Friday, March 23, 2012

Senate Committees

Go to the Senate Committees Homepage
Read the About the Committee System Section.
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Pick 1 committee that sounds interesting to you or a committee that you may want your bill to be in.
Answer the following in a comment
1. What does the committee do/what is the committee's jurisdiction?
2. Find a bill that came from the committee or is currently posed to the committee and summarize what that bill does.
3. Explain why that bill is in that committee.


  1. The committee I chose was health, Education, labor and pensions. The committee wants to make it possible for everyone to be able to have and also afford health insurance. The committee wants to be able to make sure that every american citizen is insured under the plan that they feel is more beneficial for one's family. They had an FDA health care act in the beginning of early march hearings are still in progress but it it trying to get the government to reduce the price on certain health care to make it financially affordable for all families living in the United States not based on previous health care problems. The bill is in this committee because it has to do with health care and the FDA which are the two major things that this committee covers and the hearing is expected to be done sometime by the end of summer.

  2. The foreign relations committee handles bills and investigations related to the foreign affairs of the United States. President Obama’s 2013 international affairs budget bill is currently being processed. The bill limits foreign policy budget in order to save for the future years in case a crisis or tragic disaster. John Kerry made a speech in response to the plan and approves its function. He believes it is a smart investment that yields progress and saves us money over the long run. The bill is in that committee because it deals with money that would be used for foreign issues, such as war, terrorism attacks, and military/navy funds; so this issue would not be in a domestic committee.

  3. I researched the armed forces committee. The are all about our branches of the military and how they can protect them. There jurisdiction is all throughout the military. They help with overseas education for our troops and in some cases for the civilians too. I researched bill S.87. It is a bill to authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor posthumously to Captain Emil Kapaun of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Korean War. It pretty much explains it in the tittle there. This bill is in this committee because they fight for the equal rights of all of our soldiers and veterans.

    Christian Schaefer

  4. The committee that i picked is about our transportation. The bill that i picked is to get more funds to go into our roads and bridges to make them safer for us to drive on. This will make over 2 million jobs for people. Also the bill is about to make the roads safer by getting drunk drivers off the road, giving people less things to be distracted by to prevent more accidents. This bill is in this committee because with out the roads there in really no transportation this has everything to do with transportation thats what this committee is all about.


  5. The Environment and Public Works Committee is for making laws regarding the world and environment we live in. They want to make the country a better place for the citizens living here. A bill that came from this committee is MAP-21. This bill was a short term bill fully funding of the transportation programs. It has protected thousands of construction jobs and thousands of businesses. The chair person is trying to pass a bigger, stronger transportation bill. These bills are in the Environment and Public Works Committee because they are made to improve America's highways and bridges, which are a major part of the country.

  6. 1. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. it will have anything to do with health care and education systems.
    2. the FDA has a bill for health care act. It is trying to get the government to lower prices to make health care more available for patients in the US.
    3. The bill is in this committee because the committee is for Health, education, labor, and pensions. and health care is obviously going to fall under health.

  7. I chose the Veterans Affairs Committee. This committee stands for the rights, benefits, treatment, and care for all veterans. There was a bill called the War Memorial Protection Act. This bill permits religious symbols recognizing the background of members of the armed forces to be included in military memorials given by the government and military memorials given by not the government but by The American Battle Monuments Commission. This bill is sponsored by the Veterans Affairs Committee because it stands for the religious rights of veterans.

  8. A group of intelligent men and women who talk about the legislative issues around the world. The Foreign relations bill is used to talk and debate about the budgets we have or the issues of war that are happening around the world, such as Syria. There is really a million things you can say to further explain why Foreign Relations is important but here are a few examples. Protect America and Americans; Advance economic prosperity, human rights, and other interests of the United States in the world; Gain international understanding of American values and policies; Support U.S. diplomats and other government officials who work at home and abroad to make all this possible.

  9. I looked into the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee has control over the FEderal Budget, and determines what this Budget is and what actions can be confronted and made under specific budgets. A bill that i found was introduced in the Budget Committee was the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act. This Bill is for benefit of the people who, when tax time comes around, will see that this bill make it easier for them to keep track of any of their federal payments and spending. This bill would used organized systems to show exactly what grant, contracts, etc have been used or borrowed, so that the senate may easily calculate these numbers to know more about their budget restrictions. This Bill is to replace the REcovery Board, and make an overall cleaner cut system. This bill would be in the Budgets Committee, because it is important information that the Budget needs to be aware of and have in an organized matter, in order to have the knowledge of what their is to spend and not to spend, and what systems provided wasteful spending and other problems. If the Budget Committee does not know these all other factions might fall under Budget regulations, making it important that budget knows and passes just the right bill.

  10. I chose the HELP committee which stands for Health, Education, Labor, and Pension. The committee deals with things like child labor, welfare, arts, public health etc. A current bill going on with the HELP committee is The Affordable Care Act which deals with reforming health care consumers. This bills fits with the committee because it deals with health.

    Zalaya Johnson

  11. U.S Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation
    1. This committee's jurisdiction deals with bills related to the following topics: Coast guard, communications, highway safety, inland waterways (except construction), interstate commerce, marine and ocean navigation, safety, and transportation (including navigational aspects of deepwater ports), marine fisheries, merchant marine and navigation, nonmilitary aeronautical and space sciences. oceans, weather, and atmospheric activities, regulation of interstate common carriers (including railroads, buses, trucks, vessels, pipelines, and civil aviation),
    science, engineering, and technology research and development and policy, sports, and transportation.

