Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Environmental Protection Agency

Read Understanding the Clean Air Act
Read The Negative Impact of EPA Regulations
Post a comment answering the following...
a. What are the benefits of regulating emissions?
b. What are the negative consequences of regulating emissions?
c. Should the government regulate the emissions from businesses?


  1. The benefits of regulating any emissions tht culd hurt are mostly health reasons. regulating emissions could prevent certain toxins and disease from spreading which would stop flash disease and things like that. The negative factors of these are the business who are being regulated not being able to work at complete magnitudes. With the limits and expenses that regulation and EPA demand, the business could fall being on the worldly competition, which would also negatively effect individuals economic status. I think that id rather be alive and not sick than falling a little behind in my work, but that is just me. So yes, regulations are good.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The benefits are that the world will be a safer and cleaner environment. By creating new laws it benefits most people in the united states. It helps provide safety for all other people around us and so we will have less problems with disease and and others things such as the story with the fog that killed 20 people. Some bad things about it is that it doesn't directly focus on one particular thing at a time the example they used here was mesothlisoma. This has killed thousands of people but the EPA does not directly look into this. The government also made a budget cut on the EPA by 1.6 Billion dollars. This could potentially not give the EPA the accessibility of the different things they would like to do with this world to try to make the world a better place to live in. I believe that the government should regulate the emissions from businesses because its just the best thing to do. It will save the government money and I believe the government could do an overall better job and regulating businesses. The only bad part about the government regulating businesses is that it will cause people who worked in the EPA to lose there jobs and then those people could potentially not be ale to provide for their families. In the long run though it will save the government a large sum of money and i think overall make the world a better and cleaner pace to live in for everyone no matter what the circumstance could be.

    1. the government should be regulating businesses and i think they are doing a good job as well

  4. the benefits that can come from regulating emissions from businesses are obviously cleaner air, cleaner water, and an overall cleaner planet. or at least the regulations will stop the planet from getting worse. the negative effects however, are that in order to cure the planet we need to spend a lot of money and we are already pretty well in debt as it is. i believe that the only logical choice is to keep regulating emissions because it is better to preserve the planet. or we could just call in Captain Planet and he can take care of this whole mess for us.

    Ian Cornele

  5. the benefits are that more people wpuld be alive and the air would be a lot cleaner then it is right now diseases like mesothelioma and asbestos would not be a big problem in this world. the negative consequences are that it will effect big business and their plants would lose a lot of money and not do as good and go bankrupt. i do not think that the government should regulate emissions from businesses because the businesses would lose money

  6. The benefits of regulating emissions are a much healthier and cleaner environment for everyone. The smoke and pollutants in the air will be much lower, leaving less people to get sick from it.
    The negatives of regulating emissions are the fact that it is lowering job growth and opportunities, and also lowering businesses revenue.
    I think that the government should have some control over the emissions from businesses because it is important to have a clean environment. But they should try to find a compromise where they aren't taking a lot of jobs and money away from the companies. The government and businesses should work together.

  7. Some of the benfits fom regulating emissions is obviously our enviroment will be a bit better, i think that almost everything will be cleaner, a lot less pollution, and in some cases people would be healthier. I think that the idea of negative consequences form reducing emissions is bogus. We should be doing a lot more than just checking on out factories and facilities. Yea, it reduces jobs and brings down business revenue but i think health issues are a little more important. I think the government should higher their standards on business emissions but not shut them down. If they close down a factory their losing more jobs then they would be by regulating them. I just think that they should make their standards higher.

    Christian Schaefer

  8. The benefit of regulating emissions is better health. Some air pollutants have been know to kill people, so by regulating emissions, there will be less air pollution and overall the air will be a lot cleaner. The negative consequences of regulating emissions is that it will decrease the growth in jobs. It will also permit business from expanding and modernizing their facilities. I think the government should regulate emissions, but they should do it in a less expensive way.

    Jess Fox

  9. The benefits of regulating emissions is that it prevents future health hazards by controlling air pollution and other problems. The air would be cleaner, safer, and healthier. It also helps environmental protection by limiting emissions of air pollutants from sources such as chemical plants, utilities, and mills. The negative consequences include limiting job growth and crippling revenues of large businesses. Another downside is that the EPA targets larger companies rather than smaller issues such as finding asbestos in homes. I think the government/EPA should still be the ones enforcing the the Clean Air Act, but should expand into more environmental issues other than air pollution.

