Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lawmakers make laws to address problems in society.
Read Obama Proposes Longer School Day. Post a 1-2 paragraph comment on President Obama's proposal. Comments must address at least 3 specifics ideas mentioned in the article. #ign your name after comment.
Where in the constitution does President Obama get authority to enact laws?


  1. i dont agree with extending the hours in a school day however i do agree with making school year round and having 2 weeks off here and there it wold keep kids out of trouble and keeep them focused. what really happens in the summer thats so important? it would increase intelligence because having 3 months of doing nothing academic we forget a lot of what we've learned that year.

    1. as president he can propose bills to make them laws.

  2. I don't think that kids should have to stay in school any longer then they are now.I think that if this happened that the president should not make this mandatory for all students maybe give it as an option to students. The schools will have to pay the teachers more money and every teacher will then be on overtime. The taxes will rise because the schools are in session longer and although it would help out students become more educated I also think that having to go to school for this long is a little much.

    Obama said that many schools go from 7:30 to 5 PM everyday. This is a charter school and students are paying to go there so they should have the option of staying for that long. I don't think it should be enforced nation wide. It even talks about how people are going to have to pay more money for there local school which i believe will just cause a bunch of havoc i the community.

    Frankie McCarthy

    1. in article two it gives the president the right to make laws. If the president wants to he can support this law and just has to get congress to pass it. Most law made by the president directly do get passed by congress though

  3. I'm done with high school this year so that is perfect. But for the young guys maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep them in school longer and make summer shorter. He mentions in the article, The students around the globe are much more advanced then "our" students. Well the other students around the globe are done school with in five years... We have to do twelve full years, then college which not many other country's can offer to their people. We are still the strongest Country in America and always will be we don't need to follow in the footsteps of these other country's like frauds.

  4. If Obama extends the school days, it will make a rise in kids cutting school. No one wants to be in school for the time they have to be in, let alone adding another 3 or more hours. The year round school is good though. It would increase test scores because if the students are not gone for a while and only adding a week or 2 on spring and winter break, they wont forget things so easily. He has the power to do this because he is the president and the president can propose bills to make them laws

  5. i disagree with making school days longer because kids wouldn't want to sit in a chair for 3 extra hours a day and listen to someone talk. they will not pay attention and it will be harder for children to keep up with the work if they have less time at home to do the work. i do agree with adding a couple weeks of school in the summer.
    he is president he can propose bills to make laws

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Making the school day longer would just be dumb. why would you make a kids week of school longer then there parents week at work. if the kids are there to long they are just gonna not care because they are tired and they want to go home. a 10 hour day of school for a kid is prolly the worst thing you could do to your kid. i would not want my kid to beat all the time beouse he has a 10 hour day of school i would want them to have a life outside of school. Obama is the president, ok so what gives him the right to take kids outside life away, nothing. obama just wants a free baby sitter for his kids all day thats what this is all about. why else would you not want to see your kids untill 6 o,clock when there tired and just want to go to sleep. the president can propose bills to make laws and article 1 of the constitution the legislative branch makes in final.


  7. I, personally, believe that the idea of extending the school year for students could have possitive effects; however, they need to do this very carefully. Students will be angered for having their school days lengthened and summers shortened, as parents will be for the increased costs for paying for the additional education. Because of this, I think changes such as this need to be done slowly and in moderation; only add an hour to the day and take away a couple weeks of summer, for example. This will help benefit the children in the best way possible, without leaving anyone too angry over the changes made.
    The article mentioned a few specific points about this new idea of increasing education. The President wants to increase the time in school per day up to three hours longer. He also wishes to take about two of the summer vacation months away from students. These facts, combined with the knowledge that it will cost more for this education to be funded, seem to leave almost no one happy towards the end. Some people that do not make as much money may use school as a source for happiness more than people of a high standard of living, but a large majority of our Country does not feel this way. According to Article 2 of the United States Constitution, the President is allowed to enact laws when specific criteria are met. This section of the Constitution explains Presidential Powers allowed under specific rules and regulations.
    John DellaRocco

  8. In this article President Obama suggests longer school days and school years. This is to help compete with other counties children. I don't think longer school days would work well. I actually think it would hurt America. If this were the case, schools could no longer run after school sports and activities. There would be no time or daylight for it. I feel that our country would become more over weight and we would bring in more health problems. Also, stress could be an issue. Students are already stressed with school as it is. Longer school years although, may help. That is, if there were more breaks. This may help kids to come more regularly if there are more breaks.
    In article 2 it states that the president can make laws, but they must be past by the congress.

