Monday, February 25, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

View Colbert interview Gun Control lobby
Have students view 60 minutes piece on Jack Abrahamov
Have students answer the following questions
1. What was Jack Abramov's job? Explain what he did for his clients in detail.
2. Give an example of how he was able to get around Congressional rules about givng money to congressmen.
3. Give your thoughts on lobbist.
Read text 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Go to The National Rifle Association's website 
Read around the site.
1. Explain one piece of legislation or idea they are for and one they are against.

Go to the National Restaurant Association's website
1. Explain who they are, what they do and 5 companies that are members.
Check out Issues for Action
2. Describe in three sentences the proposed NY Beverage Ban
3. Describe the NRA position on the ban.
4. Describe the NRA reasoning for their position on the ban.
5. What do you think about the ban.

Check out other issues of interest to the NRA lobby.
6. What is the H-2B Visas? And what is the NRA's position on them?

Lawmakers make laws to address problems in society.
Read Obama Proposes Longer School Day. Post a 1-2 paragraph comment on President Obama's proposal. Comments must address at least 3 specifics ideas mentioned in the article. #ign your name after comment.
Where in the constitution does President Obama get authority to enact laws?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bill to law

Represent Me Do activity.
What does this activity say about the role of a Congressman.
Read How Old is Too Old To Drive

- List 3 reasons the article offers to support the idea that there may be a crisis on the highways because of elderly drivers.
Read House Approves Mandating Regular Vision Tests for Seniors
Answer the following questions:
1. Is this a state or federal law? How do you know?
2. What does the law require seniors to do?
3. What other requirements are there in the bill?
4. According to Donna Erdman which age group has the most accidents?

Watch South Park Grey Dawn

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Article II of the Constitution sets up the Executive Branch of the government.
Read Obama's Way. After reading the article post a well thought out comment explaining a piece of the author's portrayal of the President that you found interesting or informative. Include comments on your impressions of the President and /or  the powers of the office of the President based on Michael Lewis' portrayal. Must be at least 1 paragraph.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

the US Constitution

You are responsible for knowing the information in lessons 3 and 4 on the Constitution. These lessons are a great review for a test.
Today's assignment- Read the above lessons and answer the following:
Read Lesson 3 on Article 1 of the Constitution
1. Explain what an ex post facto law is, what congress can do in regards to them , and give real world historical or current example of a law that was deemed to be ex post facto.

2. What does Article 1 of the Constitution say about congress' power when it comes to commerce?
a. What is commerce?
b. Find a current example of a law passed by congress that exemplifies congress' ability to make laws regulating commerce.
3. What does Article IV sec III say about new states?
a. Find out and describe any information on Puerto Rican statehood movements.
Read Lesson 4 and answer the following:

4. What does Article II say about the President's role over the military?
a. Find one example of a recent decision or action by President Obama in his role over the military.
5. How does Article II set up the election of the President? Do the people elect him or what?
6. Which article describes how to change the Constitution?
a. What was the last change to the Constitution?
b. Find an example of a current proposal to amend the Constitution.