Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Article II of the Constitution sets up the Executive Branch of the government.
Read Obama's Way. After reading the article post a well thought out comment explaining a piece of the author's portrayal of the President that you found interesting or informative. Include comments on your impressions of the President and /or  the powers of the office of the President based on Michael Lewis' portrayal. Must be at least 1 paragraph.


  1. I found the part where Lewis said that at the end of the night, Obama likes to read, watch TV, etc. It's just interesting to me seeing how someone that one only hears about does normal things. I also thought it was funny how he included that Obama can "dial up foreign leaders at different time zones" like it's completely normal. I was also very impressed with his prioritizing. He said that when he got into office, his first priority was not to redecorate, but to try to fix the economy. To me, this is a very important trait to have in a president. I am also impressed with what he said to Lewis in his hypothetical "game," where he told the president that if Lewis were to become president in 30 minutes, what would he need to know. In a way, I also felt bad, because he is almost "trapped" inside the white house, and the closest he comes to being outside is the Truman balcony.

  2. It seems like President Obama is, for the most part, a regular guy wanting things that regular guys want; time with family, time away from all the hectic president duties, freedom, peace etc. I thought this was a well written article. My views of Obama as a president really don't change, but I think it was nice reading about his daily life. On the 4th page where it talks about asking Obama what it's like being president, I liked what he says about the "hopes & dreams" of Americans are invested in him.. But in my opinion is he doing EVERYTHING he possibly can for the well-being of ALL Americans? All in all this was a well written article and I enjoyed reading it

  3. It amazes me how Obama can try and deal with the emotional stress that he is out under ever day. Going from celebrating with Super Bowl Champs to having to talk to the parents of a newly killed soldier. That is something very hard to do and I respect that. Its pretty neat that he does things that every day normal people do. He does to the gym, works on his cardio and plays basketball. The funny thing is that if you don't go hard on him he doesn't invite you back to play with him again. Obama does have his priorities in check while in office. He did not care about the decoration of the oval office and has not made many changes instead he cared about what he was going to do about the economy. That shows that he had put the country before his own needs and wants which is a solid trait to have as a President.

  4. I like how President Obama lives one of the craziest, busiest lives in America, yet he still seems like an overall fun, outgoing, caring, average guy. I thought it was cool to hear his daily routines and the stuff he does for fun. As the article states, many people tend to be intimidated by the President, however; I feel like Obama is more of a friend than someone to be intimidated by. I think that the advice he was giving about being the president was very interesting because of how strict and different they were. For instance, when he talked about how he only wears gray or blue sweatsuits because he it puts pressure on him to make decisions and that affects him when it comes to an even bigger decision. Overall, I think President Obama seems like a caring, friendly, fun guy yet he is determined, smart, and evasive when it comes to running the United States of America.

  5. I really liked this article because it gave me another view of obama I had never imagined. He is a very respectable guy who always finds a way to make time for himself and america and he honestly deals with more decisions than I could ever have guessed. I like how the author gave tyler stark's story as well as Obama's it really helped me feel like I was in those situations and made me understand how hard everything must be for them. I also love how tyler got cheered for in Libya because I wouldn't have expected that from people who are going through so much when we have it so easy. Everyone on this planet has to suffer at some point in their life and it just amazes me how even in the face of this fated danger these people still brightened the room. I really do like Obama and all the changes he has made to the white house and to the country, maybe I am too young to fully understand but when it comes down to considering my rights as a woman and a human Obama has my back.

  6. It was interesting to know that Obama sometimes can have time to himself. It is also amazing that he can be under so much stress and still remain composed and calm. The fact that he undergoes the stress and pressure almost everyday without complaint is inspiring. It is nice to know that while he is building the economy, helping welfare among other things, that he is still taking time to do the things he wants to do. He has all of the country's weight on his shoulders and he doesn't care. It is truly inspiring.

  7. The demands the President is faced with is incredible. His ability to make jokes of his life and his ability to have some fun in his very little free-time is impressive. The physical and emotional pressures the President has to deal with are beyond compare and I can honestly say I respect him for what he has to deal with on a daily basis. He seems like such a normal person that it's hard to imagine him as President. On T.V. he has a way with words and an uncanny ability to bring people to tears, but around the White House and on the court, he doesn't care how he sounds. Also the fact that you could be driving around Washington D.C. and not even know you're driving behind the President. I also respect the way he doesn't get a huge ego just because he is President of the United States. He just takes what he is dealt and pushes through it in his own way. I have a new found respect for the President.

  8. After reading this article I have learned that Obama is just like a regular person. Even though he is the president he has not lost any of his day to day things. I thinks it is funny that people get so scared to play tough with him in basketball and Obama will tell people to not come back if they slack of was funny to me. I think that is interesting because Obama is just like everyone else. I also thought that Presidents Obama's advice was very good in what to do when becoming a president. I think that Obama does the best he can do at being president and he does a pretty good job at it. He has fixed a lot of this and he is not afraid to get critized by the people and have him fix his mistakes. He has to deal with more people then any other person, and that is pretty brave and nobel of him.

