Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why are Gas Prices So High?

Read Why are Gas Prices So High?
List 4 reasons the author gives for the high cost of gas. Answer the following question in two sentences- How can the factors of supply and demand effect the price of gasoline?


  1. Increasing unrest in the Middle East has made gas prices higher. Oil experts say that it is a simple case of supply and demand. Some say that the Oil Company has gone money crazy and are increasing costs to maximize their profits. Others say that increasing the supply of money by the Federal Reserve has a direct upward price effect on gas.

    Supply and demand can effect the price of gas because almost every company uses it. When every company uses it, the supply becomes lower and the demand stays at a high rate. With such a high demand, the price will increase to compensate for the low supply.

  2. 1. increasing costs of corn-based ethanol that is in our gasoline.
    2. new refinerys are being built so theres competition.
    3. limited supply, a lot of demand.
    4. more money is being printed by federal reserve, therefor they can charge more for gas.

    The reason for supply and demand for oil is that the federal government has restricted drilling for oil on and off our own shores, thus reducing available supply and making us even more dependent on foreign oil.

  3. 1. Disruptions to oil supplies
    2. Quantitatively easing (printing more money)
    3. The government restricting drilling for oil
    4. Increasing price for corn-based ethanol

    The price of gasoline will go up because the increasing demand for it. The demand is higher then the supply so that results in higher prices.

  4. The reasons that gas prices have increased so much are because
    ~the Federal Government has restricted drilling for oil on and off our shores, reducing its availability.
    ~Not one new gasoline refinery has been built in the U.S. since the 1970s
    ~There is a high demand for it and not enough supply
    ~Americans consume only 5% of the world's population and we consume 22% of its oil

  5. 1. Federal government restriction on oil drilling
    2. No new oil refineries
    3. Middle East conflict
    4. American over consumption of gasoline.

    As gas supply goes up, demand goes down; which means cost goes down as well. As gas supply goes down, demand goes up; which means cost goes up as well.

  6. ......and there is an increasing price or corn-based ethanol
    (in case one of mine wasn't right) hi

  7. 1. The problems unfolding in the Middle East.
    2. Since there is an increasing global demand for gasoline, the prices will always increase.
    3. The oil companies just have the price for oil high because they are greedy.
    4. The Federal Reserve is printing more money, which causes the prices of scarce commodities to rise.

    The factors of supply and demand effect the price of gasoline because, at this time, many people are beginning to drive each day (the demand for gasoline increases). There is not much gasoline available which causes the price of it to
    -Michelle Bergeron

  8. 1. Greedy oil companies
    2. “quantitatively easing” our money supply (simply printing more money)
    3. Federal government has restricted drilling for oil on and off our own shores
    4. Increasing costs of corn-based ethanol that is in our gasoline
    The less supply of gasoline, the more demand there is for it. Which cause prices to go up accordingly.

  9. 1. Increasing costs of corn based ethanol
    2. Limited supply of Crude Oil to meet high demand
    3. Federal reserves continuously print money, so oil companies continuously bump prices
    4. Refusal to drill on our own soil

    The demand for gas and oil is high, but the supply is low. This causes companies o spike the prices to see who wants it more

  10. 1. there is increasing unrest in the middle east.
    2. our demand for oil is higher than the supply.
    3. the federal government has restricted drilling for oil in the u.s.
    4. the cost of corn-based ethanol is going up, and we use that in our gas.

    the factors of supply and demand effect the price of gasoline because we use more gasoline than the oil companies can supply. therefore, the prices of gas is going up.

  11. Gas prices are so high because...

    1 The cost of corn-based ethanol goes up that is in our gas
    2 there is a big conflict in the middle east
    3 since the 1970s there hasn't been a new oil refinery
    4 there is a limited supply of oil and high demand for it

    The demand for gas decreases and the supply increases. The cost will also decrease. As the supply of gas decreases then the demand increases. The price also goes up.

  12. kelly saunders
    -oil industry are making mad profit
    -printing more money so they are demanding higher cost
    -We can not get oil from our own shores
    -increasing cost or corn based ethanol that is in our gasoline

    The factors of supple and demand can effect the price of gasoline in many ways as the author provided. We have an increasing global demand for oil that exceeds supply. That will always result in higher prices!

  13. 1. The U.S has an increasing demand for oil that exceeds supply.
    2. Many believe oil companies are being greedy and making too much profit from gasoline.
    3. The government restricted drilling for oil on and off of shores, so we now have to rely on other countries.
    4. Prices are increasing for corn-based ethanol used in gasoline.

    Supply and demand effect gasoline prices because we need more gasoline than we can supply causing higher prices.

