Tuesday, December 20, 2011

stock presentation

The goal of this project is to determine factors that have influenced the price of your best and worst stocks.
Create a powerpoint on gmail.
Slide 1 - this slide must contain an explanation of the stock that made you the most money
Visual representation of the company w/ explanation of what it does. Be precise.
-include purchase price- current price- and net gain.
Slide 2 - research and explain factors that may have caused the gain.
- creative visuals are encouraged.
Slide 3-4 do the same for your worst stock.
When completed place powerpoint in the bush hand in folder

Monday, December 19, 2011

Read Household Debt article. Post a 2 sentence comment that summarized the article and gives your opinion of the problem.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gdp- and the "Great Recession"

Read Great Recession to understand the facts and statistics behind the "Great Recession"
Then do the following:
1. Pick out any 4 stocks and answer the following questions about those stocks.
2. What was the stock's price in January 2008?
3. What was the stocks price in Dec 2008?
4 . What was the Price in June 2009?
5. What is the Price today?
Finally after researching 4 companies answer the following question
6. How do you think the data you collected on these stocks played a role in the Great Recession?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Supply and demand

A. Read article that analyzes Walmart and Target's stocks. Answer the following questions:

1. According to the a article which companies are taking away market share from Walmart on low end items?
2. In what areas does Walmart face market share competition from Target?
3. Why does the author feel good about the future for Walmart's Stock?
4. What does he say about the future for Target's Stock? Why?
do research on current companies and find articles that examine the effects of supply and demand.
B. Do handout on supply and demand.

Read basics about supply and demand Worksheet.
C. do handout. Then go to ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY on worksheet( above) and research two articles and follow directions

Friday, December 9, 2011


1. Read about the Laws of Demand. What are the 5 factors that can influence demand?
2. Watch ABC News look at Starbux. Summarize into a paragraph the news report's conclusions about the starbux's decline and resurgence .
3.-Search current news articles to find a recent example of 3 of the factors that effect demand for a product.( as explained in the above article.)
- Summarize each current example into 2-3 sentences.
example: The demand for iphones 3G (sales of) has dropped in recent months because of the rumors of the new 4G iphone that have been circulating on internet chat rooms. Rumors abound about a waterproof 4g phone that has a battery with twice the life.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Walmart- Target Stock Analysis

Read Excerpt from La Times review of the Walmart Effect. Set up a T chart. On one side of the chart list Positive effects of walmart- on the other side list negative effects of Walmart. List at least 10 effects in total. (one side will probably have more effects than the other.)

Read article that analyzes Walmart and Target's stocks. Answer the following questions:
1. According to the a article which companies are taking away market share from Walmart on low end items?
2. In what areas does Walmart face market share competition from Target?
3. Why does the author feel good about the future for Walmart's Stock?
4. What does he say about the future for Target's Stock? Why?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Period 4 join a contest bushb219 Join my free Stock Market Contest!

Monday, November 28, 2011

stock market

Join the stock market game. This contest will run until the end of the semester. The goal is to learn how the market works and to better understand the concepts of supply and demand.Click on the link below. Use your ridley password and create a username that includes your first and last name.
Join my free Stock Market Contest!
After joining the contest the questions on the below link are the key concepts and terms that you need to know to be successful in this unit. They will all be fair game for the unit test on the market.
Power point project
Pick one company.
You must create a power point for that company.
The goal of the power point is to inform the class on the following things:

What is the company?
What does it do? Use the company’s profile on yahoo finance as the source. ( Research and learn. Don’t tell us what you think they do)
What other companies and or products do they own / produce?
What is the stock's currently price? ( time / date/ price)
Find a current headline( from yahoo finance) that explains something that is going on with the company. Briefly explain it.
How has the company’s stock been doing over the last 52 weeks?
Cut and paste pictures/ charts/ graphs onto the power point. Not a lot of words are needed. Your explanation of these is the important thing.
Do power point on your gmail account.
Make it attractive to the eye!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Prop 19 goes down in defeat

