Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Read Hurricane Irene: New Yorkers Prepare for Historic Storm post a comment of one paragraph ( about 5 sentences on the article). Your post should focus on the ideas of what is the role of government in this situation and how much blame should the government face if a Katrina type "government failure" happens. Also comment on how much personal responsibility should people have in a situation like this. Sign the posting with your full name.


  1. The role of the Government in the state of emergency was to warn everyone that a horrible storm was coming and to pack up and leave for their own safety. The reality is they don't have to leave but they will not be safe and there will be very few ways of getting emergency help once the storm comes due to the evacuation.

    1. The role of the government in this type of situation is to have a reliable evacuation plan as well as a good rescue plan. The government should take all of the blame for a "government failure" its the government failing after all. People should be cautious in these situations, and prepare for the worst.

  2. i think that the people should be very careful when it comes to natural disasters like this one i was living down the shore for the summer in Sea Isle and we got evacuated two days before the storm came. There were many people around me that were choosing not to evacuate because it was their only home and they didn't want to stay in a shelter or go into a hotel room for a couple of nights. The government did the best they could in trying to keep people safe and if the people did not get out of their homes that just was them being stupid. the police told us that if we chose to stay and something were to happen to us that they would not be sending people out because is was close to the beach and felt like it would be to dangerous and risky of a situation. Many people agreed with the officers and made there way elsewhere.

    Frankie McCarthy

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The government is trying to do what they think is the best for the people, so they do not get hurt or even killed. They even made a list of what you should have in supplies to get through the storm. The government is not going to be able to keep control of people if they are trying to survive the storm of a life time. People will do what they need to do to survive. Frank Wagman

    2. I think that the government is trying to protect everyone by making them evacuate because they think that's what is best for them. Some people may choose not to leave their home, but that's their choice. They can't be forced to leave their home, even if it is dangerous for them. The best the government can do is to make people aware of the dangers of the storm and give them the chance to evacuate to safety. Whether or not they choose to leave is entirely up to them.
      Madison Smith

  4. The government was in a state of emergency during the storm. They must warn everyone that the storm is coming and suggest evacuation. But, they can't force people to leave their homes. They can tell the people that they can't help if there are problems with the people that choose not to evacuate. The government plays a huge role in evacuating as many people as possible.

  5. As there is a historically bad precedent in the country involving hurricanes, i think the government is doing the right thing by taking drastic measure for a weakening hurricane moving up the east coast, and i believe the people should be cooperative in complying.The government is the only force who can perform the measures of shutting down transportation and evacuating a city whether people think they should be or not, and a possible natural disaster is not the time to argue with your government about over reactions or force action. As they are the only force who can organize such a shutdown, there is no reason that they should not perform the task. It is only safety precautions , after Katrina, to get out of danger, even if only a potential threat. During the katrina incident, the state of new Orleans was pretty much anarchy, and in New York, a situation of that caliber would be way worse, as new york is the most important city in the country and possibly the world, and it does not have the time to take a week long vacation underwater or in panic. It has been seen that if people are not convinced or shown by the government a path or way to go, they will usually get upset and frantic, doing whatever it takes to survive including theft and other crimes. It is the state of nature to worry if we are told to, just as it it also human nature to listen to a higher power, thus making government intervention the best way to go.

  6. The role of the government in disaster type situations should be to protect their citizens. They should do their best to get the citizens out of the area that is going to be affected. If the fail to do that they could have a Katrina like situation. That being said, the government should take half of the responsibility in these situations. The other have goes to the actual citizens. They should help their neighbor or relatives. They should do their best to make sure everyone is out of the way of danger. If the citizens can do that we might never need government influence as long as we have people who care for one another and make sure everyone is out of harms way.

    -Michael Agatsiotis-

    1. Excellent job otis keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The role of government is huge when it comes to natural disasters. Their job is to warn everyone and to do their best to evacuate people. I feel like in this situation with Hurricane Irene the government did a good job. They sent out warnings and many states called a state of emergency. The government told people to evacuate because they knew it wasn't safe. If people didn't want to listen that was their own fault. The government couldn't do much more than warn everyone.

