Thursday, October 18, 2012


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Read at least 4 different  articles on the debate
1. Based on all of your reading and your viewing of debate two, post a one paragraph comment expressing your ideas/ opinion/ observation/ concerns etc
2. Find current polling data that reflects the current popular vote polling data.
3. Find current polling data that projects the current electoral count.


  1. The estimated electoral votes for Obama is 227, Romney currently has 206.

  2. In my opinion I think that they both did poorly because they were both trying to over talk one another. Although Obama did seem more confident than he had in the first debate. Also, Romney was always bringing up a past topic trying to get the last word in even though they were on something else and that didn't seem to help his case. In the end it will come down to who the public chooses to be the next President.

  3. Looking through the recent polls it looks like Obama is slightly ahead of Romney. Romney dominated some polls while Obama dominated others, but i think overall Obama is more on top now. I think he deserves it because his debate style was so much better than last time. He was more aggressive and confident in himself and what he was saying. Even though Romney's debate was just as good as last time i think the reason Obama is slightly ahead now is because he gained back the people he lost last time because his debate was much better this time.

  4. I think that it's really annoying that neither one of the candidates answers any of the questions straight-forward. Both of them talk around whatever issue is brought up. One man asked Obama specifically who was in charge of security when the four Americans were killed in Libya; Obama didn't answer him. I also feel like Romney and Obama don't tell the truth; I think they should give a direct plan for rebuilding our country. As of now, Americans are unclear as to if our economy is going to get better any time soon.

  5. Personally I don't know what to believe in this election. I keep swaying either way. Both candidates support things I believe and things I am against. Neither have really been able to gain my support. At this point the candidates are doing more arguing about, who is lying then expressing their ideas. In this debate Obama was much better and lively, and Romney was more clear about his plans, but they both find ways to annoy me. I'm a little worried for the next four years.

  6. i think that obama knows a little bit more about what he's talking about, i feel like Romney either isn't to sure what his plans are, or he's just trying to say anything he can to make people happy so he can win their vote. Also they both kept cutting each other off so it seems you don't really know everything because they didn't always get to finish talking.

  7. Mitt Romney seems confused on why Washington did not know with better clarity and sooner what went on during a terrorist attack. It is the kind of question that comes from someone who has no experience dealing with terrorism crisis management or, indeed, combat. It shows how Romney does not have a clue on what is going on. It was obvious that he made that statement up because everyone knows that Obama responded to the attack right after it had happened.

  8. In a few articles I read it said that Obama won the hope vote but now they are losing hope in him. In some articles they said that Obama and Romney kept going in circles on what they were talking about. That they would start a new topic and it would turn into the previous topic or a topic said before. Also, in another article they said that neither of he parties are straight up with America. I agree that the two of them seemed like they wanted to prove each other wrong more then prove themselves to the country.

  9. One of the reasons why i think President Obama won last night's debate is that he has a vision for his second term with achievable ideas to strengthen the middle class people. Romney isn't also saying how he is going to fix the economy with his plan he is just saying what needs to be done. I thought the debate was very hostile with talking over each other.

  10. I think that they both were really aggressive. They weren't letting each other finish what they were trying to say. I do feel that Obama won this debate, he seemed really confident and in my opinion I just think Mitt Romney is a liar. He changes what he say way too much.

  11. Obama did a lot better in this debate than he did in the first debate, I think that's pretty clear. I was a lot more impressed with his performance this time around. However, there was a lot of interrupting and talking out of turn on both his and Romney's parts and that got old fast. The Huffington Post electoral map has Obama with 277 electoral votes and Romney with 206. CNN has Obama with 237 and 191, and Realclearpolitics has Obama with 201 and Romney with 191. It's still a toss up, I think, but I believe Obama will win the election.

  12. This debate has been a huge turn off to me, and i'm sure to many others. Both men act very unprofessional. Both men also have great points, but i do not agree with some from both parties. Romney's idea on gun control in my opinion is awful. One huge thing i do not like is the fact that Obama has not done much on the attack on bengazi. It took him two weeks to declare it a terrorist attack. I don't understand why we have military aid at other embassy's, but not in a place where the U.S knows there is terrorist groups who obviously do not like the U.S. Overall i don't think the debate swings in either direction. I think who ever you favor thats who you thought won the debate.

  13. Obama showed up to this debate a lot more than he did in the last. I don't really like either candidate that much at the moment though. Both Romney and Obama seem to be just bashing each other and calling each other liars. Politics are annoying.

  14. "Mitt’s mistake was a classic. He came to the second debate thoroughly prepared for the first one .He offered up a repeat—often nearly word for word—of what he had said two weeks before." -Robert Shrum
    While Obama seemed to bring up different topics and talk about his advances as well as flaws Romney seemed to be repetative about his ideas. He restated much of what he had said in the previous debate. He often didn't specify his ideas on how he would get them done but just state them instead. Obama focused more on what he will focus on in the next 4 years on improving and how he would do so.

