Thursday, May 2, 2013

Use your notes on demand and read the following article on Facebook's Stock to post a comment on the following topic. Comment must be a minimum of four sentences.
Topic- According to the article and your own experience with Facebook what factors have contributed to the stock's performance in recent times and how have the forces of demand been at work in the performance of Facebook's stock. Also include at least three words or phrases used in the article that you think mean the same thing as the concept of "Demand" or illustrate the concept of demand.


  1. I do not really like facebook and the way it brings in revenue. there are too many adds and if they are trying to entice people why do they keep promoting them? profits are now coming from apps. the type of people that use facebook now are not young, but old and in a way the old people are the only ones effected by the adds and apps.

  2. I think that there are few things that effect the Facebook Stocks. I have to say that the most important ones have to be advertisment,which sold alot of ads to people with smartphones. The main thing helping FB is the app for Facebook. Since laptops are dying and everyone uses their iPod or mobile device for Facebook thats what brings the dough in for Facebook.

  3. I think facebook hasn't been doing good because of the new social networking that has come out recently. Twitter became really popular and facebook just wasn't needed anymore. I think people on facebook now are mainly kids or adults who are reconnecting with people. Also, facebook recently bought instagram which they said went up 1.11 billion people in the past year so that has helped them a lottt.

  4. I think that the reason that the stocks for facebook have gone down is because more people began to think of facebook as annoying with all the unnecessary features and changes where at the same time Twitter came out and it was simply and easy. Twitter just became the bigger thing. They did make a good move with buying Instagram because people like pictures and seeing things more than having to read. The push for ads on smart phones is also good cause if people have a phone with facebook right on the front they might be more willing to use facebook more.
    Words or phrases for demand:
    "Gain Momentum"
    "Rolled out a string of product launches"

  5. Facebook is expanding from PC's to smartphones. This is helping boot revenue because of their mobile app developments. These apps keep Facebook at eye level, so no matter where you are, you can be in constant social connection,"for a world in which consumers' primary Internet access occurs on small-screened smartphones rather than PCs."In addition to transitioning to smartphones, Facebook also adopted Instagram. This is similar to Facebook but meets the specific needs of the younger upcoming demographic. Young teenagers and adolescents are more apt to share photos and thought easily than utilize all of Facebook's features.

  6. I believe that the main reason Facebook is doing so well is that they have appealed to a wider audience than other sites. They have something for everyone. The forces of demand have slowed down but the stocks are still rising. Facebook has included items that involve everyone's interests and can be customized to fit anyone's personality. "revenue growth", "gained momentum", and "helped lift revenue " all apply to the concept of "Demand"

  7. i think that facebook's ads have a lot of effect for the stock. also adding the app for the phones just helped them out tremendously. i think another thing that is going to help out the stock is the new facebook phone that is coming out to the market soon. but the ways of laptops and pcs are dying off everyone now days uses there phone or their tablet to use the internet.

  8. I've never played the games on Facebook, but they have been a key factor that has contributed to the stock's performance. Their ads on smartphones have been helping out the stocks also, being that they can make money off of mobile apps. Buying Instagram has also helped raise the stock price, and it is growing faster than Facebook did.

  9. One of the main reasons i don't go on facebook anymore is because of all the ads. There is too many and it gets annoying after awhile on both laptop and smartphone. I understand they have to find ways to get revenue with everyone shifting from using their laptops to smart phones, but i just think its just a hassle. The ads seem to be working because the stock is slowly growing, even through i don't like them others seem to.

  10. Facebook's recent gain in stock prices, according to the article, is thanks to the growing smartphone market, and along with it, a desire for mobile application. Facebook takes full advantage of people wanting the latest app that can make their lives easier. Advertising sold to third party application developers contribute to Facebook's reaffirmed hold in the stock market. The article mentioned people's shift from PCs to smartphones, which helps out with the stock prices of Facebooks.

