Monday, December 20, 2010

12/20 Afghanistan

Read Why They Hate Us. Taking into account the reasons discussed in class, the 60 Minutes video, and the article, post a 1 paragraph summary of the conclusions that can be drawn to answer the question WHY THEY HATE US.


  1. Why they hate us? For most Americans this seems like a daily statement as we hear of more and more terrorist plots to take down American society. This becomes clear with the points shown by the author. He explains how other countries envy us because we are the richest most powerful country, and a form of jealousy is found here. He also explains how the US likes to use its power and try to sway worldly issues in their favor, and in the end, walk away and leave the people angry and disturbed. He also explains how although the countries seem to hate us, in the same sense they love us, and what were about, freedom and equality.

  2. A reason we are hated in America is because of how much money we have, it makes others countries jealous. Also, due to the accreted residue of many years of U.S. foreign policies. They feel America needs to educate themselves more. "Why do they hate us?" Simply because America has -- often for what seemed good reasons at the time -- intervened to shape the destinies of other countries and then, as a nation, walked away. There are many reasons why they hate us, but also they tend to love us as well.

  3. One of the biggest reasons why the United States of America is hated is simply because we are the richest, most powerful country in the world. Another reason is because of the U.S. foreign policies, which are unknown to many Americans. We have so much opportunity and freedom than many other countries. Why do they hate us you ask? "Simply because America has -- often for what seemed good reasons at the time -- intervened to shape the destinies of other countries and then, as a nation, walked away. " This article is wel thought out and very interesting since its coming from a man who has been the world from both a US and a foreign perspective.

  4. In"why Do They Hate Us" Mohsin Hamid explains the points at which the middle eastern population would have reasons of hatred towards Americans. First, he brings up the strength of envy and how the U.S being the strongest, most powerful, and richest country has no control over the envy that's felt by the other countries. Second, the "residue" left by U.S foreign policy will shake one nations core and then America can just walk away and many will not even realize what was done.

  5. They hate us because of feelings of envy. They see how rich and powerful we are and feel jealous. They don't like our foreign policies. We didn't want the Soviets to get near our oil supply so we helped Pakistan fight the Soviets which lead to Gen. Mohammed Zia ul-Haq's new rules. Women had to cover themselves up, could not broadcast news female public dance performances were banned. Our stepping in made everything change for the worst for them. Women's rights were undermined.

  6. Although it always seems that the people of Pakistan hate us, this article has brought out a new side of the question. Because we have the freedom that we do, other countries look at it with jealousy. He points out that America is a role model to some people, listening to the same music as us. People believe in our country and it carries a sense of hope for everyone.

  7. "They hate us" because they envy the United Sates. It is not just because they envy he country, but because do not agree with what the foreign policy has done over the years. The United States has "intervened to shape the destinies of other countries and then, as a nation, walked away"; that is another reason we are hated. They also hate is because the American culture is starting to influence their cultures and many people do not like that. And there are many that just can't except that we're just better then all of them!

  8. The United States is hated for many reasons but the one standing out the most is wealth and power in todays world. Lots of other countries like pakistan, which is a big example, have lots of muslim/religious extremist who take their religions very seriously; Therefore, when the United States intervened to help protect muslim women that didn't want to follow the strict rules, many Muslim extremist were enraged but directed their anger towards the United States. The United States also unknowingly changed the attitudes of people in other countries making them more negative. While some people "hate on us" there are others, more positive, who like our style and cultures so they adapt to them.

  9. The reason the United States is hated so much is one, because we are one of the most richest, wealthiest and most powerful countries in the world. Also America has equal freedom to all men and women. Other countries may be jealous of that, also the middle east may not think it is right the way people express themselves in America and is against their beliefs. Yes I do believe America is one of the most powerful countries in the world but that does not give people a reason to hate us.

  10. In "Why Do They Hate Us?" the article gives multiple reasons as to why the middle east strongly dislikes us. We are the richest, most morally corrupt country in the world, and we are also leading them. Men and woman have the right to chose what they want to be, what the want to wear, and where they want to work. We can basically choose anything and there are no sex limitations, meaning women can do anything that men can. Most countries believe that women are are inferior to men and the thought of equality disgusts them. I think that countries like this have a right to hate us, I would hate us too, but violence and terrorism is unnessacary

  11. Why do they hate us? Simply because we are the richest and most powerful country in the world. other countries envy us and i think if we werent the most powerful country in the world we would hate them to. Also i think they hate us because our way of life. We have equality in men and women. for other countries thats not normal. I think it is very unnessacary for terrorism and violence.

  12. Why they hate us? Some would say that's its because their religon tells them too. Some would say that its because they just do not know us. But I beg to differ. Their religon speaks of peace and they are very aware of America and what our nation can do. From talking in class and they article, I've gathered a few theroy's myself. Their hate could derive from jealousy. Our nation is everything they are not. Despite our recent economic issues we have been able to manage this nation far more adequetly then they have done. Another theroy could be because of our effort to spread democracy throught the world. I am no critict of our nations foreign policy but we have been known to be a little careless of the after effects of our efforts in some country's including afghanistan.

  13. The U.S.A. is the most powerful and rich country in the world. With this power and wealth you would think that all countries love us and want to be more like us. In fact it's the exact opposite. Many countries are jealous and envious of our wealth and power. Additionally many countries do not agree with our foreign policy. They think it is wrong for us to invade countries and change them the way the U.S. wants them to be and then leaving. The lasting effect on the country invaded is not always a good one as the author explain.

  14. Why do they hate us? If you really think about it, it can be an obvious answser. They all dislike us because they want to be like us. It may sounds up tight, but it is the truth. We are one of the richest, growing countries in he world and the rest of the world seems to be trying to keep up. Most countries also think that some of the things we do and how we approach certain situations are wrong. In the end, we all do what we think is best for our country. I do not have much for our foreign policy but some of our tactics can seem wrong, but with all of this said I do not think we are giving a true stable reason for other countries in the world to hate us.

  15. Ryan

    America is hated for the many reasons. We believe over here what many others wish was true for their country. Equality for one is not know over there. Women are not treated with the same respect as a man. They must cover up their faces and do many other things against their will. Do only they want our beliefs but they also have envy as well. Because America is one of the most powerful and wealthiest countries in the world. This would naturally make other countries envy any part of America. At the end of the day, one can only hope that peace and resolution can come between the two countries.