Read Prop 19 Goes Down in Defeat. Post a comment 0f 2-3 sentences . Comment should NOT include you opinion on marijuana use but only comment on the political process described in the article.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Making an Effective Speech

Grading rubric for the senate speech have been handed out. Check out the following sites for guidance and ideas on how to make a good speech.
1. Presentation tips for Public Speaking -
2. How to Write a Good Speech-
Key points
1. Know your stuff. If you are unclear about the material you will not do well.
2. Be over- prepared. Rehearse your speech, time yourself, sync your power point with the speech.
3. Know your audience
4. Use various techniques to engage your audience.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Gaining support for you bill

Once your bill has made it through committee you will need to whip up support for it. Today you will need to find two lobby(PAC) groups that may support your bill and one that will likely oppose it. Prepare a report for your committee. The report must include the follow:
-two lobby groups that will likely support your legislation.
- a summary of the mission of each group.
- a description of what this group has fought for/against in the past.
- an explanation of why you feel they will support your bill.
- one lobby group that will likely oppose your legislation.
- a summary of the mission of each group.
- a description what this group has fought for/against in the past.
- an explanation of why this group will likely oppose your bill.
Create a report in a word document. Make it look attractive and professional.
This site may help- Political Advocacy Groups and/or google your topic/ lobby group

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Federal Minimum Wage Act

Read The Federal Minimum Wage Act.
Go to the National Restaurant Association's website. See what they do. Post a 2-3 sentence answer to the question: What does the NRA think about the minimum wage law? Also surmise what possible influence they may have had on the existing law.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Can the Federal Government legislate us to be thinner?

Today we will look at the above question. Is it the role of the government to police our eating habits? Can the government tell us what to eat and what not to or is that acting as a nanny state?
Fat-fighting ideas: From more gym to burger tax
post your opinion 3 sentence opinion.

Criminal Justice

The goal for today is to understand the case and to be able to discuss the complexities of it.
Read Officers in the Bronx Fire 41 Shots both pages.
Read The Diallo Verdict
answer the following questions:
1. what were the officers charged with?
2. what was the prosecution's argument?
3. What was the defense's argument?
4. What do you think?
5. List three words/ phases you do not understand. Look up and define those words.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Senator, What Political party are you?

Today you will officially pick the political party that you will represent in your role as a US Senator.
Take all three political party quizes:
1. Are you a republican or democrat?
2. What political party are you?
3. What political party is right for you?
After reading the results of the quizes go to an official site of the party that the test said you most closely resembled; democratic party, republican party, Libertarian Party,
Green Party , Tea Party
Post a one paragraph declaration explaining the party you will join
Paragraph must include
a. name of the party
b. an explanation of the major beliefs of that party and why you chose to join it.
c. include any things that you do not agree with

Monday, October 17, 2011

Senior Drivers Test

For pd 4 only!!!! Pd 2 Do Universal Health Care.
Read Too Old to Drive
- List 5 reasons the article offers to support the idea that there may be a crisis on the highways because of elderly drivers.
Read House Approves Mandating Regular Vision Tests for Seniors
Answer the following questions:
1. Is this a state or federal law? How do you know?
2. What does the law for seniors to do?
3. What other requirements are there in the bill?
4. According to Donna Erdman which age group has the most accidents?

Watch South Park Grey Dawn

Universal Health Care

After viewing the movie Sicko we have seen a strong argument for universal health care. Now we will research arguments against the idea of government run health care. Read
Reality check: Canada's government health care system
Read The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care
Create a list of 4 rebuttals or arguments against government run health care. Each rebuttal should be
1. in your own words
2. cite statistics and/or factual accounts
3. be at least two sentences each.
After returning back to class we will view John Stossel' Sick in America: Whose body is it anyway part 3/6 and 4/6.
Based on Stossel's video, add two more rebuttals or arguments against government run health care.
You should have 6 rebuttal arguments in total.

