Monday, February 14, 2011

current events homework

Read Cash Strapped States Facing Budget Crisis Summarize and comment according to regular homework format


  1. The article lists many things wrong with the debt in our country i.e. the money owed by California with its new governor under a lot of pressure. Obama's 150 million set out originally has dried up and Americans are looking for money to get and for money to spend. I think that this cycle will go on forever, debt is a thing that will always shadow our country.

  2. This article tells you mostly about all the different debts in our country and how its effecting each state. It tells you the cuts a few governors from certain states are making due to the new budget they are all required to have by Obama. Most states are trying to not to cut education and Medicaid. But in California those are two of there larger cuts. I do not think they should cut these two large sections, because they are to important. I also do not think the country will ever get out of debt, we are to far in it and it will take years and years to get out.