  14. -an oil industry expert explaining that it is a simple matter of supply and demand
    -the greedy oil companies and cite their obscene profits as evidence that the price of gasoline is too high
    -foreign countries control most of the world’s oil supply and since they don’t seem to like us maybe that is why they are increasing prices
    -There has been many disruptions to oil supply

    We have an increasing global demand for oil that exceeds supply and that will always result in higher prices

  15. -increasing costs of corn-based ethanol that is in our gasoline, this is causing all corn-based ethanol food to sky rocket in pricing
    -we buy cars that are way to big and we do not seem to use carpooling anymore so more people are buying the gas forcing them to buy more which make the price go up
    -americans only take up 5% of the worlds population and yet we consume 22% of oil
    -the people who are selling us the oil are making the prices higher so that maybe we can see that there going up by too much and then they will bring the prices back down

    How can the factors of supply and demand effect the price of gasoline?
    -Well when we have an increasing global demand for oil that basically takes over supply it will obviously result in a higher price. Also when people complain about prices going to high they don't realize that millions of americans are still buying stock and giving money to this problem.

    Kelly Murray

  16. 1. Unrest in the middle east causes disruption in oil supplies
    2. Increasing global demand for oil that exceeds supply
    3. Federal government restricting drilling on and off our shores making us even more dependent on foreign oil
    4. We are our own contributor to the problem of rising gas prices because we consume 22 percent of the world's oil

    The factors of supply and demand effect the price of gasoline because as the supply for oil decreases the demand increases making prices rise

  17. Four reasons the gas prices are increasing are; unrest in the middle east, "simple matter of supply and demand", greedy oil companies, and we don't drill on our own soil so it cost more to pay someone to do it and ship it. The more oil that is needed the more its going to cost. There isn't an unlimited supply of oil so they cant just keep feeding it to everyone at a low cost.

  18. four reasons for high gas prices are unrest in the middle east, greedy oil companies, restriction on drilling for more oil, and increasing costs of corn-based ethanol.

    The demand for gas is high while the supply s low. This causes the the price of gas to go up.

  19. one of the main reasons why the prices are high is because of the oil spills. this causes the supply to go down and since the the demand is high, the prices goes up. another reason is that the US doesn't drill on their own territory so we are dependent on foreign oil. since we are not drilling here, our supply decreases even more and the demand still stays the same, thus higher prices. we are %5 of the worlds population and we use %22 of the worlds oil. our demand is so high so we cannot keep up with the supply resulting in higher gas prices.

  20. 1. The federal government has restricted drilling for oil on and off our own shores, therefore reducing available supply and making us even more dependent on foreign oil, which is expensive.

    2. The increasing costs of corn-based ethanol that is in our gasoline. The use of corn for this is not so good since it is increasing the food cost of al corn-based products.

    3. Not one single new gasoline refinery has been built in the U.S. since the early 1970s.

    4. Us Americans represent only 5 percent of the world’s population, and yet we consume an amazing 22 percent of the world’s oil. So some people like to say it could be us.

    The factors of supply and demand come into effect of gasoline prices because there is an increasing global demand for oil that exceeds supply and that will always result in higher prices. Though a lot of us Americans complain about the gas prices, but i think fail to realize that we are still buying gas and stocks on it.
    --Chelsea Savage

  21. increasing global demand for oil that exceeds supply, federal government has restricted drilling for oil on and off our own shores,greedy oil companies, the act of increasing the money supply has a direct upward price effect.
    If the demand for oil increases then the prices will go up and who ever is will to pay the most will get the oil. if the supply is limited then the price will also increase
    Keith Greene

  22. Supply and demand, middle east troubles, federal government restricted drilling for oil on and off our shores, increased costs of corn-based ethanol, no refineries being built, and personal driving behavior.

    Supply and demand effects the price of gasoline because if the the demand for gas goes up, with not enough cause to distribute, than the price will increase.


  23. - Increasing the price of corn-based ethanol in our gas.
    - NO one has built a new gasoline refinery in the U.S. since the 70's.
    - there is not enough supply for the strong demand of it.
    - American consume 22% of the populations oil.

    The supply and demand can effect the price of gas because all gas company uses it!

    kelly buchanan

  24. 1. Disruption of oil supplies
    2. there is not new oil refineries
    3. there is alot of demand for oil but not that much oil
    4. the government has restrictions on drilling oil

    When we have more supply of gas its not worth as much. When we have less gas it is worth more.

  25. -Federal Gov. restricted oil drilling
    -Middle East is not stable
    -Low supply High Demand
    -Americas over consumption

    Because there is not enough oil for the worlds consumption the prices will continue to rise. The U.S is over dependent on the oil so we will still pay high prices no matter what the cost.

  26. corn bases ethanol is at one of its highest rices ever, the very limited crude oil supply, federal printing of money will continue to increase the gas prices, and finally the refusal to drill on U.S. soil. The is much oil in alaska and other place in the united states of america, it would be so much easier to take this oil; and lower the gas prices, and keep the economy flowing. The demand for oil and gas is extremely high, yet the supply is low; this cause the big oil and gas companies to raise the price of these items.

  27. The first reason is that government restricted the oil companies from drilling off American shores, thus reducing supply.The second reason is the government increased money supply and it had a direct upward price effect on scarce commodities. Third is that there has not been a single refinery built in the United States since the early 1970's. And finally American only represent 5 percent of the people in the world yet we consume 22 percent of the worlds gas.

    We have an increasing global demand for oil that exceeds supply and that will always result in higher prices.
