Monday, May 13, 2013

Supply and Demand

Find a product/ stock /or service where the forces of supply and demand are at work. You can google key words like; "demand drops (or increase.) for..", "supply increases..." , "competition increases for.....".Then explain the following:
Post a 2-3 sentence comment summarizing your answers to the following:
1. How have the forces of supply and demand been at work?
2. How has the price been effected?
3. Has this been good or bad for consumers?


  1. 1. It seems as though Panera Bread's stock has been plummeting due to a decrease in demand for their expensive menu. At a higher price, a supply curve shows that there will be a surplus in quantity of product. Panera seems to be increasing price while keeping the amount of product they sell the same.
    2. The Price of Panera Bread stock has decreased due to the increase in price of their product. This decrease is most likely directly linked to the increase in supply.
    3. This is not necessarily good nor bad for consumers. I guess people who are Panera regulars are rather disappointed about the decrease in stock, due to the fact that some of them are Panera stockholders.

  2. Urban Outfitters updated its supply chain to meet the demands of rapid growth. Because of this, there is a projected expansion that will add 500 stores in North America, Europe, and Asia.
    Urban Outfitters Inc. has a long-term plan of 20-percent annual growth through its three brands: Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, and Free People. Because of this high demand for all of these stores, they can sell expensive clothes.
    The high demand also spread the company's supply chain to now they are selling their products out of their outlet stores and through department stores for easy customer access.

  3. The supply and demand for Starbucks as gone down in recent time. Due to the financial situation in America, most people have been going to other places for their coffee. Starbucks has lowered prices on all their coffees but are having a hard time retaining customers interests. Although the prices have gone down, many of their "regular" customers have been getting their coffee elsewhere.

  4. in the apple company in the last few months the demand for the iphone 5 has gone down as a result the company has cut back on its orders for parts for the iphone 5. with the new demand for the samsung galaxy the iphone 5 demand has gone down. soon apple is going to have to lower the price of the iphone 5 if they want to meet consumers needs. this has been good news for people who are in love with apple because the price of apples latest phone is going down.

  5. 1. There has been a decline in high calorie drinks in America and that is where 90% of Dr. Pepper makes its money. The drop in America's consumption appears to be hitting the soda companies the hardest and DPS is not over seas.
    2. The stock has been on a steady rise over the past couple months and the price has gone up, sales have decreased however earnings have gone up.
    3. For consumers this is bad because the price has gone up however if you are a stock owner this is a good thing because its been increasing.

  6. In disney as the demand for their attraction increases they deal with it in a couple different ways. One Way is they supply more rides so they can have more rides going at once. Another way is they design the lines so you can not see how long the lines are and so you do not feel like you are waiting in these long lines, you are always moving or distracted by something else.

  7. Boeing cuts 747 output rates as demand for big jets decrease. They will go from making 24 jumbo jets a year to 21 jets per year which will not have a huge impact at first but demand is expected to continue to drop over the years. This has been good for consumers because they rather buy smaller planes instead of four engine planes such as 747 and airbus 380.

  8. 1. Cigarettes are high addictive which means the demand for them are always high. Even though it gets fairly expensive for a them people continue to buy and buy, and even with tax through the roof on a pack of smokes people still need their cigarettes. Tobacco companies just pump out more and more packs everyday but they are keeping up with the demand.
    2. Cigarettes are always expensive, but people don't care and every one doesn't seem to care that it kills people all they see is money.
    3. Well since it kills you it been bad for customers, really really bad for customers. Most of the people who smoke cut their life expectancy in half which is terrible.

  9. 1. Apple admitted that they have not been able to keep up with the excessive demand for its' products, such as the imac and iphone.

    2. The price hasn't necessarily been affected because Apple are able to set their own prices and still benefit, since there is such high demand from consumers.

    3. Apple's inability to produce new designs fast enough and keep up with the high demand is dissatisfying to the consumers. The demand for imacs actually fell because Apple could not make the new design fast enough.

    - Kiara Morales & Lynizia Jordan

  10. 1. The supply of the Galaxy S4 was not nearly enough for the hype that accompanied its release. People rushed to stores to get this new smartphone, and suppliers were dumbfounded by the sheer amount of people who wanted this phone.
    2. Due to the shortage of these fancy phones, the prices of each phone have increased quite dramatically since its release. The demand of these products has allowed T-Mobile to charge outrageous prices for this phone.
    3. Obviously, the supply shortage for this phone will make customers very upset with T-Mobile. People may even permanently change carriers because they were aggravated by the insufficient amount of phones.

  11. In 2007 wendys was facing a huge problem with supply. They were either over supplying or under supplying. They fixed this by implemented ArrowStream’s comprehensive supply chain solution,
    which has two core components:
    1. ArrowStream’s OnDemand supply chain management platform
    2. ArrowStream’s Logistics, a nationwide freight management and optimization
    With OnDemand, the Web-based suite of supply chain applications, Wendy’s has fully
    integrated and synchronized its supply chain with distributors.

