Friday, May 25, 2012

Read Household Debt article. Post a 2 sentence comment that summarized the article and gives your opinion of the problem.
Try to balance the federal budget by playing the budget game.


  1. The article is mostly about the recession in the United States and ways to solve the economic stress for everybody. Its a bad thing that we are in such a big debt now, all i have to say is legalize Marijuana and the country will be back on their feet in no time.

  2. I think that most common american families are very greedy and all try to one up the person they have living next to them. think that jealously plays a major role in household debt and stupidity by the people of the house for not know how to manage their money in a productive way.

  3. The article says that the reason for the inability to have a normal macroeconomics system anymore is due the people and there bad budget planning, but it is hard to keep up with budget planning when prices are so high and ridiculous. I just think the hwole country likes to spend spend spend, people and government, and its caught up with us, it is not some deep thing we ahve to research into.

  4. This article talks about one of the main reasons we are in a recession, which is because of household debt. I believe that this is one of the main reasons because people continue to spend beyond their means.
    Zalaya Johnson

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This article is about the struggling housing market. It stats that morgage companies have allowed the debt get so high through interest rates. It also talks about how people hae out themselves their through bad money managment

  7. The debate on economic policy has two sides. The right, who thinks the government is holding back an economic recovery and the left who thinks the opposite. That we need more public spending. This article basically says to stop focusing on these two sides and go to the root of the problem. I just think that that isn't such an easy task because people have their own opinions on how the economy can be helped so those sides won't go away. The only way to fix the economy is to find a real developed solution, not a theory or opinion.

  8. from what the article said, it was about how the housing market is doing bad. it said the housing market in 2001 to 2007 was the worse it has been since the great depression. i think we need to increase our budget to help the housing market

  9. This article was mainly about the recession and how household debt plays a huge part in it. Policy makers aren't focusing enough on the household debt problem. I agree with what the article is saying that there could be a solution to the problem if we pay more attention to it.

  10. This article puts housing debt at the center of the country's economic problems because the debt from housing is the worst that it has ever been. I think that this is a real problem for America because it is hurting so many people. I think the government should try to figure out a plan to help lower the amount of debt.

  11. i believe that the reason we are in so much debt is because of all the spending we do on high priced goods because we always want the newest and most cutting edge thing out there no matter how much it may cost and that is a huge problem when we do not budget properly. if we never learn to properly budget we will never get out of this hole we are digging ourselves.

  12. Household balance sheet is the main factor for the recession and weakness in the economy. During the great depression is when the household balance was the worst. If people change their household debt or manage how they would be able to buy things we would not be in a weakness. The better everyone begins to manage their money, the better the world would be and the less debt everyone would be in.

  13. the article is about household debt. I think we are in debt because people spend to much money on expensive pointless stuff that they really don't need. and I think people should buy necessities before the go spending money on stuff that they don't need. the rising prices also doesn't help because people are still going to find a way to buy what they want whether they can afford it or have to use a credit card.

  14. The article is about America's debt, what led up to it and what we can do to fix it. We are in so much deb right now and we are not focusing on where the problem started, we are too focused on everyone's opinion, what side they're on and how we can please everyone. Trying to please everyone is not a good way to go about it, we need to think of a logical solution that will get us out of debt fast.

  15. In todays society people have bad budget planning, they don't know how to spread out their money so they can cover coast and still save money. People today a greedy the money they do save they just store it away and dont spent a dime. we cant be doing this the more you save you can spend and put into our economy to help get us out of this debt, the more money we spent and put back into the U.S the better we are.

  16. It's summarized that many Americans are in household debt. We are in a cycle in which personal expenses decrease while interest rates increase during the recession. A way of reducing household debt would be decreasing interest and increasing personal expenses. But if this happens, their will be an inflation. I think there is no way to get out of the recession quickly like everyone wants. Household debt will slowly decline, but will always remain. People just need to learn how to handle their financials better and be able to maintain a job.

  17. This article talks about the increasing struggles to maintain a strong macroeconomic system. It gives us reasons to believe this such as poor budget planning, and poorly-planned individual household spending. I believe, however, that the main problem is people spending money that they cannot afford in order to appear to be the superiors of their area. Through the use of credit cards, loads, etc, we are buying more than we can afford, which is causing everyone to end up in debt. Everyone needs to realize the amount of money they can afford in their household, that's it. This issue isn't as complex as it's being made out. It seems to me that the only major problem is that people are paying for things without having the money readily available and secure.

  18. This article is about how one of the main reasons for the weak economy is household debt, meaning citizens are spending to much money that they don't have. The article explains how as recessionary environments arose so did household debt, while everything else was negatively impacted. I believe that the reason behind household debt is due to individual spending, citizens were being loaned money they couldn't pay back. While debt was increasing and money was tight, everything else remained the same keeping up with the economy until it eventually collapsed from being unstable.