    2. The FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act of February 18, 2011 dealt mainly with the issues with flight safety and certain requirements that needed to be improved. It's main concerns were to strengthen the inspection of airline operations, and require better safety oversight of foreign repair stations. The bill would also require the FAA to develop a plan to improve runway safety. This would be done by providing pilots traffic information in the cockpit as well as initiate better processes that deal with tracking and investigating operational errors. The bill also deals with handling more common issues with helicopter safety features, for a lack of communications amongst pilots and others was leading to harmful situations.

    3. This bill is in the Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee because the committee specifically deals with transportation. One of the jurisdictions of this committee is to deal with the safety and organization of public transportation systems, such as flight. Because of this, a bill such as this should only belong in this committee; they could not be any more related.

  12. I chose Foreign relations committee and they deal with anything associated with another country. A bill that they have introduced to congress is H.CON.RES.280. This bill was introduced to mourn the horrific loss of life caused by the floods and mudslides that occurred in October 2005 in Central America and Mexico and expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should do everything possible to assist the affected people and communities. This bill is handled by this committee because it deals with happenings in foreign countries.

  13. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs has a broad jurisdiction over governmental operations generally and the Department of Homeland Security in particular. The committee is currently working to move the 21st Century Postal Service Act through Congress by august. The bill was approved to give the Postal Service the flexibility it needs to maintain financial viability.

  14. 1. The U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs proposes legislation to help with problems that the American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native people face. These issues include Indian education, economic development, land management, health care, trust responsibilities, loan programs, and claims against the U.S.
    2. The SAVE( Stand Against Violence and Empower) Native Women Act is a bill to decrease violent crimes against Indian women and to make sure perpetrators are held responsible for these crimes.
    3. This bill is in the committee because the violent acts against these women should be stopped. The bill also will empower these women and make tribes as a whole a lot stronger.

  15. I chose the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. A main part of the HELP committee is to keep workers from getting taken advantage of. This committee sets standards of labor ranging from minimum wage to more serious issues like minimum wage. Another main part is health, HELP regulates all medical issues in the United States. One key point is health. The committee believes that every citizen needs a basic form of healthcare. The HELP committee also has a wide jurisiction on Pensions and Education, setting minimal requirements for both as well as making sure every is recieving far and equal treatment.

    A current issue is unemployed people with disablities. The Bill would help disabled people get jobs. They would make it so companies could say that accomadation costs are too high. The HELP committee state that is cost nothing to accomodate disabled workers, for the most part.

    The reason why the bill is in the committee is because it has to do with labor.

  16. The committee I chose was Indian Affairs. They focus on various environmental issues that Indian Tribes are facing and how to improve or solve these issues. Such as Air and Water Quality, Brown fields/Superfund sites, Environmental Justice Issues, Environmental Compliance, and Climate Change. A Bill this committee is involved in is the H.R.443 Bill. This Bill was made to provide conveyance (transportation) from a certain property in the United States to the Maniilaq Association in Kotzebue, Alaska. This Bill is in this committee because it involves the welfare of Native American Territories and their well-being which is exactly what this committee focuses on.

  17. I choose the Foreign Relations committee because, it is one of the original 10 committees of the Senate. They basically do everything involving other countries examples are treaties, legislation, and foreign policy along with international relations. The committees jurisdictions are anything dealing with the US abroad such as safety of citizens, anything international. In Bill S.109 they are trying to get peaceful nuclear cooperation with foreign countries and for other purposes. The bill mainly Amends the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. This bill is in the Foreign Relations committee because it deals with the US and foreign countries.

  18. I chose the senate committee on small business and entrepreneurship. the jurisdiction of this committee is mainly anything that has to do with small businesses. a bill was posted to the committee on March 17th named the Small Business Contracting Fraud Prevention Act of 2011. it is in this committee because it has to do with small businesses

  19. i chose the committee on environment and public works. their jurisdiction is the environment. they deal with pollution, flood damage, flood control, and fish and wildlife. in picked the responsible electronics recycling act. it is about limiting exports of electronic parts because they are harmful to the environment and they can also be flammable and cause fires and explosions. this bill helps the environment which is the goal of the whole committee.

  20. The Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship deals with any matters relating to the Small Business Administration (SBA). It also looks over and survey's any items that need to be researched and investigated for American small business enterprises, and write up reports.

    The Small Business Contracting Fraud Prevention Act of 2011, this bill was created to prevent fraud in small businesses across the country. The bill was introduced and passed in senate.

    The bill is for this committee because it is for the prevention of fraud is small businesses and this committee deals with anything and everything with small businesses.

  21. I looked into the Foreign Relations committee. The Foreign Relations committee is generally responsible for overseeing and funding foreign aid programs as well as funding, arms sales and training for national allies. The committee is also responsible for holding confirmation hearings for high level positions in the Department of State. The committee has considered, debated, and reported important treaties and legislation, ranging from the purchase of Alaska in 1867 to the establishment of the United Nations in 1945. It also holds jurisdiction over all diplomatic nominations. Jurisdiction for Foreign Relations consists of Boundaries of the United States, Diplomatic service, Foreign economic, military, technical, and humanitarian assistance, Foreign loans, and International aspects of nuclear energy, including nuclear transfer policy, are just some of the jurisdiction they have. A bill that was just passed by them is Jimmy Carter: Energy Security – May 12, 2009
