Thursday, October 4, 2012

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  1. I think they both had good arguments, but I think that Mitt Romney had a little bit of an advantage over President Obama, because Romney brought up topics that made Obama uneasy, and off set his balance.
    Kevin Bremner

  2. I believe that Romney came into the debate very strong. His body language said a lot about him and I believe this made many people who were on the fence lean more towards Romney. He had an answer for everything that came his way and he was very well prepared for the debate. Obama was however more respectful during the debate, Romney kept jumping down his throat.

  3. I saw that Obama had horrible body language and just kept repeating the same points. Romney also kept repeating the same points but had better body language by far. I believe that Romney won the debate because of his body language and the way he responded to every question he was asked. I believe many people who were still trying to decide Obama or Romney are now leaning towards Romney. It could be said that Obama had more respect for Romney while he was talking however also made it look like he was not listening or not interested. Obama came off as cocky like everything he said was the right answer and there was no room for anything else to be said.
    - Andrea Friess

  4. Romeny looked very confident and aggressive. Although he talked a good game, Obama made a good point. Romeny can not give any details as to what his plan is to fix the issues he says he wants to fix. He is very vague, and even when Obama called him out on it, he still didn't clarify. This is not very promising for someone that is running for president. Obama is saying he is going to stay on the same plan he did for the last four years, but that just made it hard for middle class and increased the deficit in a huge way. Neither of them are getting my vote at this point.

  5. I think that Romney won the debate, I like Obama more but I think that Romney attacked all of Obama's weaknesses and mistakes as president. Obama said what he was planning on doing, Romney did the same but got into Obama's head at the same time. Obama did not have anything to say about Romney besides talking about is 5 trillion dollar tax cut. It was a very repetitive debate but I think Romney came out on top.

  6. This debate was very intense. Obama was attack by Romney. I felt that Obama did not care what Romney had to say just by seeing his facial expressions. Obama kept looking down and not looking at Romney. I also feel that Romney is better at debating then Obama. Just because you are a good debater does not mean that you are going to be a good President. I think that Obama is a good President and this debate does not change my mind. I think Obama should win and become president again. ~Jessica Crispin

  7. I think overall Romney came out stronger in this debate, but I still believe in Obama's ideas. I think that Obama's ideas to decrease the debt and increase jobs will work as he is basing it off a strategy that Clinton had used which was very successful. Romney's ideas to decrease debt involve bringing in no income which I see as a big problem. To solve the debt issue I believe in Obama's ideas.

  8. As i looked at CNN they made it clear that the way both of them expressed there facial expressions and concern for each others opinion Romney won. I believe that Romney does not have what it takes to be president. Every time he comes across a topic he is unclear what he wants to do. like how Obama said he wanted to have this 5 trillion thing but a couple of weeks before the debate he changed that big idea.If I could vote I would not wanna vote for someone who is unclear of what they wanna do. especially since Romney wants a small government means that he could cut back student loans. I do not wanna be in debt the rest of my life because I am gonna have to pay off my college tuition. if that's the case I rather not go to school at all.

  9. I think Romney won the debate. He had better body language and played offense the whole time while Obama was stuck defending the last four years. The debate didn't change my mind. I still prefer Obama over Romney. Despite popular belief, Obama has done a lot in the past four years, and I agree with his views on most issues. Romney has flip flopped a lot from when he started running until now. Romney is a better debater, but that doesn't mean a whole lot to me.

  10. Although Romney has "won" this debate, I'm still in favor of president Obama. Romney was very repetitive and couldn't back up any of his claims on how to fix the economy. Obama lacked some of the confidence you've seen in him before, but he still stated facts on how well his presidency has helped America, and what he's going to do in the future. He also showed weakness in Romney when he brought up how his view on how he's going to handle the deficit and the tax cuts has changed 5 weeks before the election.

  11. I think the presidential debate sucked. They brought up the same 5 things for every question. It turned into a bunch of polite screw you's to the other candidate the whole time. But if I had to choose a candidate, I would say that Romney left a better overall impression with the viewers.

  12. I felt that Obama was acting like a HIGH SCHOOL student fighting with a teacher. He ha bad body language and come off really cocky and like he knew everything about anything. Romney came off with good statements and fought like an adult. He had good body language and had good eye contact. He stood up for us people and did not think about himself.

  13. In my opinion after watching most of the debate I don't think Obama showed much enthusiasm for being there his body language was very weak which i can understand it being his 20th anniversary where Governor Romney was more demanding with his answers and showed more presidential qualities. They both kept going over the same points of what they want the country to be like and how to change it and make it so much better when i don't think either of them can or will. I feel as if everything Obama said Romney would try to come back at him talking bad on what he did and why were where we are now. I don't agree with Romney being against women's rights nor him not talking much about education because the kids are the future, Education should be one of the biggest thing they talk about and i think Obama addressed that a lot. Romney may have had a better body language and a better way of public speaking at this debate but i don't think he could hold up to his expectations.

  14. i think Romney did a better job because he answered quickly and his plan will work better because he is a business man. He also said he ca decrease the deficit and debt while keeping the US strong.

  15. Romney came off as the agresser and tried to point out obamas flaws. Obama asked about the specifis from romney and never named them. Obama tried to show how secretive Romney was by the specifics of his plans.