Monday, October 10, 2011

test 2 practice

Check out test review on Quizlet

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Senate Committee Activity

Today's objective is to understand what a senate committee is, what different committees there are, and to examine current activities of a US Senate Committee.
1. Go to Senate.gov
2. Go to the committee section. Look through the various committees. Find one that looks like it will be of interest to you. Then do the following:
Create a power point (using google docs).
The power point should contain the following:
1. Name of the committee or sub committee.
2. Explain in detail the function of the committee?( what does it have jurisdiction over?)
3. Who is the chairman of the committee?
4. Explain in detail a current piece of legislation that is in (or just came out of) the committee.
5. Make the powerpoint attractive and interesting. DO NOT CUT AND PASTE ANYTHING OTHER THAN PICTURES. Summarize everything else

Friday, September 30, 2011


Today's lesson focus is on interest groups or lobby groups. By the end of class you will know what they are, how they operate, and be able to identify the particulars of their influence.
Read Google Joins Apple in Pushing for Tax Holiday
-after each black headline(7 in all) summarize the section into one meaningful sentence that captures the key point of the section. Do this on a piece of loose leaf to be collected

Go to www.opensecrets.org
click on lobbying on the left hand side of the page.Read
click on ranked sectors. Read and look at all the different sectors. Click around.
click on top spenders. read and look around.
post a one paragraph comment on the blog explaining one specific interest group and their influence/ interest

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Problem - low test scores

Lawmakers make laws to address problems in society.
Read Obama Proposes Longer School Day. Post a 1-2 paragraph comment on President Obama's proposal. Comments must address at least 3 specifics ideas mentioned in the article. #ign your name after comment.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Constitutional Convention

Read Constitutional Convention.
Answer the following questions:
1. How many people were in attendance at the convention?
2. What were their backgrounds?
3. What was the stated purpose of the convention?
4. What big names did not attend?
5. Why wasn't Thomas Jefferson there?
6. After its completion the Constitution was referred to as a "bundle of compromises". Explain in detail why.
Answer on a piece of loose leaf paper and place it into your homework folder by friday 9/23
Presentations on Founding Fathers is due on Friday. See (projects page of bushseniorseminar for rubric)

Friday, September 16, 2011

1. go to Strategic Plan Survey take survey required by the district.

2. Objectives: to examine and compare Pres Bush's and Pres Obama's tactics in the war on terror.
to prepare for Monday's test by using flash cards and pretests on quizlet
Read Inside the Killing Machine
Respond to the following:
1. Summarize the article into 1-2 paragraphs
2. comment on the following
- Do you think President Obama's actions are legal? Why or why not?
- Why do you think President Obama uses the Predator strikes a lot more than President Bush?
- In the article the "lethal operation" decisions made by the President and Mr. Rizzo are described as morally complex. Describe how you would handled the moral complexities of the decision if you were in Mr. Rizzo's shoes

3. Prepare for Monday's test by using Quizlet

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ideas on Government- What is the role of government?

1. Go to Political spectrum quiz
Take quiz. Post a comment on the blog summarizing the results of your quiz.
2. Go to liberal v conservative
Pick any four topics that are of interest to you. Read each competing view. On a piece of loose leaf write your own view of the topic. Explain your view and explain if you are liberal / conservative or somewhere in the middle. Each explanation should be about a paragraph or more in length.

mayflower compact

After viewing Lord of the Flies answer the debriefing questions.
Go online and research the Mayflower Compact.
answer these three questions:
1. When and under what circumstances was it written?
2. What did it say? (boil the whole thing down to one sentence )
3. What comparison or contrast can be made between the Mayflower Compact and the Lord of the Flies

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Nature of Mankind

Great political thinkers often look to answer the question of "what is the nature of mankind?" before they begin their thinking on what is the best way for a society to be governed.
Read What Makes Us Moral. On a separate piece of paper take notes on the each of the pages. Break down each page and list at least three bullets for each topic headline. Headlines are:  pg 1 What makes us moral. pg 2 the Moral Ape pg 3.  How we stay good. pg 4 Why we turn bad.  A quiz will follow the reading

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Role of Government and Hurricane Irene

Read Hurricane Irene: New Yorkers prepare for 'historic hurricane' post a comment of one paragraph ( min 5 sentences on the article). Your post should focus on the ideas of what is the role of government in this situation and how much blame should the government face if a Katrina type "government failure" happens. Also comment how much personal responsibility should people have in a situation like this. Sigh the posting with your full name.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Foreign policy

foreign policy
The goal of this unit is to
1. understand the power structure of US foreign policy.
2. understand recent historical perspectives of US foreign policy.
3. understand current and potential threats to The United States and how US foreign policy addresses those threats.
Read http://www.philly.com/philly/opinion/20101212_Worldview__The_United_States_needs_defense_against_cyberattacks.html . Post comment.
Go into hand out folder and do web search activity.

