fix the situation.

  30. The article explained how one of a major reasons we have a bad economy is because of household debt. I think people over used money that they did not have and they borrowed too much and now everyone is panicking.

  31. the article is about the increasing debt in america. everyone over spends their money and buys things they dont need. they help put themselves in debt. if we stop over spending all of our money our debt wouldnt be so high.

  32. The article explains how high interest rates are hurting the economy. The government either needs to do something to help this, or people ned to become more educated in how to spend their money.

  33. The article describes that the United States debt is increasing and solving the household debt will not be easy. I think we need to make it easier for others pay off the houses and let them keep their homes instead of kicking them out, leaving the houses on the market with no one to buy them because we are already in debt with a bad economy.

  34. The current problem with the economy today is addressed in this article. At the height of economy, many people were using credit more often then ever. They were buying cars and houses that they had no way to pay for, and it backfired when the market crashed. The government was doing a poor job regulating such transactions and is now face with the challenge of bring back the economy.

  35. This article talks about people who are in debt and how the debt keeps on increasing. when the recession started it raised debts. i think it will be hard to fix because people keep on buying things they don't need and keep on buying things they don't have money for which keeps causing us to go in debt more and more.
    Anna Gianforcaro

  36. This article explains how bad the economy is towards the household debt. The household debt is too high for the americans. I think the government need to step in and help out this this problem.

  37. The economy is at one of its lowest points, the reason for it being so low is due to household debt. People are spending money that they can't pay back. I feel as if the government should step in more and actually help people with paying off their houses and paying off items so we don't end up in the debt were in now.

  38. The main idea of the article was to inform the reader about how household debt can contribute to the state of the economy.It says that the government needs to find a solution for the people in debt who own homes, cars, and such.think people over used money that they did not have and they borrowed too much and now everyone is panicking. I think that the government needs to step in and make something happen to help the economy.

  39. This article basically says that in order for the economy to be boosted, the consumers need to see lower interest rates on loans. The high interest rates on loans are driving consumers away from getting a loan therefore they aren't spending any money. I think banks should drop their interest rates a good amount because it will attract a lot more people and banks will still be making a large amount of money due to the large amount of people taking out loans.

  40. Americas household debt is incredibly high, which is a factor in our country's economy. I believe that people should be more educated in their personal financing and how a big loan may affect their other spending costs.

  41. This article explains how America has alot of debt. It says how bad in debt people are from their homes and cars. The government needs to help the people out of large amount of debt that Americans have.

  42. This article summarizes the reason for debt in America. One of the main causes for our increasing debt is the inability to pay for their homes and cars. The government needs to make some major changes in order for our economy to get back to normal.

  43. The article talks about the current economic status and why we are struggling because of inflation. They also talk about how the government cant agree on something to help get america out of debt.

  44. The article talks about the increasing amount of debt in the United States. Household debt is currently at its highest since 1929, the beginning of the Great Depression. This ties along with people wanting to buy things they cannot afford, and they take out monstrous loans to buy houses, cars, and other credit based purchases. It is one of the main reasons for the sluggish economy, and it needs to turn around.

  45. The debt is a cause of frivolous spending on household goods and that solving this problem is a difficult task. I agree with the article and that even though the way to solve it is to simply stopping indulging in unnecessary items, it is difficult to make people practice it. -Kevin Ng

  46. One of the many reasons that the United states is in a very bad position economically due to the household debt, and also the debt went from 7 trillion to 14 trillion just from 2001-2007 just alone. People need to stop spending money on unnecessary things. The government needs to fix the economy's debt so that it will be lowered.

  47. This article is saying that our countries household debt is very high and it is a big reason as to why our countries economy is doing so bad. People have to stop over spending on items that they cannot afford, and the government has to do something to change the increasing debt in our country.

  48. people need to see lower interest rates on the loans they receive. The high interest rates on loans are pushing people away from getting loans therefore they aren't spending any money. I think the banks should lower their rates so people can use their loans to make more jobs and money to throw back into the economy

  49. The article was about the amount of debt in the United States; household debt is at it's highest since 1929. Americans need to stop buying things they can't afford, and the government needs to lower interest rates in order to help the household debt in this country.

  50. so this article is giving you good knowledge on how the macroeconomics business is doing. This also explains how pumping money and taking money out and dropping and increasing interest rates on companies can even bring up the economy because people would buy more with a low interest.
