Thursday, February 23, 2012

Key terms

Look up the Bill of Rights, read through the 1st 10 amendments to the constitution. Post a brief comment on your thoughts about them.

Define what is meant by the " necessary and proper clause" in article 1 of the constitution.
Define Judicial Review- Google "judicial review ____ amendment" and use that as your current event assignment for the week.


  1. in the bill of rights the first amendment states freedom of speech, press, religion, and petition but these are limited by the government you cant say certain things on tv about different topics. talking about the government or president in a negative way can get you in trouble so do we really have freedom of speech?

  2. I think that the 1st ten amendments really set the base line for our country. I believe that these ten amendments are really a good thing for everyone to follow. They make the laws fair and try to protect the common good. Everyone has an equal opportunity to become successful and everyone has the chance to provide for their family. The citizens of the United States can practice any religion they please and they can share their own ideas and celebrate their own culture. This ten amendments were created to help make people feel safe but at the same time also giving people freedom.

  3. The Constitution is a powerful piece of work. It has lasted over 200 years and has worked greatly to protect and preserve our natural rights. It gives us rights to speak out against the government, to a fair trial. It is for the people of the United States.

  4. The 2nd Amendment gives us our right to own a gun, and know due to its strange wording, it has always been a hard one to interpret. Nowadays, the liberals are usually towards some sort of Gun Control, meaning to keep in check who we give guns to and what kind of guns we give them. I even heard rumors of Obama wants to abolish the 2nd amendment completely, but this probably is not true. Conservatives would rather have you pry their guns from "their cold dead hands" rather than give up a right. It is a constant battle

  5. In the Bill of Rights the first amendment is the freedom of speech, press, religion, and petition. In the past years and now, muslims are being targeted because of the war. Some assume these americans are bad because of there race. Some people are questioning peoples freedom of religion. And their rights to express their religion in public.
    Ally Fiorelli

  6. i do think that these 10 amendments set up our country but never knew how in depth they were, like the 7th amendment, i always thought no matter what was being fought over you always had a right to a trial by jury i did not know it had to be more than 20 dollars to get a trial by jury
    tyler hearty

  7. The second amendment in the Bill of Rights gives the right to keep and bear arms. This, however, is continuously questioned among all people in the current United States. It has been seen, via hundreds of thousands of homicides in a few years, that some people are not sane enough to possess their own weapon. Because of this, there have been multiple attempts to take away this right from the general public. Due to the overall reactions, this was avoided. While still up for debate in many communities, the general law in terms of weapons is for people to only have them with the permit. If someone is caught with a weapon without a permit, they can either lose their weapon of spend time in jail.

  8. the bill of rights expand into different categories such as the fundamental rights of speech, press, freedom, military, and court actions. But each amendment are not specific enough for certain situations and some actions would cause disciplines, such as going to the airport and being stripped and searched for mentioning anything that involves explosives. Such action would go against freedom of speech. The rights listed in the amendment are all limited in a certain way but overall, the United States are considered to have a great amount of rights as a country..

  9. The Bill of Rights or the 1st ten amendments are all fairly good laws protecting the citizens of the United States. This allows our country to be one the freest in the world. It's a good and bad thing. It is good because it makes the country more civil and unrest, but bad because then people from third world countries and people of Mexico just flood our borders and become illegal aliens. Why isn't there an amendment about illegal aliens?

  10. i think the 1st ten amendments are the background of how our country is what it is today. if we didnt have these amendments then the government would be much harder on people and the US wouldnt be as free as it is now. i think its good that the government has rules about police not being able to search your property for no reason. and we have the right to have protection in our houses.

  11. With the Bill of Rights it gives guidelines to what people have the right to do. Like amendment 6 which is the Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc. People believed Casey Anthony was guilty by all means but she still had her right to a trial. So even if people are seeming to do things you don't like most likely they have the right to do it if it's legal.
    Zalaya Johnson

  12. I think the first ten amendments are reasonable.Particularly article 8, controlling fines and punishment so they do not become excessive or cruel. The necessary and proper clause in article 1 of the Constitution allows the government to make any laws that are necessary and proper for carrying out the other powers in the constitution. - Hanan

  13. The Bill of Rights is very important to our country and the creator of them was really smart because they created a list that covers every freedom a person could want to have for themselves.I think they are all equally important, especially the freedom of speech, press, religion, and petition because it gives people the freedom to be themselves.

  14. The 1st ten amendment are what our country is bases on. We had them for over 100 years and are still strong. the amendments are pretty good and protects the people of the US. Everyone gets to express what they feel or believe in. the amendments are here so people can keep people safe but give people some freedom. So the people in the USA can live the best life they can.


  15. The first ten amendments are a good thing to know because they give us most of our freedoms such as the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right of search and seizure regulated. these are all great rights that everyone should know that way the government can not take advantage of our ignorance and abuse their power.

  16. I think the first 10 amendments are a really great thing to have. Having them makes every equal or at least tries to make everyone equal. They are necessary to give people freedom while keeping us safe. The first amendment says that we have the freedom of speech, but so many things are monitored. Music, radio, and tv are heavily monitored so we hear only what is considered "clean" entertainment. Even what we say in school is monitored, if you say one wrong thing or something a teacher may find offensive we will get in trouble. I dont think we really have as much freedom as the bill of rights intended.

  17. The 1st ten Amendments i think are like Americas frame that keep everything in order. How ever not every person in America really agrees with all of them. For instance, freedom of speech, press, religion and petition there is always a lot of talk on that the press can just put anything out there an just invade our privacy; just so they can get money an be known for something. Also, the Ten Amendments are there not just just set law to be followed but to give everyone in America an equal opportunity to make there dreams come true, an live a life they always wanted. But for America to set all these roles to go by some people way feel the need to not follow them or take action in there own way an there come in freedom of speech allowing people to say an assemble but in a "peaceful" way. The Amendments are what we as Americans follow by an life are every day life with an it has been that way for centuries. Dominick Amelotti

  18. The first amendment to the bill of rights is freedom of speech, press, religion, and petition. The occupy movements at wall street and all over that nation have demonstrated this. People camped out and petitioned for their rights. Without their freedom of petition and speech, they would not have been able to do this occupy movement.
