Monday, March 5, 2012

read of 2011 Affordable Heath Care Actprovisions
Go to
click on lobbying on the left hand side of the page.Read
click on ranked sectors. Read and look at all the different sectors. Click around.
click on top spenders. read and look around.
Post the following:
- Define in your own words - lobbyist
post a one paragraph comment on the blog explaining one specific interest group and their influence/ interest on legislation.


  1. boeing spent 15,910,000 for defense aerospace alone and spent another 150,000 for misc. defense. that is a lot of money to spend on defense, but we do need it so it makes sense why the spending is so high - tyler h

  2. lobbying is when a group or company pays into something to have change congressmen's mind on passing a bill or not.
    boeing is spending so much money for aerospace and misc. defense and it is not a bad idea because we will be going to war sooner or later.

  3. In my opinion, a lobbyist is a person that is paid big money to go around and brag about someone or something so that person looks really good. Boeing hired many lobbyists to get the government to try to buy more of their helicopters. I have heard that they took a big hit in their income so maybe thats why they need to bring these lobbyists. They have hired 26 lobbyists so far and have brought in a little over 15 million dollars since then. lobbying is a needed thing for a business if you have the money to do so.

    Christian Schaefer

  4. Lobbyist are people hired to apply pressure on congressmen to sway them into a business/peoples interests.

    The AARP has a very influential say toward congress. The AARP is full of old people who make up a good chunk of American voters. The AARP spent a total of $212,922,064 in lobbyist since 1998. They have hired lobbyist for issues such as Medicare and Medicaid, taxes, and retirement. They wanted Better Medicaid and lower taxes, as well as a better retirement plan.

  5. a lobbyist someone who is employed to persuade congressmen to vote for laws that favor the lobbyist's employer.

    Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America are the most active lobbyist in the prochoice side of abortion. They the most generous contributors to federal candidates, parties and committees. They feel strongly that women have the right to reproductive health care and abortion services. A bill was passed by the house to defund abortion in 2011.

  6. A lobbyist is a group of people who try persuade legislators to vote for what they want. They will offer them money and threaten them to not vote for that particular member in the upcoming election. Casinos are something that have many lobbyist for and against them. When they were passing the bill for the Casino in Chester, there were many lobbyist groups who opposed this and offered money to put it somewhere else. or example the restaurant industry would want this to be built because it is bringing in more people and will make their business do better. The police might not like this and the home owners around the Casino because the people could get out of hand and start trashing the different places and this would cause the homeowners the inconvenience of people driving past there homes and littering everyday. This can be a problem in one's community and can actually be the result in a community's demise.

  7. A lobbyist is generally someone who pays a lot of money to promote or prevet something, in order to secure earnings later down the road.
    Google spent almost 10 million dollars in lobbying over one of the big bills of the summer which was SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) that would regulate what can be seen and visited on the website, like the school does, except on national level. Google poured in much money to protest the passing of this bill, as they would not like censorship as it would lower the need for them because most websites could not be visited, and searched. SOPA was not passed, possibly because of this.

    Zachary Geibler

  8. Lobbyists must be good at persuasion, which is the main purpose of their job. They must figure out how to sway politicians to vote on legislation in a way that favors the interest they represent. This means tailoring appeals to specific individuals using any method, such as money, pampering, etc. An example is Walmart, who used $7,390,000 in 2009 for lobbying. It was most active on the issue of clean energy, taxes and consumer safety initiatives. In 2009 they had lobbyists to support the Employee Free Choice Act legislation of 2009 since Walmart is known for selling products with low prices and give little benefits in order to keep the prices from rising.

  9. I think lobbyist is a group designed to help a company in many ways. Boeing hires groups of lobbyist to persuade legislators to vote for what can help the company. Boeing spends millions of dollars every year.

  10. Lobbying is the guys that pay everyone off so that companies can do what they have to do to survive thats what they are to me. General Motors spent 10.9 million dollars on lobbying. most of its money goes to republicans lobbying on issues key to automakers witch is international trade auto safety rules fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks. The government took ownership of GM becouse of the financial crisis of 08-09 although entities and individuals have increasingly purchased GM stock. GM did what they had to do to keep in going.


