Monday, October 22, 2012

Senator, What Political party are you?

Today you will officially pick the political party that you will represent in your role as a US Senator.
Take all three political party quizes:
1. Are you a republican or democrat?
2. What political party are you?
3. What political party is right for you?
After reading the results of the quizes go to an official site of the party that the test said you most closely resembled; democratic party, republican party, Libertarian Party,
Green Party , Tea Party
Post a one paragraph declaration explaining the party you will join
Paragraph must include
a. name of the party
b. an explanation of the major beliefs of that party and why you chose to join it.
c. include any things that you do not agree with


  1. i agree with the democrat party and the green party. the reason why i choose this is that they seem to help out the people more. the other parties are more on your own and democrats are more of the government helping you. i agree with the right to choose for abortion and how health care should be cut for middle class families. i believe that we should have funds and grants for colleges as well.

  2. Republican Party- They believe in the right to have guns that are legally attained because it can protect the people. They believe in a strong national defense against global terrorism and keeping a powerful Armed Forces to achieve peace. All types of energy is important to them as well. Judges should also only interpret the law, not write them. I don't agree that the government should pay for abortion unless it is a special case with rape or incest and that abortion should be a choice for the woman and man to consider.

  3. I was in the democratic, republican, and the green party. i got this because i answered against harming the enviroment. and putting regulations on emitting gases that harm the enviroment. i also agreed that guns don't kill people, people kill people.

  4. I agree more with the democratic party. They had a lot of good ideas. I also agree with some of the things from Republican party as well. i mainly agree with democrats because they are more likely to help out other people that really need help in life more than republicans would.

  5. I will join the democratic party. When i took the three quizzes I got republican on one of them and democratic on the second two. I believe in gun control and government health care. There was a lot of good ideas from the democratic party. Therefore, I want to be apart of the democratic party.

  6. I would want to be more on the democratic side because they are willing to keep student loans for college, but Mitt Romney would rather us ask our parents for it all, when everyone doesnt have that kind of money in this world

  7. I will join the Green Party. They believe everyone has the right to decide for them selves, and not fall under the will of others. Also, they believe that making a plan to stop violence patterns in a huge issue. Decision making should be locally, and we should not be controlled my the powerful few.

  8. Democratic Party - I am a democrat and believe in the democratic party. This is because I believe that people can not do things all on their own and need some help from the government. I believe that the government should provide healthcare for people because they cannot always afford it on their own. I also believe that there should be gun control in the country because if everyone can obtain a gun then people will be running around with guns shooting anyone they want and there will be no need for cops. If people have guns that are illegal then people will take it upon themselves to handle their problems.

  9. I agree with the green party and the republican party because i beileve that we should have the right to have guns because we need them to protect ourselves. I mean I dont want them because its dangerous but i believe that they will protect us. Guns dont kill people...people kill people. Im for the green party because i beileve that the government should help us. I think we should have free healthcare.

  10. I agree with the Democratic Party. One of the quizzes said I was Republican and the other two said I was Democratic. I support the Democratic party because they believe that everybody deserves equal rights and that way the economy will build itself and make the USA a stronger nation. However I do not like how they say guns do not kill people, it's true that people kill people, but the guns are killing the people too.

  11. i will joining the democratic party because i agree with their beliefs and there doing what is best for us in this country.

  12. one of the quizzes said i was republican, the other one said i was far left, and the last one didnt work. i would say im a moderate republican

  13. I got the results that i was a democrat. I feel that I am more in the middle because I agree with both sides on some things. I side with the democrats on the topic of abortion that it should be up to the mother. I slightly disagree with the democrats on gun control as I feel some restrictions are good, but people have the right to own guns. I also chose a more government based country over a state based country

  14. I agree with the democratic party. They strongly advocate civil rights, especially for women. They want to break away from our dependence on foreign oil and rely more on renewable sources of energy like wind and solar power.They also want to make it easier to afford a good education. I agree with many of their beliefs,and I chose to join them because they seem to care about helping people more.

  15. I will be joining the republican party. They believe in a free market economy. I wouldn't want the government to control the industry. They believe in energy independence, this would help our country and reduce the deficit. We should be aloud to have guns for our own protection. The only thing i do not agree with is their view on abortion. I believe everyone makes mistakes and should have the right to try and fix.

  16. I think that I'm more moderate Democrat; because I believe that everyone deserves to think for themselves had make up their own opinions about what they think is going to be right or wrong for them. Even though on one of the quizzes it said I was 63% Republican I don't believe that we have to harm others to get where we need to be in this world.

  17. I will be joining the democratic party. They are all about civil rights and everyone getting a fair chance. They are for things like being able to afford a good education and using renewable sources for energy. I agree with a lot of the things they do because it seems like the care about the people and what they want.

  18. I will be siding with the republican party. Democrats want to take guns away when every person should be able to hold a gun in a house hold for safety reasons. They are abstructing the second amendment. They believe that independence will cut the threats of doubt we are already in today. Im pretty sure they want to dig for fuel in Alaska that will lower prices so im down for that offer.

