Thursday, October 4, 2012

Go to realclearpolitics
Read many of the different opinions of the debate then post a 1 paragraph comment on the debate.


  1. My opinions on the presidential debate are that Mitt Romney did a better job of explaining himself to the people, he had better body language and eye contact when President Obama sort of looked around the whole time. Also, i feel that Romney explained what he wants for America in a better way than Obama did. I feel that after this debate, many people in the US are going to change their minds.

  2. My view on the debate was neutral. Romney had some really good points in increasing the raise of jobs, drilling for oil on american soil and decreasing our debt. Obama is all about health care which is a good thing but also says he would cut the debt in half when he really doubled it over his 4 year term. Overall id be happy with either of them being president. During the debate, Romney sounded like he was in alot more control than Obama. Obama seemed like he was off based off his body language looking around and not paying much attention when he wasnt speaking. He also had good answers to the questions being asked.

  3. I don't think either candidate "won" that debate. Romney had constant pained and nervous smiles and the fiery ambition we saw in Obama in 2008 has seemed to dwindle. Romney's arguments in the debate consistently oppose the actual platform that his and Ryan's campaign runs on. Obama found his record harshly attacked, and had a hard time defending himself. He was clearly on the defense in the debate and did not do a good job of making his ideas plainly heard. Romney made a good offensive, certainly, but his arguments were invalid and empty. He even gave Obama one strong moment in the debate as the president pointed out Romney's lack of ability to describe what he would replace Obamacare with if he was elected. There are a multitude of faults in Romney's argument that Obama has the potential to use to tear his opposition apart, if he could only use them in a properly aggressive manner. If he doesn't, Romney will use the doubts about the president's plans to crush all of Obama's arguments. Neither of them debated very well last night; a victory doesn't seem clear at all. It could go either way. Romney ought to stop lying and debate from his true platform, and Obama needs to get his competitive edge back.

  4. In my opinion it did seem like Mitt Romney was doing a good job at defending his claims on the issues with America; but so did Obama. They both are trying to convince Americans that are on different sides to vote for them by saying what they want to hear. They both showed that they are confident at winning the Presidency, but still have a long way to go before either one is able to attain it; whether it's Obama for another term or Romney taking the spot from Obama.

  5. I think that even though Romney won the debate, he did it in such an unnecessary way. He was too forceful and rude and relied more on how he was saying things than what he was actually saying. He really beat around the bush about his healthcare plan and was really vague about what was in it. He was definitely anti-federalist and emphasized state control as opposed to national control. I think that he changed too much from his original platform to be taken seriously because he's now saying what he's saying to appease people, but is doing it in such a way that he can go back and manipulate the what he said to sway it back toward his original platform.

  6. During the debate Romney seemed well prepared and aggressive towards Obama. Obama seems more laid back and thinks before he speaks. Obama had no energy when he was talking so that gave Romney the ability to just keep striking him before he was even done speaking. Romney seems like he likes taking charge. In the articles, many people were criticizing Obama for letting Romney steal the show.

  7. i think that the argument they nothing had were good arguments, however i feel like when Obama would speak he knew what he was talking about in showing things wrong with Romney and his plans. however when Obama would talk he almost seemed as though he was trying to get only a few points across and Romney would cut Obama off when he would make a statement against Romney that he didn't like. and i don't think the eye contact was that big of a deal it almost seemed as though Obama was writing something down or just focusing on thing s he herd to prove points when it was his turn to speak. it would almost seem like Romney would get mad and just start to ramble and make himself seem real convincing, but we don't know how good of a presindent he would be because he hasn't had anything to show yet.

  8. I think that in last night's debate Romney and Obama both got out what they needed to say, however, Romney did a better job overall. His body language said a lot about how he was feeling whereas Obama looked nervous the whole time when he was getting slammed with questions and comebacks. Romney was very calm when Obama did that to him. He also made direct eye contact the whole time while Obama kept his head down and looked into the crowd. Obama has made many mistakes in his four years as President and Romney clearly used that against him in contrast to what he would do if he were elected president which i think was a good technique to use. Both of them gave their talks about what they would do if they were elected (or reelected) President. They both slammed each other with comebacks on why one anothers plans would not work, but to e it looked like Romney had his ideas all in line and prepared while Obama did not seem as prepared.

  9. Romney was strong during the debate in his body language and seemed very confident. He made some good points, however he never said what he would replace Obamacare with or his exact plan for cutting taxes. Romney kept saying what he would do but not how. Obama spent much of the debate defending himself.

  10. Watching the Presidential Debate, I noticed I did not recognize President Obama. Usually, Obama is a self-confident and defensive President that stands up for what he believes in. To an extent, the President may have done that last night. Mitt Romney came to the debate with all guns out, he was extremely prepared to take down Obama at any cause. I feel as if Obama wasn't sticking up for his views and causes in great defense? Obama and Romney both knew what their opinions were for each issue, and both knew exactly how to find faults in each others. I feel as if Romney had an unfair advantage against Obama. President Obama has been in office for 4 years already, and Romney has been able to see his flaws in his ways of government. Obama can only view how Romney was as a governor.

  11. As the debate goes i believe Romney did show points that were a bit stronger than Obama. Mitt's overall presentation seemed well thought out with valid points. On the opposite side of the spectrum the president just seemed like he did not want to attend the debate. Can you blame Obama though i mean he still is the president and his job is not to debate it is to lead so i would rather him prioritize the national dilemma at hand than beat Romney into the ground. As the concern of body language Romney was less fidgety than Obama and overall Romney had better eye contact.

  12. I don't think that any candidate really won this debate, but I do think that Romney did a better job of getting his plan to the people

  13. After watching the debate I've come to understand much of what each candidate has to bring to the table for our country. For one, Romney did a great job with his presence and body language. He stated many of his ideas but was unable to back them up half of the time with stating how they would be accomplished. In Obama's defense he did a great job presenting his continuing ideas and backing up how he would do so. I believe that over the past 4 years Obama has done a great job helping us lead to a better country. It is not fair for Romney to throw debts in Obama's face when Bush had left him with so much to be responsible for. The economy will not get better and drastically change in 4 years. It is a slow and time consuming process. There is one thing that Romney had said that I had agreed with, which was the idea of creating more jobs. I believe that the more job opporitunities the more people will be dependent for themselves. Obama's strong points were when he focused on health care and social security. Both candidates have strong focal points, the ending of this election will depend on the people and who they trust with bettering their future.

  14. The debate clearly was in Romneys favor. The factors that I recognized though, is that Romney was speaking aggressively and ready to fight. Obama was being meek and standoffish. Obama was gracefully taking the attacks but in a political view he should have been firing attacks back at him. I think in Obamas favor however, that he normally he is such a good speaker that most of America should no Obama was not mentally there. A possible inference of Obama's distraction could be that he is the president! he doesnt have time for childish fighting he needs to address the problems in the world and fight with congress not romney. This debate was weak the economy was a big part of it, as should be, but that part only favors a percent of the issues that America will be concerned with, what about when Romney has to deal with other issues will he be as reliable as he is with the economy or is economy his only strength:?

  15. I really have no counting vote on the debate but I have an opinion, which is in the middle. Obama was off his game last night and was being pushed around by Romany. Also, he made very little eye contact with Romney and it seemed like he was intimidated, but Obama did a good job of catching Romney off guard by asking certain questions. Romney was on target last night and was making very good points and hitting every question on the head with a good answer, he made eye contact and was very enthusastic, lastly he was very confident. Republican or Democrat, whomever does a good job in office will be the president I want representing this country.
