Monday, January 2, 2012

Federal budget

After lecture and notes on the federal budget view examines the history of the federal deficit
I. Go to click on explore the budget and see how your tax dollars are spent. Answer the follow questions:
1. In what area is most of our tax dollars spent?
2. What % is spent on social security?
a. What is social security? (research this before you answer)
3. What % is spent on highways & mass transit?
4. How much is spent on Defense?
5. What is Medicare?
a. what % of our budget does it consume?
6. What % is spent on college financial aid?
7. What % do we spend on international (foreign ) aid?
II. Read Hard Choices: Pres. Obama's 2012 budget.
In a paragraph describe what these hard choices are. Give specifics.

III. Go to National Budget Simulator -
attempt to balance the budget.
In a paragraph summarize your actions, problems, successes and possible implications of your new budget.

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