  19. I will be joining the Green Party. I agree with many of their ideas, especially concerning equal rights for all people regardless of race, sexual orientation, sex, or gender identity, as it is an issue that is very important to me. I am on the same page with this party about the continuation of public welfare programs and the equal distribution of educational funding. I also agree that the government should do more to protect our environment. I disagree, however, with parts of their extremely pacifistic foreign policy. Though it's always a happy thought, to be nonviolent, it's too optimistic, and would probably end badly. I also disagree with certain points of the party's educational reform plan, though it's silly things like the ban of snack foods in public schools. I would love to agree with their idea of national free health care, as it's a good idea, but I'm afraid that the government can't afford funding for such a program during an economic crisis, especially when maintaining other welfare programs. Overall, though, I agree with most of the party's motives and I'd be pleased to call myself a member.

  20. After taking the quiz, it seems as though i belong with the Green Party. I believe that humans should have the right to own a gun, but only if they go through a series of tests to prove they are not a criminal, and also if the gun is only for protection purposes. I do not agree with illegal immigrants having the same rights as those who were born in America. I also believe that Health Care prices should go down so every American has a fair chance of having it since it is so important. The Green Party cares a lot about the enviornment and that is something that is important to me.

  21. I got the result that i was a republican even though i can agree with both sides such as the democrats and the abortion topic where it's the mothers chois if she wants one. However i am with the republicans when i go with the second amendment saying people have the right to keep and bare arms.

  22. I agree with the Democratic Party. I agree with most of what they support such as same-sex marriage, a women's right to choose, and gun laws. Even as a Christian, I disagree with what the republicans believe about gay marriage and abortion; you shouldn't try to make others take on your religious beliefs. I don't think that it's right to want to make abortion illegal when you support lenient gun laws that involve allowing someone who has killed before to have the same weapon that allowed them do so before. I also agree that health care should be free and that welfare stay intact. Just because you receive welfare does not mean that you're leeching off the system and some people really do need it. I don't really agree with them supporting the UN because there are much better things that money can go to rather them a program that cannot really do anything. They couldn't help in Rwanda and other matters, so I don't think that money should really be going there.

  23. I will be joining the Democratic party, I believe that in many circumstances industry must be watched in order to insure the rights of workers and fair play. I also believe in individual freedoms and giving everyone equal opportunity in the eyes of the law, nobody should be considered a second class citizen and should not be discriminated against. Universal health care is also very beneficial considering everyones gets health care and won't have t worry so much on medical costs. I do not however agree with the democratic strategy on eliminating deficit, higher taxes only take away from spending money.

  24. My Results were:
    1. 70 % Republican
    30 % Democratic
    2. Far Left-Wing (Green Party, Grassroots Party, staunch environmentalists to socialists, etc)
    3. "Tea Party"
    After taking these political quizes I believe that despite my scores I vary within both parties. I agree with certain values from each party and would really have to listen to each presidential debate in order to make a decision on who I would vote for. For example I strongly support birth control and am against abortion on the Democratic side. In the Republican party I agree with less taxation and more morals within families and not depending on government. I believe that the government should not supply jobs and as an American you should fight for and earn what you want. As a middle class person I would vote for whichever candidate would supply some of my concerns during their presidency.

  25. The quiz results i think were a bit inaccurate. I believe i am a more moderate democrat at this moment in time. I believe that government must make an effort to better the society to some extent. People can't do it all but everyone must play their part to better the nation. 'Merica.

  26. The results said i was a republican. I feel that I am more of a democrat. My second test said I was in the Far Left-Wing. My third test said i was in the Tea Party. I believe everyone has the good and bads in their parties. I believe with the democrats they will help this country.

  27. I will be joining the democratic party. Due to Obamacare, birth control has been covered by many health insurances leaving no co-pay. They believe that we can not drill our way to lower gas prices. Democrats are focused on bringing the American people to develop natural resources- domestic oil, gas, wind, solar and bio fuels. I only thing I do not agree with all of the government help. I feel as if the US has gotten lazy and is relying on the government to hand them everything.

  28. I think I'm moderately republican. I am more conservative in my thinking most of the time. I am very pro-life. I do not believe that gay people being together should be called marriage. However, I believe that gay people should have the same right as everyone else. I am also for unions.

  29. I was told by the second political party quiz that I am more of a left-wing, green party supporter, but I am going to stick with the democratic party for the reasons being that not only was the quiz fairly adjusted to give a Green Party answer, but I disagree on how far this party will go on issues such as gun control, foreign policy, and environmental research. I believe these need to be adjusted, but not top priority. I have enjoyed the spread of control and power that most democratic presidents have shown in the past and would like to continue those ways.

  30. The quiz results showed that I was left-wing green party, which I think is wrong. I think that I am more of a moderate democrat because I think the government should help the people with certain things. The government should be trying to make our society better than what it is. I also believe in some conservative topics as well.

  31. The quiz said that I was a conservative republican. I expected this because I do usually agree with the things that republican politicians say. These are ideas I was brought up with. I do agree with some statements by democrats, such as Obama. He says that he has plans that will strengthen our country, but I honestly don't believe him because things have not gone well the past four years. I don't think he will change or fix anything.

  32. i was told that i was a republican then a left wing green party then a democrat i agree i hold strong triats from all three of these parties. However i hold the most intense opinion in the democratic party i believe in the government getting involved with things such as healthcare and school standards because we are now a failing nation we need our governments help they are setting us up for fairlure by sending us to war and outsourcing jobs this leaves the middle class no where to go which makes the high class and businesses suffer we need our governments help to regulate what our corrupt society has done to the nation how ever we need a government that gives us our rights such as gun rights and abortion and gay couples rights.