    -Jessica Fox

  8. In a situation of a natural disaster like hurricane Irene, I think the government should have a pretty big role in the lives of the people. It is the governments job to protect the country and all of its citizens. But, I think a lot of people like to do what they want regardless of what the government tells them. If they want to stay and not evacuate, that is there choice and if they have been strongly warned I think that is enough. The government did the best they could to encourage people to leave their homes, so they shouldn't hold too much blame if there was a government shut down because of the hurricane.

  9. The roll of the government is to watch the situation and make sure it doesn't get to bad for the residents. They would need many medical centers and some shelters throughout the cities in danger. The government would need a lot of aid in order to clean the disaster up. Just another thing to put the country in more debt.

  10. I do believe that the government should have the authority to tell us what to do if our life is in danger. The government has to tell us what we should do in an emergency because not everyone knows. They have the right to tell us when it's right to evacuate because they are doing for our best interest. The blame should be put on the government when they don't react soon enough when there is serious destruction after an event. While the government should make sure we are doing the right thing we as people should make it our duty to follow what they say because our lives are in jeopardy.
    Zalaya Johnson

  11. If a Katrina like "government falure" happens, i think it would be the government's fault entirely. The people would have no fault in it because they were following orders. The role of government in a situation like this is to keep people safe and do whatever means nessecary to keep people alive.
    -Tyler Hearty

  12. The responsibility for the government in situations like these is very high.The government should have a sense of what they are going to do when something happens along these lines, like an evacuation plan.The term "Government Failure" was very accurate for Katrina because they knew the storm was coming and they knew New Orleans was below sea level, what did they think was going to happen? The personal responsibility for someone in this situation is also very high. When you know something bad is planning to happen and there is a great threat to your life you should use your head, stop being stupid and get out.

    Christian Schaefer

  13. The government is in a state of emergency for the storm. The government has to make sure everyone is safe and out of the way of the storm. They play a big part in making sure everyone is evacuated.i think it is the governments fault for the "government failure".

  14. At the very least, the government should warn citizens of natural disasters but it is up to the people to prepare for the storm when the event happens. The government should be responsible for warning everyone and fix the after effects. No forewarning would be disastrous and giving no aid afterwards would be more chaotic. The government has major responsibilities but the people have the right whether to respond to the gov. If the government fails in aiding the citizens, they are to blame but if a city refuses help, the city's major and representatives would be at fault.

  15. In this situation the government was in a state of emergency. All they can do is warn people to evacuate, because of how strong the storm was supposed to be. They can not force people to leave there homes if they do not want to. The government tried there best to keep everyone safe by suggesting evacuation, and if they did not want to listen, its on them, it was there choice. They government did there job.

  16. It is the government's responsibility to try and control the situation as best they can to protect the people. The only way to do this is to evacuate the areas that will be hit by the hurricane by any means possible. Although you cannot force someone to evacuate their homes it must be shown that evacuation is the only safe way to avoid the storm. The people were warned of the danger of the storm so if they choose not to evacuate or take other precautions nothing can be done about that. The government is responsible to try and help but if anyone chooses not accept that help there is nothing they can do.

  17. I believe that the role of the government is crucial to the safety and security of any cities such as New York in any natural disaster situations. The government's role is strictly to make sure that it's people are safe, and they have the resources/supplies they need. Even though it is optional for any person to take advantage of the benefits that the government provides in situations like this, the options must still be provided as well as strongly encouraged to be followed. Not all people are financially able to take on the conflicts that natural disaster can cause; however, the use of government should help to give the same amount of help to any group of people based on their need in the situation, not their income. That is what I believe is the largest point of government; everyone in need gets the same treatment as everyone else.

  18. The role of the government in a disaster situation is to protect its citizens and provide them with adequate relief. People can not really fend for themselves in a natural disaster. After a disaster has struck people do not have access to clean water, food, or even sometimes a place to sleep. I believe that in disaster situations people should always listen to the government because that is the only way they will survive.
    -Ian Cornele

  19. In this situation of a "historical hurricane" as Obama said, I feel the government took the right action on ordering the people to evacuate from there homes and towns, to get away from the powerful storm creeping up on them. The government didnt nothing wrong they followed all the right steps to get everyone out of there towns with out a lot of harm to people. The government cant do it all on there own they need help with getting everyone out safely, people need to not be stupid and get out when they can out of harms way. Peoples lives are at risk and the government is very much to blame if something goes wrong, but they cant control every single person as this hurricane comes. Dominick Amelotti