  9. I'm really not for a longer school day at all. In the article for Obama Proposes Longer School Day they gave great reasons for why it should happen. One reason would be because many nations around the world have longer school days, which the President believes the reason why they do so well. Another reason to add more time to the school year is to give the kids a chance who are struggling in a certain subject the time they need improve. Also it would help the kids who are poor kids the chance to have something to do in the summer time and better their chance of being successful. In article two it talks about how the President can carry out laws as long as Congress passes it.

    Zalaya Johnson

  10. I don't think President Obama's proposal for longer school days and longer school years is a good idea. The schedule that we have now is good enough and it has worked for a while now. The article states that the US already has more school hours than some other countries, so it doesn't make much sense to add more. I think it would be okay to add a little bit of time to each day, but not three hours like some schools are doing. Three extra hours of school leaves little time for outside activities and other responsibilities that students have. I think a better solution to adding more mandatory time to the day is to offer specific help to students who are struggling. President Obama gets the authority to enact laws in Article II of the Constitution.

    -Jess Fox

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I don't think that extending the school day is going to help kids; it's just going to over work them and they won't have time to just be kids and relax after school. I think that extending the school year would be a better option. Even having a couple weeks off every so often instead of a 3 month break would be better because thats a lot of time off from school where students tend to forget a lot of what they learned.

      Money is also a big issue when it comes to keeping schools open longer. It's going to be more expensive for parents to send their kids to school which will lead to more money struggles in families. It will be more work hours for teachers and more money that the school is going to have to pay them. I think that it is a bad idea that will do more harm to students than it would do them good.

  11. I really don't think that extending the school day or year would be a beneficial thing for President Obama to do. I think kids would become more stressed out if they had to be in school 3 extra hours every day, because that would require a lot more work for them to do, with less breaks to relax and have fun. Also, the Asian countries who constantly outscore the US in math and science, have much shorter total hours of school in a year, even with their school years being 10 to 20 days longer. And, these programs that are running longer than the usual school programs cost a lot of money that America doesn't really have. If every school district were to start having longer days or years, the cost for this would increase greatly and some schools might not be able to pay for it.
    The constitution doesn't give the president the power to make laws. Everything he can do is found in article II, and he can only pass or veto bills passed by congress.
    -Morgan Ricker

  12. I think extending school hours in a day is too much for students to handle. Making the day longer only raises taxes, in which parents already find that painful to handle, but works teachers into overtime. Overall, students wouldn't have a say in this situation but problems will arise since it affects other people involved with it. Students who appreciate the extra hours are not the worry, but there will be a much larger number of kids who disapprove the change, which can lead to disasters such as a higher rate of absences, cutting, homework production, etc. But, the proposal of extending school days into the summer is very beneficial to students' education. The government would just have to handle changes in a way that would satisfy a majority of the population because there are many disadvantages over the one advantage of increasing school education. Article II gives the president rights to propose new laws proceeded by the the congress to either approve the bill or not.

  13. I think if they took a vote no kid would want a longer school day, let alone having school in the summer. Even though this doesn't effect me i think the rate of school drop outs will increase a lot. Also, if the school ours increase taxes will also rise and everyone knows for a fact that this economy doesn't need that right now. I am also pretty sure that teachers wouldn't want this law to be passed either because they are always eager to get home after a long day of work, they get to school earlier and leave later. In the constitution it says that the president has the power to make bills which goes get looked over to make laws, so even though i disagree with what he is thinking he has to power to do so.

