Monday, September 24, 2012

Article II of the Constitution sets up the Executive Branch of the government.
Read Obama's Way. After reading the article post a well thought out comment explaining a piece of the author's portrayal of the President that you found interesting or informative. Include comments on your impressions of the President and /or  the powers of the office of the President based on Michael Lewis' portrayal. Must be at least 1 paragraph.


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  3. Lewis does a good job of showing us the man behind the title; he shows Obama as a person rather than as a leader. We can all easily judge his political actions and what he has or hasn't done while he'd been in office. Lewis presents the idea that Obama is just a normal guy. He likes his games of basketball to be challenging. He doesn't want anyone to go easy on him or treat him differently. In talking about how Obama redecorated the Oval Office, Lewis shows that Obama cares more about intellect than the way things look. He doesn't want a decorative china cabinet in his office; he'd rather have applications for patents, little pieces of history and things that are important to him, like a rug inscribed with meaningful quotes. I enjoy how Lewis shows the personal side of Obama instead of defining him by his political ideas.

  4. The author portrays Obama as a genuine leader. I say this because the author talks about how Obama makes multiple attempts to be a normal guy, he doesnt take his power to the extreme or take advantage of the perks; he tries to be the level of his ability. He mentions that he will get his personal time, and at all other hours be focused on the situation at hand.

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  6. Even thought the President is trying to keep the United States out of chaos; he tries to keep his life as normal as possible. He shows that he is professional when it comes down to his work but after his work day is finally over; he is still up trying to have some sort of normalcy until one in the morning when already has a jump start on the day before anyone else can. The author shows that even though Barack Obama is the President he is still a person who loves to have people around him who knew him before he ever was Mr. President.

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  8. The article is a very well written summation of the President's life. The author Lewis shows that Obama is generally a regular guy. He doesn't want things handed to him that's why he chooses to play with a group of prestigious ball players who don't take losing lightly. MLK plays a big role in Obama's life he shows how he changed the oval office rugs to have a famous Martin Luther king quote on it. The author does a great job to show how Obama is unique and not just another leader of the nation. You can take from the article that Obama takes the small stuff lightly like picking his attire in the morning and the crucial issues with in depth analysis.

  9. In the article, the author shows Obama is really just a regular guy. He likes doing things that any other person would do in their free time. He doesn't like when people treat him different because he's the president or takes it easy on him. Also, besides the fact that he likes doing things that everyone else does that he also has to make the biggest decisions in a matter of few days so, he is not just a normal person but he can juggle all of that in a day, everyday. I thought it was interesting that since Obama is the president and people look up to him and basically bow down to him that he doesn't take advantage of that. He actually dislikes it and does not wanna be treated any different then anyone else

  10. Michael Lewis exposes a more personal side of Obama, he shows that behind the serious and business oriented man is a human just like everyone else. Lewis tells how Obama does not want anyone to give him special treatment due to his power & title as President of the United States. I feel as though for Obama it did not change who he was, but showed who he is as a person. This article shows that Obama has motivation and compassion for our country. I enjoyed how this article gave a great insight on the daily life of the President of the United States and revealed that he is actually personable and not so serious at all times.

  11. Obama is portrayed as a leader in the democratic party, offering very liberal idealistic views that top Romney in the political spectrum needed to guide our country through an economic recession.

    1. One can see Obama's personality through the daily activities he dies, such as laying basketball on the court with friends of his. Another activity being when president Obama had re-decorated the Oval Office adding a picture Marther Luthur King and a carpet filled with his favorite quotes.

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  13. The impression i got of Obama from this article is that he is dedicated to his work as President, but also tries to be a normal guy. I think this because he goes and plays basketball with younger guys whenever he can because he likes the challenge of playing against people who are pros at the sport. He is dedicated to his work because when the new President goes into office they can redecorate the Oval Office and get rid of whatever they want unless it would cause a political problem, but when Obama went into office it was during the economy struggle, so his first priority was fixing the economy not redecorating. Obama is a good leader who can also be a regular guy at times.

  14. the articles shows how even though obama is president of the united states, he still is a normal person just like everyone els. he has no problem going and playing basketball even at his age. and he makes it clear that he wants to be treated as everyone els as you can see when he divided up the teams he made them even and is confident person. Obama shows that he is just like everyone els he just has to make more decisions than most people

  15. Lewis writes a great article on the many things people do not know about the president. What I got out of this article is that the president is very relaxed and patient. He takes his time with everything and does not jump into answers. Also Obama is a very competitive man, he doesn't expect anything less than your best in a basketball game. Just because he is president he doesn't expect to take the easy way out of things. He is just like every other american, and I think this is why he is such a likable president. Obama is all about business.