Foreign Policy Scavenger Hunt

1. What is the NSC?

2. What is the State Department?

3. How many votes in the Senate to ratify a treaty?

4. Who is the Secretary of State? What is their role in US Foreign Policy?

5. What is the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Who is the Chairman?

6. What countries make up the UN Security Council?

7. What is a sanction?

8. How does a spy drone work?

9. What is the Pentagon? What is its purpose?

10. “Axis of Evil”

11.What is the # of US Troops in


South Korea-

10. Identify the following people / terms:

Anwar al-Awlaki-

Janet Napolitano-


Julian Assange-

Robert Gates-

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab-

John Brennan-

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad-

Kim Jong-il-


Current Sec of State-

What is the role of the Sec. of State-

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

sub plans 6/1

Show Whats Great About America
Have students list 5 things Stossel says are great about American. After each thing ask students to agree or disagree and explain their thoughts. Stop the video at various times to allow students time for their writing. Discuss their opinions if you want.
After video and discussion, show 60 minutes episode

why they hate us

Read Why they HAte US List 5 reason that according to the article answer the question.
Part Two of assignment go to stock game and summarize you portfolio's history into a paragraph. 4-5 sentences
include the following.
1. summary of companies owned and transactions made.
2. summary of profit made or losses incurred.
3. find(research) a reason and formulate a theory of why you made or lost money.

Monday, May 23, 2011


After today's lecture and readings on taxes go to the Internal Revenue Service website and fill out a simulated tax return for Alicia Garcia.

Interest and Debt

Do car payment activity. Go to http://www.usdebtclock.org/auto-sales.html Find and list the Five leading car companies based on sales. Research and find where these companies are based (country).

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Key to Capitalism

Go to your how the market works account. Pick any stock in your portfolio and find a current news article that reveals some information about how your company is doing vs any of its competitors. Summarize that article into a 1-2 sentence post.
part two
Read Bing, Facebook Deepen Ties, Threaten Google +1 post a comment onyour thoughts on this development ie (is it a good idea or not)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why are Gas Prices So High?

Read Why are Gas Prices So High?
List 4 reasons the author gives for the high cost of gas. Answer the following question in two sentences- How can the factors of supply and demand effect the price of gasoline?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

market watch

Create a powerpoint and place into the hand in folder.
1. find out what stock has been your biggest winner and your biggest loser.
2. Pick either company and do the following:
slide 1- create a slide explaining what the company does.
go to yahoofinance and click profile. summarize. Include pictures
slide 2
- list your biggest loser or winner and list how much you have gained or lost.
Slide 3
- go to headline section of yahoofinance and try and determine what market factors are making your company's stock perform the way it has. summarize.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Pick a company that you enjoy. Find the following information:
1. Who founded the company?
2. When was it founded?
3. List five interesting things you researched about the company and or its founder?
4. Does the company publicly trade stock?
5. Who are the companies main competitors?
6. Find a current news article on the company and summarize this piece into a sentence or two. ie. Is it launching a new product? Are they being sued? Are they being bought out ? etc
7. Where is its head quarters?
Weave this information into a powerpoint that you will explain. Be creative and make it attractive. Place pp into senior seminar folder.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Committee on Homeland Security

Objective today is to begin work on your bill. The preliminary research that you will be doing will be presented in your committees. To get a better understanding of what committees do go to
Domestic Terrorism Hearings Opens with Contrasting Views on Dangers
Post a comment that demonstrates your understanding of what the purpose of the committee is and then give your opinion of its hearings.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Universal Health Care

After viewing the movie Sicko we have seen a strong argument for universal health care. Now we will research arguments against the idea of government run health care. Read
Reality check: Canada's government health care system
Read The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care
View John Stossel' Sick in America: Whose body is it anyway part 3/6 and 3/4
Create a list of 7 rebuttals or arguments against government run health care

Friday, March 11, 2011

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

After the movie SICKO was made the debate about health care in America kicked into high gear prompting President Obama and the democratic lead congress to pass two health care reform bills in 2010. Research the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Find the following information.

