Monday, September 30, 2013

Read Government Shut Down :What You Need To Know
Explain in one Paragraph the following things
- What does a government shutdown mean?
-What do the House Republicans say about it?
- What do Senate Democrats say about it ?

In the second paragraph write your opinions about the situation?
Possible this to consider( but not necessarily)
who is right?
does our government work at all?
what is the President's role here?
Is ObamaCare a good thing?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Research and List
3 reasons why proving OJ did it
3 reasons why he was not guilty
1 explaination of your view
Read about the difference between direct and circumstantial evidence
Explain it in your own words

Friday, September 20, 2013

Each of the sites below has a reputation for either being left , right, or moderate in its reporting. Find an article of appropriate length and write a 1 paragraph summary and a one paragraph commentary ( spin; your thoughts, feelings or ideas related to the article) 
Topics for the article must be related to the subject matter in the weeks mod.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Quiz tomorrow on the following important documents
Mayflower Compact -1620
Declaration of Independence-1776
Articles of Confederation-1776
Review for the quiz by clicking on quizlet
                  Read blog on Thomas Jefferson Quote post a comment explaining what Jefferson's quote and the other quotes tell you about these men's suspicions about government.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ideas on Government- What is the role of government?

1. Go to Political spectrum quiz
Take quiz. Post a comment on the blog summarizing the results of your quiz.
2. Go to liberal v conservative
Pick any four topics that are of interest to you. Read each competing view. On a piece of loose leaf write your own view of the topic. Explain your view and explain if you are liberal / conservative or somewhere in the middle. Each explanation should be about a paragraph or more in length.