  16. Lewis shows us that Obama faces many struggles in his presidency, and also that he can be a regular guy. He likes to play basketball in the white house but not taken easy on, he wants to be treated just as another player. He has to make big decisions every single day which becomes stressful at most times. This profile of Obama reveals him as a man of strength, courage, and honesty.

  17. After reading the article ive come to an understanding that Obama is just as normal as anyone of us. I believe this is why as a political leader he cares for the common people rather than a specific group. His down to earth personality reflects his leadership. Lewis focuses on expressing Obamas commonness. Obama does a great job balancing his leadership position and his life as a human being. Your role as President reflects upon your personality and moral understanding. Lewis did a great job of showing me Obamas personal side rather than his Presidential side.

  18. The author portrays Obama's life as abnormally normal. Although he still does normal things like play basketball and watch football, he still has our country in his hands. He still manages to have as normal a life possible even though he deals with national crises and has millions of people relying on him.It shows him as a person rather than a leader and makes him seem more like us. We are stressed out about really small things when Obama is living a life simular to ours, but has so much more to deal with.

  19. Lewis portrayed Obama as a guy who does not put up with anything that's not worth his time. He wants to use his time wisely; he keeps lists and has a routine he's fallen into even though he says being routinized is "not his natural state." He does take his personal time to read and things like that. I liked that in the meeting about the no-fly zone Obama asked everyone in the room their opinion, and then made them create another option when it was clear that a no-fly zone would achieve nothing. I also think it's interesting that Obama wants to hear arguments from all different kinds of people, especially from those with opposing viewpoints than his. There was a variety of people at that meeting and he heard from all of them. You've got to respect that about him.

  20. Michael Lewis portrays Obama as a man who is smart, and wants to make a change. Obama can go from playing basketball to helping a country with problems. Obama does face problems every day but he takes actions and makes changes for the better. He thinks thoughtfully about something before he takes action. Lewis showed the personal side of the President

  21. I enjoyed how the author was able to show what Obama does behind doors at the White House and also a respectable leader. I also enjoyed how they gave a brief story on Tyler Stark. Also I like how Obama is so honest with everyone he in counters. I also liked how Obama said what he does on his off time. I also admired how the author didn't just stay on the topic of politics the whole six months of the interview.

  22. I think the article shows the different qualities President Obama has that make him a good leader. He is extremely competitive, which means he will fight his hardest to make America greater then ever. Obama also understand that hard work is necessary to obtain what you want. He is not willing to play with guys he know he can beat. Obama wants the hardest competition he can find, because thats what he has in the White House everyday. Overall the author of the article does a nice job of showing Obama in his relaxed state you always hear about, but don't really know much about.

  23. Michael Lewis starts off his overview of Obama by expressing him as an everyday person and how Obama does not entirely enjoy the fact that he is revered as a celebrity. Lewis does this in order to express the fact that Obama is and always will be nothing more than an average human being, the only difference is the amount of power he is wielding in his possession. But Lewis portrays Obama's use of this power by telling the story of Tyler Stark and his predicament in Libya. As any average American would be, Stark was in fear for his life when he was taken up by the Libyan rebels since he has knowledge of how brutal the hatred of Americans is in the Middle East. But this fear is subsided when the rebels consider him a hero for aiding the demise of Qaddafi. The rebels reverence of this pilot could also be directly aimed at Obama for it was his decision to overthrow Qaddafi. This is a perfect example of well Obama does wielding this power.

  24. My point of view about the article is very simple. The story about the pilot is very informal. It shows you that you should never give up on your dream no matter how hard the obstacle is. As it goes for Obama it shows that Obama never gives up on anything and he is always determined to solve the problem and never afraid to confront it. And in the article it mentioned Obama as a boxer meaning that he is always down to fight and he is prepared to battle. Obama is leaving a very complicated life with a very tight schedule. His mornings are usually the easiest and he goes out of the white house for lunch to go and talk to the people. Obama never back down from a challenge and even though obama is in his 40 , he never wants to back down and even in the simple game of basketball. He invites many college players and tells them to go hard on him and if they don't they are not allowed to come back. That is a spirit of a true fighter. Obama works from early in the owning till 1 in the morning. His favorite thing is privacy and thats what every human in this world needs. its a little privacy. With hard work come great responsibilities but it also comes with many great rewards. Obama is a true hard working and focused human being. It would be a pleasure to have him realected in 2012.