  12. SUPPLY:
    1. Gasoline prices drop in California and also nationwide. Gasoline prices were more ample through the recent price drop. Since 2008 prices hit there lowest number.
    2. The price has gone down because of so much supply.
    3. This is good for consumers because there is less money they have to spend on gasoline

  13. 1. Puma found persistent problems with their supply chain overseas. Workers have extreme amount of overtime and they do not have their legal benefits of annual, sick, and maternity leave. Puma has given their over seas suppliers the most up to date training and machinery to help fix their issues.
    2. The price has gone down and the stock has also dropped a few points as well.
    3. Its bad for the consumers because they are not going to have as much of the product. And the stock has also go down which is another negative, however if you are going to buy the product they are going to be cheaper

  14. The demand for McDonald's Corp has gone up 23% in the fourth quarter helped by a weak dollar and higher demand in other country's such as Australia, France, and Russia. The McDonald's share has rose 19 cents in the past month and with the extreme amount of people trying to drop down away from expensive restaurants the consumer in is in need for a cheap place such as McDonald's with there cheap menu and expanding horizon of food. The price that McDonald's is currently at is perfect for the average consumer due to the rising expensive prices of actual sit down Restaurants, cafes, ect.

  15. 1. The amount of surplus crude oil capacity, which is the amount of oil available to meet surges in demand or disruptions in supply, increased in 2009 as demand for crude oil declined along with the global economic slowdown.
    2. Its about 80 to 120 dollars for a barrel of crude oil. With a standard 42 gallon barrel translates to about 1.9 to 2.85 a gallon at the pump. This is before the tax. With tax it adds about .40 worldwide. This makes the crude oil 2.40 over a gallon and this before the costs of refining, transporting and selling the gasoline.
    3. This fluctuation of the gas prices has been bad for consumers. I remember back when i was really little that gas was less then a dollar for a gallon. Around .96 cents just for a gallon which was fantastic. Now gas is almost 3.40 a gallon which is a lot better then it was before but overall still bad for us.

  16. 1.The supply of Monster has increased over the past few years causing sale prices to drop.
    2.The drop of price did not stop the stock price for the product to go even higher, increasing 50% in their first quarter.
    3. This is good for the consumer because it means you can buy the product you love for a cheaper price.

    -The Demand of DreamWorks Animation Studios has caused it's stock priced to increase.

  17. 1. The demand for the Mac computer has gone up 31 % in the past months. Apple is working hard to get the product made faster.
    2. Although the demand is higher, the price has not changed and supply is still very under the need for it. The price has not been changed at this time. The wait for a mac computer could last around 2 to 4 weeks.
    3. Customers are mad that they must wait and pay a high amount but they are happy that they are not charging more in order to get the computers faster.

  18. There are numerous factors affecting the global supply and demand for oil, the price of gasoline should be expected to continue to fluctuate throughout the year 2013. The largest oil consuming countries have increased their demand since 2012, therefor the supply will go down and the price will rise. This is bad for consumers, but good for the economy because it will drive companies and consumers to be more energy efficient.

  19. Galaxy S4 faces supply issues due to the huge demand for its product. The company stated it would be an initial limit to their supplies blaming the huge global demand. Price has not been affected it is facing the same issues of supply as Apple. This is bad for consumers as many cannot receive the product that has been so long awaited.

  20. DEMAND:
    1. (Reuters) 3M company's demand for flat panel TVs has gone down because most people moved forward to touch screen devises or more updated TVs.
    2. The price in stock has went from 6.85 dollars to 6.60 dollars. The price has decreased from 3M's weak electronics.
    3. This has been bad for consumers because there are other competitors in the electronic business making better products.

  21. In Walmart, they increase supplies at incredibly low prices, so the demand for Walmarts low prices increases. They manage to keep prices low using "sophisticated systems to to drive down logistics costs" and in turn the price goes down. This is good for consumers because they get more for less.

  22. 1. apples stock's price is dropping due to a new demand for Google's android phones. Investors are worried about how the iPhone is falling further behind a slew of sleek alternatives running Google's Android software.
    2.The price of the phone has yet to change, but the stock's price has fallen because of the worried investors.
    3.This could be good for consumers because apple stocks are cheaper and maybe the price on the iphone five will go down to.

  23. 1. Google recently purchased the Motorola Company. Google was dissatisfied with the lack of swift supply for the product that Google wanted.
    2. Google loss 353 million dollars because Motorola was not able to supply products fast enough.
    3. This was bad for the consumers because they could not get the products that they wanted fast enough, causing some to lose interest.

    -Lynizia Jordan & Kiara Morales
