Monday, December 13, 2010

12/13 foreign policy

The goal of this unit is to
1. understand the power structure of US foreign policy.
2. understand recent historical perspectives of US foreign policy.
3. understand current and potential threats to The United States and how US foreign policy addresses those threats.
Read . Post comment.
Go into hand out folder and do web search activity.

Foreign Policy Scavenger Hunt

1. What is the NSC?

2. What is the State Department?

3. How many votes in the Senate to ratify a treaty?

4. Who is the Secretary of State? What is their role in US Foreign Policy?

5. What is the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Who is the Chairman?

6. What countries make up the UN Security Council?

7. What is a sanction?

8. How does a spy drone work?

9. What is the Pentagon? What is its purpose?

10. “Axis of Evil”

11.What is the # of US Troops in


South Korea-

10. Identify the following people / terms:

Anwar al-Awlaki-

Janet Napolitano-


Julian Assange-

Robert Gates-

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab-

John Brennan-

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad-

Kim Jong-il-


Current Sec of State-

What is the role of the Sec. of State-


  1. I think Americans are in more trouble because of how much we rely on the internet. If you think about it, we use to internet for pretty much everything. We Americans are very dependent on computer networks. Since we are very vulnerable to the cyberwar it is much easier for us to be attacked. "If we were in a cyberwar today, the United States would lose."

  2. Britt Holmes
    a cyberwar is a scary thought, if we lost all technology i don't think America would know what to do. we depend too much on technology and not enough on protecting ha we have, any country can just come in and hack or servers and kill all out computers, we need to create a team of internet experts to be scanning the web at all times too see if we can catch the hacker before they strike and also figure out some secure location where we can hide all of our most important information ,in case of an attack. i agree with the article, if we were to have a cyberwar we would lose.

  3. This is really scary! I can't believe how people are taking advantage of advanced technology today. The internet has become a way to make enemies with other counties and it is very scary how easy it is to shut down a country. The united states runs on technology and anything having to do with computers and programs shut down will ruin the country. We really need to do something about this..

  4. Even though I haven't heard much about this WikiLeaks business that started all of this worry, it seems pretty troubling. With how the article was describing it, the U.S. probably has the weakest internet defense out there. With how the U.S. depends on the internet and computers through out every day life, if something were ever to happen with hackers, we would be doomed. As they said, it would be like dropping and actual bomb. So I think something should be done to prevent any more damage in the near future; A much stronger defense.

  5. we need to start finding a way to defend against a cyber attack because if they take out our networks all our nuclear weapon systems will shut off along with communications

  6. I don't really understand why we are writing articles like that on the internet. If the article gets translated, they know what we are afraid of and can try to use that to their advantage. We are basically saying like "heyy, here is our weakness".I wish that the people who go to jail for hacking could help the government improve our cyber protection as a form of redemption. Hackers know what to go after and can probably help make it harder for foreign hackers to get through. They also can show the government how to cover their tracks when attacking other computers.

  7. The reason this is a huge threat is because it is true that America relies on the internet for everything. It plays a huge role in our communication. If someone was able to knock the internet out from under us then we would be defenseless and we wouldn't have any way to communicate our strategies and what we would have to do next. A cyber war could be the downfall of America. There is no true security when it comes to the cyber world and america.

  8. Cyber war is wild. I never really thought about an attack through computers until the Wikileaks. It is crazy how people are able to get into our system so easily and we have no control over it. I do not understand why we can not figure out a way to block these kind of attacks if China can. If I was the leader of a much smaller country that is mad at the U.S. I would absolutely use cyber attacks. It is a very big problem that needs to be taken care of soon.

  9. Ryan

    The fact that the U.S is vulnerable to a cyber attack is extremely unnerving. If something so big were to happen, that would shut down major things like trains, planes, truck dispatchers, the electricity grid, hospitals, pipelines,would be extremely scary. Hopefully there is a way to prevent that from happening.

  10. In America, internet is used more then any other country, so we will be more vulnerable to lose the cyberwar. Many companies will mostly likely be destroy by the effect of the cyberwar. If the hacker can get the stock market then people will lost a lot of money.

  11. I never even knew what WikiLeaks was until I read this article. I am someone who is obsessed with the internet and I do agree that if there were a CyberWar today we would loose. We rely on the internet way to much. If anyone hacked into Americans internet we'd be screwed.

  12. People depend way too much on the internet. If our network was shut down for a day America would be completely lost. If everyone is going to rely on cyberspace then the US needs to find a way to control the security of the network so that other countries can't hack into our systems. It is scary to think that if there was a cyber war that America would lose.

  13. the internet is now one of our greatest advantages and our greatest weakness by far. our country is so dependent on our internet that it leaves us completely vulnerable to any sort of cyber warfare attack. our country would be defenseless. with every other nation aware of this, we need to act swiftly and quietly to set up a defense system against this. the government needs to show more commitment to prevent such events or we will be crushed within.

  14. Computer hackers are a big risk to American Infastructure now that we do almost everything from accounting/banking to the storage of military/government info through the use of computers. Its even worse now because we're at war with terrorism and nobody's ready for a "Cyber Attack". A good hacker could steal money from people's bank accounts, break into government funds, take over military computer systems or even try to take out the stock market.

  15. I think it's a shame that Americans are on the computer 24/7 and use it for everything, but can't find a way to block hackers. I think it's very scary that other countries basically have control over the U.S. We depend on the internet way too much and are way too vulnerable. If we can't find away to block hackers and keep other countries out, we need to stop using the internet so much or it's going to be a disaster.

  16. I think if we had Cyberwar today we would be in alot of trouble. I think there would be chaos. Almost everything we depend on would be shut down. things like electricity, transportation, pipelines, and banks are things that we need and use everyday.

  17. In my opinion, i think it's scary how things can turn so quickly due to the internet. Americans rely on computers more than any other nation. The fact that we cannot find a way to stop this is scary,with the thought of having all of your personal information spread out there, or other things shutting down is insane. we need to figure out a way to stop this.

  18. Makes me want to take all my money out of the bank, put it in my mattress, buy a lot guns and start stocking up on food and water.( half kidding!) It is a pretty scary prospect how fragile our society really is. Computers and electronics make life so easy but now everything is dependent on them. I really don't think most of us could survive if we couldn't get our food at the supermarket, keep it cold in the refrigerator, keep warm with the heater and cold with the air- conditioner and pay for things with our debit cards. i pray that good people are working on this

  19. A cyberwar would definitely be the USA's downfall. Along with much of our country, I can't imagine not using internet for everyday tasks. All of our companies, homes, and resources relies on technology brought by internet. This seems like a big problem that should be at the top of the "to-do" list.

  20. Coming from the article, and cyber-war would be the kiss of death for America. We either need to step our hacking game up or not annoy Russia because it seems they're our biggest threat, considering what they did to Georgia and Estonia.
