Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Legislation and lobbying

Read The Federal Minimum Wage Act.
Go to the National Restaurant Association's website. See what they do. Post a 2-3 sentence answer to the question: What does the NRA think about the minimum wage law? Also surmise what possible influence they may have had on the existing law.


  1. i think that the NRA did not like the Minimum Wage Act because it means employees everywhere would be getting more money from the restaurant instead of less. i think that they hired lobbys to try and convince senators to not vote for the bill. they probably wined and dined senators to vote no against the act until it was finally passed.- tyler hearty

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  2. The National Restaurant Association, does not approve of the Minimum Wage Act. The NRA believes the act targets the employees it is trying to protect. The act targets them by making employers have to fire employees and raise prices to make up for the increase in spending.

  3. The NRA thinks that the minimum wage law is hurting individuals more than helping them. They think it is raising prices, cut staff hours, and make difficult decisions on who to lay off because the business isn't making enough money to employ everyone. There actions could eventually lower the minimum wage.

    Christian Schaefer

  4. The NRA says this is the last time they want the minimum wage to be raised. They see it as not a good way in stopping poverty, and that it cause more problems for restaurants. The NRA didn't like the idea of raising the minimum wage so that is why it was only raised 2 dollars.
    Zalaya Johnson

  5. The NRA does not agree with the minimum wage as it stands now. The think any progression of poverty it may make is taken away through the owners and operators of restaurants need to make up for the money cost by cutting hours and raising prices. The NRA could have lobbied to get a part of the bill to say that this minimum wage only applies to a company that makes a certain amount of profit, so many restaurants may not be effected.

  6. The NRA does not like he minimum wage law because they say that it is bad for the people it is trying to protect. It makes restaurants fire people and raise prices on their menus to make back the excess spending they're doing to pay their employees.

  7. The NRA does not like the minimum wage law. They are opposed of any more federal or state increases in starting wage. The NRA thinks that requiring a minimum wage is ineffective. They probably lobbied to prevent the law from starting at a higher wage then the $7.25 it is now.

  8. the NRA doesnt like the minimum wage act because employers have to pay more out to their employees. they have to raise prices of things to make a better profit because they are losing out on money if the minimum wage is higher. they might higher lobbyist to try and vote against the bill.

    Matt Anderson

  9. The National Restaurant Association, does not agree with minimum wages. They say that it actually hurts their employees and their business. Minimum wage forces them to cut hours, lay off employees and make tough decisions because they can't afford the minimum wages. They don't believe there should be a minimum wage.
    Ally Fiorelli

  10. The NRA did not want the minimum wage act to be passed at all. that would mean for the restaurants that they would have to pay out more money but would not be taking in any more money then what they were before the bill was passed. This would make the owners have to figure out a way to take in more money so that it would balance out the more money they would have to put out. the lobbyest that were hired to try and get this bill thrown out so that all owners would not have to make big changes in there restaurant so they would do what ever it would take to not get it passes


  11. the NRA thinks that the Minimum Wage Act is hurting individuals more than helping them. They believe that it is an ineffective way to reduce poverty and they oppose any increase in federal or state minimum wage.

    Madison Smith

  12. The NRA does not like the minimum wage law. They think it is hurting rather than helping employees. The NRA says that this law is causing restaurant operators to raise their prices and get rid of jobs. The employees end up with less hours and eventually less money. The new law just ends up doing damage.

    Jess Fox

  13. The NRA is against the Federal Minimum Wage Act (2009) almost entirely. They are against the idea of having to pay their employees a higher minimum wage, which has now been increased to $7.25 since 2009. They use the excuse that in doing this, companies will have to make job cuts, hour cuts, and price increases to continue making a profit. They do not, however, consider the opinions of the thousands of employees that only make minimum wage to do hours on hours of physically-demanding labor. I believe that if there are any hesitations from the government about keep the minimum wage where it is or raising it, they come from the direction of the NRA. They are stirring up such a large amount of stress over the issue that the government might give in to their wishes. Hopefully, for the sake of all minimum wage slaves, this does not happen.

    John DellaRocco

  14. The NRA are against the Federal Minimum Wage Act because it overall does not help the economy. It affects both employers and employees negatively. It can seem like a good decision to boost minimum wages to reduce poverty but it causes a chain affect of product prices increasing, workers being laid off, less working hours available, etc. It is similar to National Health Care, where free health benefits can be very supportive from one's point of view, can be bad because of national debt, long waiting time, etc in another point of view.

  15. The NRA was against the law. They believe it causes more problems than the one it is trying to fix. With the extra expenses of playing employees companys would be forced to lay off their workers, they would have to cut hours if they chose not to lay off workers, they might even have to raise the prices. These are all problems that would arise with a higher minimum wage.
    Michael Agatsiotis

  16. The NRA is honestly correct the higher the minimum wage rises the less money the employers can spend or give to employers which causes lower employment rate. If you are not making enough money to pay your bills and still live life normally as a business owner then that's no good. This is all very understandable but think about is very carefully if you lower the minimum wage and then lower the prices of things... you are still making less money so it's like nothing changed except for the profits of the business owners so this entire thing is ridiculous.

  17. The NRA disagreed with the minimum wage increase because it brings down all the employers profits. The higher the minimum wage the more money the business' have to put out, and with this economy its hard for anyone to make profit. They say it hurts the business' more than it helps, due to the increase in payroll.
    John Temple

  18. The NRA doesn't agree with minimum wage currently. In their opinion the minimum wage rate causes businesses such as restaurants to make up for costs by making cuts and raising their prices. They feel that the progression of poverty in America is due to the minimum wage rate. The NRA could lobby to have this changed so a company would make a specific profit so that restaurants will not be effected. - Hanan Dahdal

  19. The NRA did not want the minimum wage act to be passed because that means they would be paying there employees more money but not getting any more money in. Owners would have to find a way to make more money to even out the money going out and the money going in. It seems like they just didnt want to work harder to even things out.

  20. The NRA, or National Restaurant Association does not really agree with everything to do with the minimum, nor do they want it to be passed. They are against having to pay there employees more money. They believe that the wages should stay the same or even be lowered down. The more money they have to pay out for every employee the more money they lose. Dominick Amelotti