  15. "Obama repeatedly emphasized differences with his opponent over federal funding for Planned Parenthood, insurance coverage for contraception, pay equity legislation, and education funding." I read how Obama is trying to get as many female votes as he can. Obama knows his opponent's views on Planned Parenthood and plans to use that against him in the upcoming election. Governor Romney didn't want to talk much about how he wants to end funding for Planned Parenthood, how he supports legislation that would turn certain decisions about a woman's health care over to their employers. He didn't want to talk about it, because he knows he can't sell it.

  16. While reading articles, i found that many people believe that Romney did better than Obama in both debates. Although Obama won the second debate, he still required nearly as big a victory as Romney, which he did not get.An average 49% of the likely independent voters say they support Mr. Romney, while 37% favor Mr. Obama.I believe that this debate has changes many, many views.

  17. Obama made a big comeback. He talked about the problems that people are starting to really face. He could really see what people are feeling about things that are going on. Romney went back in the Debate when he only talked about the same things he talked about 2 weeks ago. Obama talked about how he would change the economy and try and make it better for us all. Obama is back in the game and ready for another fight.

  18. They acted very childish. The whole time they were cutting each other off and they blatantly ignored the mediator. They totally ignored the questions at hand and continued to talk about how the other person was a liar. They need to learn that they can not bully each other. It sounds funny using the word bullying but that is exactly what they did. It was like we were dealing with children from the 50s that would fight and the mediator was the mom that didn't really do much, what they needed was someone to step in and say no your time is up and no you can not talk during the other persons time who would be like the dad.

  19. In the first debate, Romney clearly won. In the second debate i dont believe their was a true "winner". Neither of them could get their answers out with one another over talking over each other the whole time. Its hard to tell what is the truth or lies with both of them repeatedly saying whats true and whats not. I think this last debate was just pointless due to the outcome.

  20. In this debate Obama looked like he actually wanted to be there. I don't know who I would vote for because they don't express their ideas well. They argue too much about who is lying and who is telling the truth. Romney full of a bunch of crap and he does not make sense sometimes. He changes his ideas too much.

  21. I think that Obama did a lot better this time than the last. He didn't seem as unsure about where he stood and both him and Romney both seemed to really lay down where they stand. I don't think that Romney should have brought religion into the debate because what religion you are does not decide what you foreign policy you support or what tax policy is. It would be different if the economy was better, but it's not. In a time where people are homeless and on welfare, we really shouldn't be concerned with what the bible says. If someone is going to vote for one opponent because the are pro-life and completely ignore the fact that their plan for the economy is better, than religion should be null and void in the election. Most people are too focused on whether or not the politician is in their party, not on their shared beliefs to better the economy.

  22. The debate between Obama and Romney has only further my belief that both candidates are unfit for office. In my opinion, Romney has no solid beliefs; he states beliefs that appeal to the audience he is addressing and when the audience changes, his story changes. Romney also explains at times where he can sympathize with the working class of America while he sits back with his comfortable few MILLION dollars per year. While Romney continues to lose credibility and reliability, Obama goes down with him. Obama says that he has found way to compromise with the Republicans in the House while he CONTINUED to struggle through HIS ENTIRE presidency to pass a health care bill. ON top of EVERYTHING that both candidates do to make each other look bad, they continue to make themselves look bad by either trashing their opponent or giving long, irrelevant speeches about how they are better than their opposition. In my eyes, neither of these men should be elected into office for the sake and sanity of the country.

  23. President Obama was undoubtedly the winner of the debate. Romney flip-flopped his beliefs from the beginning of an answer to the end, and made some (possibly unintentional) remarks that were offensive to women, single parents, nonreligious people and a variety of other groups. Obama got back the competitive edge that he needed, tearing apart misconceptions and exposing Romney's falsehoods. Both of the candidates have their beliefs on the table and the choice is very clear about what type of leadership this country needs.

  24. In the articles i read, i read very pro romney and very pro obama. The pro romney article was very racey and had some inaccurate accusations used in an insulting satire term. These were targeting Obamas inability to follow through with all of his promises yet there were no examples there was just quoting from the presidents and unfair metephoric comparisons. The pro obama ariticles were in defense to the pro romney views on terrorism this article was backed up with proof and an opinion that you can listen to romneys points about obama but when further researching that its not everything hes not doing or not reaching its how much better its being done. for example the terrorism issue obama has one of the least totals of terrorist causaulties in the american presidents history. every president will have casualties, so wen you further research other points against obama it shows that even tho in an outside view he has not succeeded in comparison to the difficulty of the task at hand and the history of how being handled obama is doing a remarkable job. and to be said the economic growth mathematically is an exponential growth so romneys criticism that it grows slower each year is invalid.
