Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What Political party are you?

Senator, What Political party are you?

Today you will officially pick the political party that you will represent in your role as a US Senator.
Take all three political party quizes:
1. Are you a republican or democrat?
2. What political party are you?
3. What political party is right for you?
After reading the results of the quizes go to an official site of the party that the test said you most closely resembled; democratic party, republican party, Libertarian Party,
Green Party , Tea Party
Post a one paragraph declaration explaining the party you will join
Paragraph must include
a. name of the party
b. an explanation of the major beliefs of that party and why you chose to join it.
c. include any things that you do not agree with


  1. After taking the three quizzes it said that i am more of a conservative republican. I agree with this because I don't agree with a lot of the things that the democratic party says. I would choose to join the Republican party because they are pro life and they let people try to do the best for themselves. I don't agree with abortion and i also don't agree with that the government should have control over people's wealth.

  2. I am a member of the Republican party. The major beliefs of this party is for we the people to run the country, not needing the Government to hold our hands and give out money like all of the Democratic Liberals would love because there are only two types of Democrats, Poor lazy people, or people that are so rich they have nothing else better to do but try and give and help. Although I am a strong believer in the party, I disagree with the homosexuals only allowed to get married in certain states...I also would like to keep our guns and not get rid of them for our own protection. Healthcare is one of my strongest and most thought out things that I think the Republican party is cruel for. In my own honest opinion I believe that people who don't have enough money for healthcare or don't have a job with benefits for it who are left for dead is something the Government knows is an issue but doesn't care. Because if we saved all of the people in the world with our healthcare system we would be overpopulated with unproductive people in the United States. Now I am not saying that what I just said is accurate but I believe that to the fullest.

  3. i would be a republican.
    they believe in people running the country and the government doesn't need to help out.
    i think illegal immigration is messing up our economy. all of the illegal people in the us that are here with jobs being paid under the table they aren't paying taxes and they are screwing up the government's money. also i think guns are fine i think the us shouldn't think about outlawing guns because i hunt and i like guns.

  4. The quiz's said that i was more on the republican side. I really think I'm an independent because all of my views on a lot of different topics are all over the place. On both sides of democratic and republicans party's i believe in some of their opinions but i also disagree. I think same sex marriage should be illegal, the gun control act is crazy, you should have the right to bear arms no matter what, abortion is a very touchy subject. In my opinion, abortion should be illegal but there are various different circumstances that could make it legal. Overall, i think that i would like to be a part of the independent side of things because my thoughts and beliefs are all over the place.
    Christian Schaefer

  5. I was said to be Republican or conservative. I agree with this because i agree with more conservative arguments. I believe i pro life and to work for your own money. I don't think the government should be in control over how much you can and cant not make. It dose not make you a bad person if you make a lot of money. I also do not think places should hire more minorities. Every one who applies should have an equal chance of being hired. The process should be based on skill or needs for the company.
    Ally Fiorelli

  6. after the quizzes it said i was a republican. i agree with it i dont agree with a bunch of things going on. i would join the republican party because they are about living the life of a normal american. i do not agree with this gay marriage they should not be allowed to marry each other and also if they are gay in public they should be put in prison until they turn straight because what good are they to the world if they cant bring new lives into it. if they will not turn straight then give them the chair because they are a drain on the world and is making it worst for every normal person.


  7. Amber Costello
    After taking all the tests i got republican for all three. i agree with this because i believe in a lot of things on the republican side and not to many on the liberal side.

  8. I got all different results from the quizzes, and I'm not sure what party I would really be apart of. I think I am probably more independent and in the middle. I think I agree with the economic aspects of the republican party but I am more on the liberal side for social things. I don't care about gay marriage and so I think that everyone should be able to be married, no matter what. I agree with more equal rights for everyone.
    Morgan Ricker

  9. i took all three and 2 said i was republican and the 3rd said i was far left wing green party. i agree with the green party because i am very liberal. i am pro choice ad for gay marriage i think that everyone should be treated equal. it doesnt matter about race, gender or anything. i like the republican views besides the social views so i will most likely register as independent because it was a little of both

  10. i don't know what political party i am because the three quizzes gave me three different results. i am more liberal than conservative because i see the liberal views more than the conservative. Ian Cornele

  11. After I took the tests the one said republican and the other said liberal. The major beliefs of the parties are that they each have their own certain views and if you don't like them then go away.
    John Temple

  12. After I took the three quizzes it turned out that I was a Republican for the most part. I was Republican in the 1st and 3rd quizzes and I was Far-Left in the middle quiz. I would join the Republican Party, I feel that small government is important, I feel that the government should let Americans to make as much money as possible. The one thing I don;'t agree with in my party is gay marraige. I believe that gays and lesbians have every right to marry and deserve equal rights.

    Michael Agatsiotis

  13. The quiz said that I was a republican. I don't really agree because i think i am more independent. I have different views on certain things that don't really fit into one party.


  14. I am not sure about which party i am, so i guess im a moderate because i recieved results on the republican side, far left side, and in the middle with Libertarian. I will join the republican because economically i think it is the only way, and socially i do find myself more liberal but i also do not think the government should be involved with those issues as much.

  15. The results of the quizzes said that i am a liberal. I pretty much agree with these results because i am pro choice, i support same sex marraige, and i think that we need to do more about gun control. I think for some of the more economic issues i might be on the republican side.

    Jess Fox

  16. According to the tests, I have been labeled as both a democrat and republican, which makes sense. I have more liberal views about the rights of people; however, I have a more conservative view towards how the government handles our economy. Because of this, I would prefer to be viewed as independent. I have views that relate to both parties; therefore, I feel that it is unfair of me to pick a single party.

  17. Im a part of the democratic party because I'm a far left liberal from my opinions. On many subjects, I'm very liberal, but on others, I am never conservative and would have a neutral opinion.
