Friday, February 4, 2011

political spectrum

1. Go to Political spectrum quiz
Take quiz. Post a comment on the blog summarizing the results of your quiz.
2. Go to liberal v conservative
Pick any four topics that are of interest to you. Read each competing view. On a piece of loose leaf write your own view of the topic. Explain your view and explain if you are liberal / conservative or somewhere in the middle. Each explanation should be about a paragraph or more in length.


  1. The survey told me i was moderatley liberal but its closer to neutral. I think this means that i agree with some of the liberal things and some of the conservative things, but i lean more towards liberal views.
    - crissy pisani

  2. I was told i was moderately conservative, but overall i was close to the average for everyone else who took the quiz. i always thought i was this so it is not a surprise to me.
    Aaron Kellett~

  3. I was a centrist moderate social authoritarian which means i am more conservative.
    Right- 0.38, Authoritarian- 1.41
    It also says i would want a strong military that intervenes around the world.

    Ryan O'Kane

  4. slightly left and slightly libertarian. slightly Neo-conservative. and right in the middle when it comes to culture. It says that im basically in the middle but lean towards the left. It says that i believe that we should have a strong military and that i don't care either way what is going on in other countries.

    -Derek Winkler.

  5. I was told by the survey that I am a centrist moderate social authoritarian. To sum this up i believe that I have likes and dislikes on both sides of the spectrum. I also was on the rights side of the spectrum, favoring neo conservative and cultural conservative views.

  6. My survey said that i was moderately liberal but very close to neutral. I think that means that i am neutral on a lot of subjects but i lean towards liberal views.

    Mike Bradley

  7. I am a center-left social moderate. This means that I am a liberal but I am afraid to show it. I think this means that im a pretty considerate about the important things that contain about myself.

  8. Hi. The survey said that I was a center-left moderate social libertarian. I think this means that I am liberal on most things, but semi-conservative on others. I am more neutral, but leans towards liberal views.

    Left: 1.45, Libertarian: 1.05

    Chelsey Benedek :x

  9. The survey said i was a centrist moderate social authoritarian. i think this means that i agree more with the conservative views then the liberal views.
    -Brittany Ulerick

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I am a moderate social authoritarian and have no idea what that means. if i had to guess i think it would mean that i am laid-back.

  12. Susy Suarez,
    -pacifist and anti-war activist. Cultural liberal. Center-left social moderate.
    Left: 1.42, Libertarian: 0.18

  13. This quiz told me that centrist moderate social libertarian. I think this means that I am pro-choice because libertarians believe in freedom, making your own choices and expressing yourself. I am more non-interventionalist than a neo-conservative. This means I am somewhat anti-war unless it is necessary.

    -Michelle Bergeron

  14. The survey told me that i was a center-left moderate social libertarian. I think that means that i am mostly liberal but somewhat conservative. I am more neutral but i lean to the left on most issues...!!!!


  15. The survey said I was a centrist social moderate. I think this means that my views both liberal and conservative. I don't lean more towards one political view.

  16. The survey states that i am centrist social moderate. I honestly have no idea what that means. I guess that it means that i am in the middle of being liberal and conservative, but closer to liberal. I view myself as more liberal so i guess this is right. It shows that i am close to the average quiz takers.

    Alyssa Cimino

  17. center-left moderate social libertarian. i was in the middle of the foreign policy and a little to the left of the culture. i was more liberal and slightly to the left of the graph. i guess that's accurate.

    -eddy mena

  18. I am a center-left moderate social libertarian -Allie Brennan

  19. The survey said that I am a center left moderate social libertarian. this means ibelieve social issues are a State's issue not an issue for the Federal Government , also anti war Keith Greene

  20. I am a center-left moderate social libertarian.
    - Jordan Dougherty

  21. i am a left moderate social libertarian.
    Left: 3.65, Libertarian: 1.13
    i guess im against war.

    it wont let me make a gmail account either

  22. My quiz said I was Centrist social moderate. I have no clue what that means. I did not know half the words in the quiz and half the questions made no sense so i put Neutral.

    Your pal Mike.

  23. I am apparently a center-left social moderate?