  14. I don't fully agree with everything Obama wants to do with this. Longer school days would take up too much of students free time. Some students work, and need to work to support themselves if their families have financial problems. If the day is too long it could take away the hours in the day they have to work. Also if the school day is too long students will be to tired to do homework which would drop their grades in the long run. But,longer years would not be much of a problem. Students do tend to forget what the learned during the year in those three months. If the school year was longer, with short breaks here and there students would be able to get their rest and still learn more. You can't over work students, Kids do need their time to play and teenagers need time to rest or go to work. If students get over worked more and more students will drop either because they need time to have a job or they just cannot handle the pressure of longer days.

    The president cannot enact laws on his own. But he can suggest laws to congress. - Hanan

  15. I don't agree completely with what they are saying, i think that making the school days longer is a bad idea. There are many students already who hate school and don't put in any effort, and even drop out. I think that if they made the days longer more kids would start to hate school, and drop out rates would increase. Also making school days longer means kids will be putting in almost a 10 hour day, plus homework and down time when that get home at dinner time, that is way too long of day for kids. I think it will effect kids learning in a bad way and i do not agree with it at all.

    Obama cannot enact laws, they have to be passed by congress, he can suggest laws but my enact laws.

  16. I feel like it would be a good idea. Children need more time in school to learn because we, as a nation, are falling behind other countries. I think the President has the right mindset. We go to school less than most nations, 25-30 percent less, and that seems to be making a difference in our lives. School hours are based of off standards set when a large portion of US citizens were farmhands, and now most people work in offices and do not need help from their children.
    The president, in order to enact this law, would need to go through congress before he can sign it into law. He gets his authority from congress.
    Michael Agatsiotis

  17. i have mixed feelings about this change because i feel as though school is overwhelming enough for most kids but it may also be a good idea to shorten summer break and lengthen some of the other breaks so we can keep kids minds stimulated all year round instead of letting them lose information over the summer. president Obama can not however, make this law before it passes through congress.

  18. I think that the prolonged hours will not be the thing that will eventually bring our education program among elite status, like that of china or japan. It is not favored by kids, nor does it fit with the growing shorter attention spans to be in school for three extra hours a day. They will not be able to function through it,and it will make them dreary. It is also not far for the teachers, who have families and home things to do, and taking 3 hours off an already limited amount of time would not help anything. This would also cause i decrease in average sleeping hours, as kids will try to stay up longer to get done what school prevented them from doing like sports, homework, chores, movies, entertainment, etc. The interesting thing i read in the article was the 4 week vacation program. The school year is long and tedious, and sometimes almost impossible to stay alert and attentive for 9 straight months, and then we have 3 straight non-supervised, and non-institutional months of summer to forgot everything we learned. If time was spaced out better, we could have more vacation time, but have it less bunched up into one. If we had some system where we did like 8 weeks of school 3 weeks of vacation, this would give us enough time to learn without becoming disinterested, and enough time to have fun without detaching from school. completely. Peoples priority of entertainment must always be taken into deep consideration, as it is what makes people run, and if you take away time for that it does not add up well. Obama is the one introducing this reform, but he has no power to actually pass something like this so he would need to get the congress on his side.

  19. In Obama Proposes Longer School Day article i feel that a longer school day is better for the United State in many ways but i don't believe that everyone will agree on this because many people feel we are doing okay with our normal school day. Even though we are behind in the world for education i feel that even if we have a longer school day it wont change many peoples ways in school. It would just make kids hate school more or not go to school even more then normal. To add more school days to school Obama would need this to be passed by congress, because in the Constitution the President can not make that law an it says so in Article 2 Executive Branch. This is a very talked about topic an not everyone would agree with this right away, so they would to be more informed an have more time to actually look this over. Dominick Amelotti

  20. Mr. Obama's plan is an epic fail. We in the United States go to school longer than any other country, we just have 180 days instead of the 190 or 201 in other countries. I don't think the amount of school is the problem, it's the teachers and the curriculum. The math we have at Ridley is incredible hard and confusing. The other countries learn more about math then Americans but yet we are the most successful country. America is already in major debt, extending all of the school days and whatnot would mean we owe our teachers more money. People are already having a hard time staying on top of their bills, if everyone's taxes go up there will probably be a rebellion. People can't afford to put food on there tables and Obama's worried about raising the taxes to give our students better education when there isn't jobs out there for them.
