Monday, November 29, 2010

11/29/10 microsoft and the stock market

Objectives for today
1. prepare to present your company .
2. update your company's power point by adding currently trading at slide
slide should tell how much money you have made or lost on it since you purchased the stock.
find a current headline that may explain the movement
3. Read comment on msfts rumored innovation.


  1. Is on line tv the next big thing? I hate verizon even more than I dislike Comcast. I hope msft gets gets into the game. The more competition the better it is for us.....Although I'm not to crazy about the kinect thing. It reminds me of the "clapper" and I have never heard anyone actually buying one of them.

  2. Microsoft is getting creative, which is a good thing, it causes these companies to fight and compete in order to give us the best product for the cheapest price. I didn't know Hulu cost money, but i guess now-a-days everything has to cost something. Microsoft's, by using their Xbox, will be able to reach many people, due to the fact that many people have the system. This improves the Xbox system, and Microsoft as a whole.

  3. I do not think that microsoft should join that type of business because they will not do well against netflex. But the competition will be better for the consumers because everyone will lower their prices. I will not be a microsoft customers, I love netflex. I prefer watching my movies on my tv, not my little 15inch laptop.

  4. Microsoft is getting bigger because you can link tv shows and mvies downloaded on your computer and watch them directly on your tv through the xbox plus you can link your netflix account up with it to

  5. I dont know if it is a good idea. Maybe for movies but tv shows you can watch on abc family, hulu, fancast all for free. if its shows that are not avaliable on there than maybe.

  6. I think it would be pretty cool to be able to check my Facebook and watch tv on the same screen. Then again, I'm very happy with Comcast and if Microsoft pulls through with this it'll probably cause the prices for cable to increase. I think if Microsoft gets into the game they won't be able to beat out Comcast or things like that. Comcast has been around for too long they know the game better. Overall, Microsoft just shouldn't my opinion.

  7. Companies such as Google, Verizon, and Microsoft are going to make a lot of money making internet cable. Unless I had the "Mac Mini" or the device Doug was talking about I wouldn't prefer to watch tv from my computer/laptop. It's more convient if you aren't at home but other than that I don't see what is so appealing. I think if everyone keeps competing it will eventually all turn into one big service

  8. I do not see the point of online TV as a big thing. Yea it can be used here and there for certain things or whatever, but other then that I would rather stare at a big screen where i can see the picture easily on a nice comfy couch... That's about it. I just do not see what the hype is all about. Don't get me wrong, its good that Microsoft is trying to get out there and up there game but I think they should just leave online TV to the companies that have already been doing it.

  9. I think its cool being able to do both. But id rather watch a movie on a big screen tv no a little computer screen. If it will make both Microsoft and Xbox more popular then go for it. Although i like comcast and never really had problems with it. It doesnt really matter to me.

  10. It is a good idea for people who are always at their computer, but I would rather sit at a TV and watch a movie or a show. I don't think people will like this program because most people already have netflix.

  11. I think that it's a cool idea trying to use the online tv market. but it does not seem to be really important to use. it seems like microsoft needs a boost, and by doing the xbox kinect, they feel that it is a new idea, and many people will use it. yet they are competing with other companies who have ideas just like this.

  12. Its very surprising to see Microsoft take such a change into the online television. I think it is a good idea and will make Microsoft even more money. I do not know why there are not more companies trying to make television through the internet. If Microsoft goes through Xbox than I think Xbox sales will increase dramatically. I am happy that Microsoft is trying this out. They will be the first big step in television through internet.

  13. I think its a good thing Microsoft is getting into this kind of business. They need a good comeback with a product that is very popular and put their own touch to it. There is also positive outcome to them getting involved because it definitely raises the competition. With all the various companies competing gives us way more options and the chance at lower prices.

  14. I think that it's a good money saving idea for microsoft to get involved in these sales, but I don't think that I would be interested in it. I can already watch my tv and be on my laptop at the same time, so it wouldn't benefit me. The xbox kinect is a different form of the wii, which also wouldn't benefit me, and my family has a netflix account so we don't need the Microsoft version of that.

  15. I think microsoft has a good idea. I dont think that it will be successful because there are to many competitors that will beat it out. Companys like comcast and rcn have been around for to long and are very popular.

  16. Online TV over the years has become very popular, so Microsoft is trying to keep up with their sells. I do not know if online TV will become more popular because I watch very little amount of TV. But if Microsoft were to be successful with online TV, then Microsoft will have more people buying their items.

  17. Ray
    Each day a new piece of technology is made creating a buzz in the industries giving companies the urge to create a newer advanced product. the new talk of Microsoft getting involved with online tv presents many obstacles. this will not only create competition with existing television networks, but also new online television networks, let alone the television and computer companies themselves. there are those who prefer the comfortability of watching tv on their couch with the family, while others prefer to watch from the convenience of their laptop.

  18. Microsoft is a company well known for things like Xbox and windows, things that have been very successful for them over the years. Creating a knew source of income by getting into the same business as Netflix is a gamble, but if it pays off, it pays off and Microsoft now has another way to rake in money.

  19. Ryan
    I think that if Microsoft is able to pull it off right, they could make their product a big hit. Since Xbox is already really popular, it will have a head start in the marketing business. As for me personally, I am fine just going out and renting the movie or buying it if I really want to see it.