  11. In my experience and in the article Facebooks stock has gone up due to all of the adds that are being placed on smart phones. People these days are always on the run and the demand of easy access to Facebook was needed, bringing Facebook into a major need of more publicity on smart phones with the increase of adds. The more adds that are being put on for Facebook the higher the stock is going to go up. Simply the more adds the more money Facebook will bring in.

  12. Overall the whole look of Facebook has gotten better. They have made the layout that was easier and more efficient to use. I think that there are a lot of new things with it. The movie the Social Network came out a few years ago making Facebook a movie name and allowing people to see the making of the site. Now also, Android users and other Facebook users that do not have the iPhone can get the app now allowing more people to be on Facebook. Also it has liked to Instagram and now they are putting ads all over so more companies want to help out Facebook, causing revenue to increase.

  13. Facebook used to be the website for college kids and the teenage generation to connect with friends. Now different websites such as Twitter and Instagram have changed the game. Facebook never used to have advertisement and it was easy to connect with other people. When you go on Facebook now, all you see are ads and pop ups and those ads affect how many people will log back on. The ads may be a good thing for the older generation, who have taken over Facebook. My mom gets more likes on a facebook status then I ever have or will. The ads apply to the older people because they are the ones who are constantly buying things.

  14. I think that facebook has not been doing so well because of all the new social networks that have came out. I think that more people found that facebook as being annoying. There are new social networks like twitter that are more popular. There seems to not be a need for facebook anymore.

  15. The factors that have contributed to Facebook's demand are the convenience of conversing with several other people you know. Also, the inclusion of mobile phones having access to Facebook has attracted many people. Recently though, Facebook's stock isn't really going anywhere. At the rate of success with Zuckerburg's new ideas, Facebook will probably go down.

    Demand words/phrases: Gained momentum, heavy traffic to the social network remained strong, sharp slowdown.

  16. I like the way Facebook brings in there revenue because Facebook is a free social network. Facebook's stock performance has been increasing from the ads that are on the social network. Ad's is one good to bring in revenue. There is also more smartphones getting involved with ads and that is making more people use Facebook. Facebook is starting to increase in stock and have an increase in revenue

  17. Facebook expanded from the many ads that they have now which persuade people to click on the ad so that they could make money. Not many young people get on facebook anymore so the ads on Facebook i think only gets the attention of old people. Most of the ads are most useful to old people anyway. Sometimes i think the the ads are fake (spam) so whenever i did get on Facebook i never clicked on any of it. Apps are most popular

  18. I use Facebook every once in a while only to check up on old friends, reply to some people and occasionally post a status on how I'm doing. But, I do see something new on Facebook every time I log in. New adds, new games, and many other new things that Facebook uses to bring revenue to their company. So because of this Facebook has made a sudden rise in stock. They make money from other companies adds being promoted on Facebook which also brings them money.

  19. Facebook was the new thing after Myspace. I feel like the start of high school is when everybody started to use it. Facebook was more up to date and yu could do a lot of different things on it. Such as sharing pictures and making statuses that you could "like" peoples comments and such. Once Twitter and Instagram stated coming out it seems people stopped using Facebook. It was boring and there was a lot of spams and other glitches. Today, from what I know, nobody in school really uses is as much because of Twitter and other newer social networks. Today Facebook is trying to make a come back. After their drop in the stock market they decided they needed a change. Facebook makers realized PC's were getting out of date and everyone was using their smartphones. Facebook makers have made Ad's for their smartphones to access from where ever and whenever they'd like on their cell phones.

  20. I think Facebook was a brilliant idea for a business. It covers every social need people need to keep in communication except the eye to eye contact. I believe the growing number of ads may hurt the business due to the fact that membership is free. I think Facebook is was an excellent idea for a way to make a humongous income, but it's ruining the social lives of growing children and young adults by eliminating many factors that help us with communication skills as we get older.

  21. Facebook stocks are beginning to be affected positively mainly due to the use of mobile advertisement. Laptops are becoming less popular, while most people are now Facebook networking through their mobile device app. I actually prefer Instagram over Facebook because I find all of the constant ads to be annoying. I think more teenagers are straying away from Facebook and going to other social networks and Facebook is becoming more popular for the older generation.