  11. Lobbyists: people trying to influence government officials to vote for their specific cause.

    Boeing Company spent over 2 million dollars on lobbyists. They lobby for bills supporting the department of defense, trading, foreign operations, and security. These types of bills all have to deal with the type of work that Boeing does, so it makes sense that they would lobby for those causes.

  12. Lobbyist's are persons from large companies who try to influence Bills to pass or not pass depending on what is beneficial to their company.

    Planned Parenthood is a pro-choice organization that Lobbies for Abortion and Birth Control rights for women. They are one of the most active Lobbyist's when it comes to Bills on those topics. They believe in reproductive health care, women's rights, and abortion services. They helped pass a bill in 2011 to defend abortion. - By: Hanan Dahdal

  13. A lobbyist in my opinion is someone who is paid by a company to change congresses opinions to lean toward their views. Verizon spends a lot of money on lobbyist to change the internet laws. They argue about taxes, competitors, and child pornography laws. These lobbyist continue to argue with congress.
    Ally Fiorelli

  14. A lobbyist is someone that "Butters up" politicians with money to make them vote in favor of the views of the companies they support. i think lobbyists just make politics dirty and unfair but there are times when they are needed.

  15. A lobbyist is someone who goes around to government officials telling them that something they like or agree with is the right thing to vote for.

    Boeing spent tons of money on aerospace and misc. defense, which is a good thing because we will eventually need all the defense we can get.

  16. Lobbyist- A group who attempts to persuade or dissuade a politician when it comes to voting on a bill that would affect their company or line of work

    The House passed a bill in favor of Boeing. NBLR wanted to stop Boeing from opening a plant in South Carolina stating it was unfair to open a non-union plant for that reason. The House voted for the bill in a 239-176 decision. The NBLR wanted the house to vote against Boeing but they failed to persuade enough Congressmen to vote in their favor.
    Michael Agatsiotis

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. A lobbyist, in my opinion, is a glorified persuader. A lobbyist is someone that is sent to do anything he/she can to convince someone of congress to vote for/against something for the wrong reasons. Making the people of the government happy, rather then convincing them to agree with certain decisions, is the main goal of lobbyists.
    The medical industry, specifically in pharmaceuticals, is a major contributer to the lobbyist industries. The Pharmaceutical Rsrch & Mfrs of America industry, being a major contributer to pharmaceutical health care, spent $18,910,000 just last year. Overall, this organization is committed to the ability for pharmaceutical companies to develop and manufacture new medical treatments. Because this is always a serious topic in health care, this organization is always busy convincing people of the government to vote for their opinions.
    By John DellaRocco

  19. Lobbyist are when group pay money to a person or another group to get the bill or what they wanted passed through.

    Boeing is spending so much money trying to be the fastest in aerospace production they do really care about the price as long as they are the first with the best and fastest machines in the world. But they keep all of there most advanced equipment top secret.
    Dominick Amelotti

  20. Lobbyist is a person whose job is to try to influence public officials, usually for or against a specific cause.
    The American Medical Assn is about promoting the art and science of medicine, while trying to give the public better health. In the year 2011 they spent 21,490,00 on getting their cause across. What they are about consist of five areas Access to care, Quality of care, Cost of health care, Prevention and wellness, and Payment models. They want to also help physicians adapt to the continuing changes in the medical field. They really just want medicine to move forward.
    Zalaya Johnson

  21. A Lobbyist is a person with a certain Government job whose job is to try and persuade public officials to be against a certain cause.

    I read about how the Exxon Mobil was going to be shut down this year if they don't raise the gas prices this year to $5.00 a gallon because instead of their usual 95 billion dollar profits they only made 70 billion... This is the most ridiculous think I have ever heard and I can't even believe that congress will even think about looking at this.
    Zack Shows

  22. A lobbyist is a person whose occupation is to try and persuade public officials to be against a certain cause.
    Wal-mart is trying to get everyone to go against other big cooperations and everyone to go there to maximize their profit. They say the other stores are over charging people big time, especially when the economy is the way it is now a days. They are bringing in more and more customers but they aren't going to get everyone. The richer get richer and the poorer get poorer.