  10. The benefits with regulating emissions is the change in environment. Many diseases and health problems could be fixed with the lack of pollution and cleaner air. The negative facts about regulating emissions would be for big businesses. It is very expensive and could cut hours and wages. I do think regulating emissions would be a good idea because it is helping us stay healthy and live longer.
    Ally Fiorelli

  11. the benefits of regulating emissions are that less diseases would come to people and the air wouldnt be as dirty and polluted as it is. the negative part is it will affect big businesses and the plants wouldnt be able to get rid of all of the toxic waste that they do release in the air. the government should regulate emissions because it will make the world have a better environment for us to live in.

  12. A. The benefit of regulating emissions is less sickness or death as a result of these emissions. Since the Clean Air Act was made in 1970 six commonly found air pollutants decreased by 50%. The clean air act helps ensure that all americans live in an environment where their basic health is protected and they have environmental protection from air pollution.

    B. The EPA's control over gas emissions limits job growth and drastically lowers revenues. They focus on gas emissions more than the actual health of American's. Such as health problems due to asbestos. The country needs an better handle on the deficit and new jobs. This could be done with less regulations.

    C. Yes, the Government (the EPA) should still regulate emissions. Although there are not as many jobs due to the regulations the pro's outweigh the con's. If 3000 people died in the "Killer Fog" back in 1948 the results of emissions must only be getting worse with the larger amount of factories and technology that let off emissions now. If there are no regulations more jobs will be made, but more sickness will occur.

  13. The benefits with regulating emissions is it helps for us to have better health, we are getting clean air by doing this which is something very important. The negative side is that by cutting down on certain things people are left without jobs. While this is a problem, I think the government should get involved, just to make sure they are on top of what is getting put into our air.
    Zalaya Johnson

  14. There are many benifits from regulating emissions. Regulations help keep our air clean from toxic pollutants the effect our health. These regulations keep dangerous chemicals for effecting our health. Another benefit is that each company in each state must abide by the laws and regulations, states cannot cut the limitations, the can only make stricter regulations.

    There are negative concequences as well. Limiting emissions is very expensive and if companys have a difficult time keeping up with the costs they would have to lay off their employees. Another negative is that EPA's main focus is own gas emissions. EPA's doesn't adress Esbestos which causes mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a very deadly form of cancer that people pick up from their enviorment. EPA's mission is a sincere one but it causes job loss and neglect other very serious issues.

    Yes, it is important to regulate emissions. It is also imortant to keep the jobs of Americans in such hard times. The government should be strict on companies to limit emission and just as strict on companies to keep their employees working.

  15. The benefits of having a Clean Air Act is that it helps keep everyone safe and healthy by getting rid of toxins in the air that can cause illnesses and diseases. It will create healthier and cleaner air for all. The negative are that the EPA is not focusing enough on the homes that have asbestos in them and many people are getting sick, they are focusing too much on the large businesses. I think the government should regulate emissions from businesses.

  16. The benefits of regulating emissions are that the green house gasses are reduced. Most emissions going from power plants, car ect, are very toxic to us we dont need another London's "Killer Fog." Emissions can spread disease quickly around the earth and with such a large population who knows what we could do if the Clean Air Act in 1970 wasnt passed. The EPA is protecting us from what harm can come from the emissions we are putting out they clean the dirty air so we can continue living are everyday lives. Some negatives the EPA has are things like "expensive regulations towards big business" or how they still feel the need to have control over gas emissions which has left limited jobs, an falling revenues. With Obama proposing a budget cut of 1.6 billion dollars for the EPA, why are American people not involved in what the government is spending when we are having such a ruff year in this recession. I feel as if the government should regulate emissions but only to a point. we shouldnt keep spending all this money we dont have on this the government isnt really sure will work to save our environment.

  17. Some of the benefits included are that our World would be a cleaner environment, which would allow our future generations to live longer, happier lives. Most of the United States population benefits due to this. Disease and its effects would be dramatically decreased as well. Some negatives, however, exist about this. It doesn't focus on one specific issue at one time, which makes the ideas appear less effective to others. The government has responded to these negative aspects with a budget cut for the EPA of $1.6 billion, which could in turn prevent them from accomplishing some of their other goals aimed at cleaning up our Earth. I feel that the government must regulate the emissions formed from various businesses because it will eliminate the largest percentage of emissions that occur. The only negative with this is that it will cause people who worked in the EPA to lose their jobs, creating an unstable economy. I feel, personally, that this negative is strongly overpowered by the good that would come from this occurring.

  18. The benefits that would come from this are that we would have a cleaner environment to live in. that would give people better health and less problems to worry about also would make everything that needs air to live a better cleaner life. but this could make things really hard for people that life depend on what they are doing now even if it is not the best thing for the environment. this could help alot of people but could hurt alot of people too. To make a right with some is making it wrong with others but in the long run it will be on of the greatest thing done to help the environment because with out it we would not be here today so if we can make it better then everybody wins in time. the government should regulate the emissions from businesses to make the world a better place for people to live.