1. When did it pass?
2. What was the tally of the voting? House? Senate?
3. Describe the overall act?
4. List 5 specific provisions in the act? Provisions that you understand and can explain.
5. Explain the nature of the legal challenges that have been made about the laws constitutionality.
6. Give your opinions of the law.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today's lesson focus is on interest groups or lobby groups. By the end of class you will know what they are, how they operated and be able to identify the particulars of their influence.
Go to www.opensecrets.org
click on lobbying on the left hand side of the page.Read
click on ranked sectors. Read and look at all the different sectors. Click around.
click on top spenders. read and look around.
post a one paragraph comment on the blog explaining one specific interest group and their influence/ interest

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pres Obama and the Use of Drones

Objective: to examine and compare Pres Bush's and Pres Obama's tactics in the war on terror.
Read Inside the Killing Machine
Respond to the following:
1. Summarize the article into 1-2 paragraphs
2. comment on the following
- Do you think President Obama's actions are legal? Why or why not?
- Why do you think President Obama uses the Predator strikes a lot more than President Bush?
- In the article the "lethal operation" decisions made by the President and Mr. Rizzo are described as morally complex. Describe how you would handled the moral complexities of the decision if you were in Mr. Rizzo's shoes

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Enumerated powers

1. Define - enumerated in the context of the constitution enumerated the powers of congress.
Debates have raged for 200 years about states rights vs federal authority. Find two current event articles that center around states rights vs. federal rights.
2. Read the article
3. cite the name of the publication and the date and author of the article
4. In 1-2 paragraphs explain
a. the nature of the issue (ie health care , gay marriage, abortion etc)
b. the nature of the states vs. federal debate
c. end the writing with a 1-2 sentence commentary of your opinions.

Do all of this in a word document and put it into the senior seminar folder

Monday, February 14, 2011

current events homework

Read Cash Strapped States Facing Budget Crisis Summarize and comment according to regular homework format

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Waterboarding. Should we allow it?

Go to Waterboarding debate Read both sides of the debate. Take note of the arguments made by both sides. Which is the liberal argument? Which is the conservative argument? Where do you stand on the debate?

Monday, February 7, 2011

liberal v conservative beliefs

Go to liberal v conservative
Pick any four topics that are of interest to you. Read each competing view. Write your own view of the topic. Explain views and explain if you are liberal / conservative or somewhere in the middle. Each explanation should be about a paragraph or more in length.

Friday, February 4, 2011

political spectrum

1. Go to Political spectrum quiz
Take quiz. Post a comment on the blog summarizing the results of your quiz.
2. Go to liberal v conservative
Pick any four topics that are of interest to you. Read each competing view. On a piece of loose leaf write your own view of the topic. Explain your view and explain if you are liberal / conservative or somewhere in the middle. Each explanation should be about a paragraph or more in length.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

current events homework

A current event article will be due every Friday. The topic of the event will be given ahead of time. Articles are to be printed out and attached to your writing then placed in your folder.
Format- pick a current event article (from the current week). Articles should be at least 1-2 pages long or long enough so that you get a full account of what is going on and long enough that you need 1-2 paragraph to summarize. After reading the article you must write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the article. Then you must write a 1-2 paragraph commentary on the event/ article. Commentaries can include your opinions, projections or connections you make between the event and other things going on.
This weeks topic- Egyptian Crisis

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New laws

Read Article There Oughta Be a Law: Californians Getting 725 New Ones in 2011

Find a couple of laws that interest you. Click on the laws. Read and take not of how they are written/ worded. Use these as a reference for your own bills. Also check out thomas.gov to see more bills