Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

Threat Assessment

Foreign Policy Research
OBJECTIVE- You have been assigned to research and brief the President of the United States on a current threat to US security. Your group must prepare a 10 minute presentation designed to give the President the following information:
1. Historical perspective on the threat.
a. Include maps, statistics, satellite footage, charts and graphs explaining how the threat came to be, where it is located, and other background information you feel is necessary for the President to fully understand the threat.
2. Current Events-
a. Include an assessment of the current status of the threat. Examine and brief the President on at least three news stories that have occurred in the last three months.
b. include an video that you feel will help inform the President of the situation, ie: news reports, demonstrations, recreations etc....
3. Options- Research and brief the President on the various different options available to him on how to effectively deal with the threat.
1. Nuclear Weapons- who has them? When did they get them? How many do they have? What is our current relationship with the country? How stable is the country?
2. IRAN-
3. North Korea-
4. EMP-
5. Al Qaeda-
6. China-
7. Lone Wolf Scenario / Home Grown Terrorism
8. Cyber warfare-
A good site to look at is Greatest threat

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Read Great Recession to understand the facts and statistics behind the "Great Recession"
List 4 conditions that characterized the great recession
Then do the following:
1. Pick out any 4 stocks and answer the following questions about those stocks.
2. What was the stock's price in May  2007?

3 . What was the Price in Dec 2008?
4. What is the Price today?
Finally after researching 4 companies answer the following question
5. How do you think the data you collected on these stocks played a role in the Great Recession?
6. Which of the 4 companies fared the best? the worst? why do you think so?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

market watch

Create a powerpoint
1. find out what stock has been your biggest winner and your biggest loser.
2. Pick either company and do the following:
slide 1- create a slide explaining what the company does.
go to yahoofinance and click profile. summarize. Include pictures
slide 2
- list your biggest loser or winner and list how much you have gained or lost.
Slide 3
- go to headline section of yahoofinance and try and determine what market factors are making your company's stock perform the way it has. summarize.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Criminal Justice

The goal for today is to understand the case and to be able to discuss the complexities of it.
Read Officers in the Bronx Fire 41 Shots both pages.
Read The Diallo Verdict
answer the following questions:
1. what were the officers charged with?
2. what was the prosecution's argument?
3. What was the defense's argument?
4. What do you think?
5. List three words/ phases you do not understand. Look up and define those words.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Supply and Demand

Find a product/ stock /or service where the forces of supply and demand are at work. You can google key words like; "demand drops (or increase.) for..", "supply increases..." , "competition increases for.....".Then explain the following:
Post a 2-3 sentence comment summarizing your answers to the following:
1. How have the forces of supply and demand been at work?
2. How has the price been effected?
3. Has this been good or bad for consumers?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sub plans 5/10
Period 1 Senior Seminar
Show video Ipod Revolution all five parts.
At the end have students list 3 reasons for the ipod's success
2 things about Steve Jobs as a person that led to his success
1 summary sentence of the video.
Show video Swoosh: Inside Nike

Pd 2-3 Criminal Justice
2(many students will be missing from block 2 due to AP exams)
3 (most students will be absent from this block due to early dismissal for Senior Prom)
Show 48 hours video Over the Edge
After the video you can take whatever students are there to the library and let them continue research for their final trial project 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Criminal Justice

Pick any 10 page segment of Steven King's Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption Book.
1. Describe in a paragraph any differences and similarities between the book and the movie ( include a commentary on your preferences)
2. Based on the movie, pick out and describe how each of the following theories of punishment were exemplified in the movie.
- rehabilitation
- incapacitation
- deterrence
- retribution
Tell which parts of the movie showed which theory and how.

3. A few times in the movie older inmates were said to be "institutionalized" . Brooks Hanlon was , and Red also thought he may have been. What does that concept mean and how could that be a bad thing at the time of parole.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Read Wal-Mart: An Empire Built on Bargains Remakes the Working World
Create a T- Chart with Pros and Cons of Wal-Mart on opposite side of the chart.
Try and get a total of 10 effects

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Use your notes on demand and read the following article on Facebook's Stock to post a comment on the following topic. Comment must be a minimum of four sentences.
Topic- According to the article and your own experience with Facebook what factors have contributed to the stock's performance in recent times and how have the forces of demand been at work in the performance of Facebook's stock. Also include at least three words or phrases used in the article that you think mean the same thing as the concept of "Demand" or illustrate the concept of demand.