  9. What i found most interesting is that, even with Obama being President he still does normal things like any other human being. The fact of Lewis stating in the article about Players on the basketball team playing with Obama didn't take it easy on him because Obama wanted to be treated as a regular person. I liked the fact that when Obama was elected president, he called up people who was there for for him and believed in him before he was even President so they could get the feel of the White House. I wonder how President Obama deals with staying in the House everyday not being able to go outside. Obama's way of prioritizing is a good way of keeping everything in order.

  10. Its petty cool to find things about Obama that you wouldn't think of that he did. LIke for example did you know that Obama plays ball. LIke really? I would have to call that lie the second i heard it but it isn't its a god given truth. It just goes to show how one person gets put on the spot just because he has all this power when actually he is normal just like an every day person like me and you.

  11. i think it is cool how Obama does the same thing that normal people do. Like sitting watching tv or reading on his ipad. i also find it amazing how up to date on technology he is and how almost everything he does is with technology. I find it great how he finds time to stay active and play basketball and wont let the other players take it easy on him, and if they do then they don't get invited back to play with him. He wants them to treat it as a real basketball game rather than giving him the advantage just because he is the president. Hes not all fun and games he does have his time where he gets down to business in the oval office.

  12. I've always have seen the president as an outgoing personality. Time and time again you see him at sporting events and other popular events with his family and having champions come and meet with him at The White House. After further reading about him it just give a better perspective that he is in fact a normal person outside of what everyone sees during speeches and elections. Even though he goes through life with activities of a normal man he also equally embraces his job as the president to make our world a better place as Michael Lewis shows that he balances his life as an regular man as well as being our president.

  13. "He used to focus on personal achievement, but as he can no longer achieve so much personally, he’s switched to trying to figure out how to make his team win." Reading about Obama playing basketball step-by-step was informative on a personal level, and also an intellectual level, where his decision making skills and tactics and motives are accounted for. Not only is seeing the president through this light comforting and natural, but important in understanding his sense of himself in relation to others. "I’m absolutely positive that I’m serving the American people better if I’m maintaining my authenticity." I truly believe Obama is genuine and self-aware, “Naturally, I’m just a kid from Hawaii. But at some point in my life I overcompensated.” I feel like Obama could be just another normal person at a family BBQ, and this is why he has the heart of his people. He is trustworthy and authentic.

  14. This article shows even through Obama is President, he still tries to live his life like an average guy. Staying up to watch ESPN at night and waking up to hit the gym before work. Which made me laugh to read the President of my country gets to wake up later than I do, at seven. Also his compassion for basketball, and competitiveness for the sport. How he takes the game seriously, not looking for a head start because he is the president shows a lot towards his character. This article reflects Obama's daily life, but shows us were some of his leadership skills come from.

  15. From this article i realized that obama is as normal as us.

  16. President Obama wants to be a regular guy outside of his presidency. Obama would like to have a pick up game of basketball and do things that interest him. President Obama tries to be like everyone else but he basically cant. For example, he would not invite you back to play basketball if you played him softly. President Obama is a very competitive person hence why he won the election twice. When putting aside basketball and things he would like to do he is trying to make the best for the people of the United States. He wants to make the best decision so it can help every social class of the United States; Lower, Middle, Upper.

  17. It's interesting to see that Obama does things that are completely "normal". He has to deal with a lot of difficult and stressful decisions that may be criticized by many but will be a better outcome, and yet he likes playing basketball with people who don't go easy on him. He has his own wants and needs but he can also focus on our needs too even when dealing with the Repubicans.

  18. I always knew that President Obama was active. I would read some tabloid magazines and even some news paper articles about how he's always moving always up to something, but i still find it shocking that a man 50 years of age can play basketball with people half his age! I also found it interesting upon how in detail the article went into Obama's daily routine and the simple fact that he went out driving with only one police officer around him! If i was walking around in Washington Obama's car could possibly be in from of me and that's pretty cool!

  19. From the article, the reader can tell Obama just wants to be treated like a regular guy. He wants to play basketball with his friends, and have downtime with his family. He jokes around with his wife and he wants his staff to stay normal around him. When I think of the President I don't necessarily think of someone who is normal, I think of someone who is very powerful. It is good to know that our President tries to live a somewhat normal life under his circumstances. I can tell that he wants this country to succeed and prosper.

  20. I found it both inspiring and amazing how Obama is able to handle so many difficult tasks and still maintain his normal, easygoing personality at the same time. Obama proved that there is no certain way that a president has to behave or look in order to be a successful president. It's obvious, from the article, that Obama just wants to be treated and live his life as a normal human being. It amazes me that at the age of fifty, Obama is still playing basketball and actually enjoys the competitive competition. Overall, I think that Obama is a genuine person who truly wants to make America a better place for everyone!
