Monday, January 30, 2012

Ideas on Government- What is the role of government?

1. Go to Political spectrum quiz
Take quiz. Post a comment on the blog summarizing the results of your quiz.
2. Go to liberal v conservative
Pick any four topics that are of interest to you. Read each competing view. On a piece of loose leaf write your own view of the topic. Explain your view and explain if you are liberal / conservative or somewhere in the middle. Each explanation should be about a paragraph or more in length.


  1. the quiz said that i was more on the republican side of things. I agree with this statement because i think i am. It also said that i was a conservative at the same time which in some cases i think is also true. It said that i was anti war and at times i think i am and i can start to question the government. I think that this quiz accurately predicted the type of person i was and for the most part the things it said about me were true.

    Frankie McCarthy

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. this quiz said that i was more to the left side of the political spectrum and more libertarian. it said that i am more of a pacifist and i don't believe that we need a strong military that goes to other countries which is true. I don't believe that America needs to play "world police". i believe that this test was fairly accurate in categorizing me.

  4. the test said i am center left social moderate. i dont really have a specific view on politics so this result makes sense. i am more in the middle of things and i agree with the results.

  5. According to my placement on the graph this quiz provided, I am to the left of the center as well as mid-way to the authoritarian side. I am not surprised with these results, for I have some issues that I am confident about and feel very strongly about. The results I had are not average compared to others, but I expected to see results similar to what the test said.

  6. The Quiz said that i fall to the right, or more conservatives sides, but also lower closer to libertarian rather than authoritarian. I agree with this because i feel that when it comes to the economy and business and things of that nature i feel like i agree with the conservatives ways, but when it comes to social issues and society, i feel more liberal.

  7. It says that i am basically a moderate as i am in the middle where all four points connect. The quiz was some what right as i don't really follow politics so i don't really have a view. Also it says that im culture conservative because i care mostly about one culture conserve things about it

  8. This quiz said that I am a moderate. I fall slightly to the left side when it comes to policies on war. For the cultural part I was pretty much right in the center. I think this makes sense because I don't have any real extreme beliefs about politics, so being somewhere in the middle seems true.
    -Morgan Ricker

  9. The Quiz said I was slightly more to the left as well as considerably more libertarian. I feel the quiz was correct in the area of libertarianism vs authoritarianism. However feel that I am more right wing than let wing when it comes to the key issues. I think this quiz reflected my political point-of-view fairly well.

  10. The graph showed that i was on the left side and more libertarian than authoritarian. I don't care too much about a lot of those issues but some of them I feel very strongly about.

    Jess Fox

  11. The quiz said that I'm a libertarian. On the graph, I'm close to the center but in the bottom left section. I was considered non-interventionist and cultural liberal. My results were almost the same as the average quiz taker. I expected to be a liberal but I didn't expect that I would be close to the average.

  12. The quiz said that I am a center-right social moderate not the average moderate individual. I agree with this because I am not your average moderate person I believe in what I think and nobody can change that. There are certain beliefs that I have that may make me same as I am a democrat, or some as a Republican. In the end though I am a Republican who believes that the average working person and the Government should work together and earn steady pay checks to make way in the world today.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. For the Political Spectrum Quiz my score was a left social moderate. It said that I'm a pacific and antiwar, which I do agree with but I would be fine if another country was in danger and they needed our help, we would do it. The quiz results also said that I was a Cultural liberal. Also my results came pretty close to matching the average test takers results. So in all I agree with the results that I was given.

    Zalaya Johnson

  15. The quiz said that i was to the left side of the political spectrum and more authoritarian. It said that i really wanted nothing to do with other foreign policies and thats right i want nothing to do with other kinds of people. Also it said i was on the conservative side for culture that im about us and nobody else. i do not think getting on your knees and kissing the ground praying to alaa is ok makes no sense so stick with our culture. i think the test was accurate on me. Frank Wagman

  16. The quiz said I was right moderate social libertarian. I agree with this because I think I would consider my self more conservative than liberal. The quiz said I like a strong military which is true. I think the quiz was fairly accurate about how i feel.

  17. The quiz said that i was more of a authoritarian and cultural person and i agree because with no power in one persons hands things would start to go wrong. It also said that i was a neo-conservative and a cultural conservative and i guess i agree with that, i have no idea what that means.

  18. On the quiz i am center left social moderate, an on the Libertarian side, i agree with the test results because i have an open mind to a lot of things an like to hear the different sides and make the judgement on what i feel like is the right chose. I was expecting to be more liberal then Authoritarian.

  19. It said i am center-left moderate social authoritarian. I do not follow politics, but i agree with the quiz results.

  20. the quiz said i was centrist social moderate. i disagree with the results because i believe i am more conservative than liberal and the results showed i was more on the libertarian side.
