Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Supply and Demand

Find a product/ stock /or service where the forces of supply and demand are at work. You can google key words like; "demand drops (or increase.) for..", "supply increases..." , "competition increases for.....".Then explain the following:
1. How have the forces of supply and demand been at work?
2. How has the price been effected?
3. Has this been good or bad for consumers?
4. What ,if any, role has the government played in the situation ?

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Read article that analyzes Walmart and Target's stocks. Answer the following questions:
1. According to the a article which companies are taking away market share from Walmart on low end items?
2. In what areas does Walmart face market share competition from Target?
3. Why does the author feel good about the future for Walmart's Stock?
4. What does he say about the future for Target's Stock? Why?
Read Wal-Mart: An Empire Built on Bargains Remakes the Working World
Create a T- Chart with Pros and Cons of Wal-Mart on opposite side of the chart.
Try and get a total of 10 effects 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

stock market

Join the stock market game. This contest will run until the end of the semester. The goal is to learn how the market works and to better understand the concepts of supply and demand.Click on the link below. Use your ridley password and create a username that includes your first and last name.
Join my contest
After joining the contest the questions on the below link are the key concepts and terms that you need to know to be successful in this unit. They will all be fair game for the unit test on the market.
Power point project
Pick one company.
You must create a power point for that company.
The goal of the power point is to inform the class on the following things:

What is the company?
What does it do? Use the company’s profile on yahoo finance as the source. ( Research and learn. Don’t tell us what you think they do)
What other companies and or products do they own / produce?
What is the stock's currently price? ( time / date/ price)
Find a current headline( from yahoo finance) that explains something that is going on with the company. Briefly explain it.
How has the company’s stock been doing over the last 52 weeks?
Cut and paste pictures/ charts/ graphs onto the power point. Not a lot of words are needed. Your explanation of these is the important thing.
Do power point on your gmail account.
Make it attractive to the eye!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

criminal justice

Read Delco Times story as an example of a reporter's coverage of a trial.
Objective - Write a 250 word newspaper account of our Thomas v. Nomad trial. You must include the following things:
Creative Headline that reflects the case
- summary of the plaintiff's case
-summary of the defendant's case
- summary of the verdict
-mention at least two witness's testimony
        - include all of the following words( boldface each word)
         - plaintiff, defendant, negligence, contributory negligence, compensatory damages, nominal damages
- be accurate.
- if you don't know something do a little investigation.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Making an Effective Speech

Grading rubric for the senate speech have been handed out. Check out the following sites for guidance and ideas on how to make a good speech.
1. Presentation tips for Public Speaking -
2. How to Write a Good Speech-
Key points
1. Know your stuff. If you are unclear about the material you will not do well.
2. Be over- prepared. Rehearse your speech, time yourself, sync your power point with the speech.
3. Know your audience
4. Use various techniques to engage your audience.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bill models

Use the link below as the template for your bill
Bill template to use -
Below is a link to a Pa law. It is a good model to see what a bill looks like.
Pa Castle law developed from  Pa House Bill 40

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Political Ad project

You and your group will create a political ad to be broadcast on tv. In order to get an A your ad must meet the following criteria:
-1 must be within (+or-) 3sec of 45 seconds (25 pts)
-2  must include a minimum of 3 accomplishments of the candidate and 2 negatives of the opponent(25pts)
  3.   -all of the following topics must be covered in ad (25 pts)
      a. Foreign policy issue ie. Afghanistan, Iraq, China, Libya, Iran, Terrorism etc....
      b. Stance on a social issue ie. abortion, health care, education, 2nd amendment, crime, welfare etc..
       c.Economic issue ie, jobs, bailouts, Wall Street, Taxes, Deficit, Debt, medicare, social security etc..
-4 be creative and accurate( 20 pts)
   - all stats must be cited and from a reputable source
   - facts must be accurate and demonstrate an understanding of the issue and your candidates position
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the office being sought(5pts)
    - ie. term, responsibilities, etc....

Friday, October 26, 2012

Political Campaign Ads
Find and view 6 political campaign ads. (4 Presidential and 2 Senatorial ads)
Do the following for the 4 best ads you come across
1. Describe the overall message of the ad.
2. For whom is the ad targeted? Rich ? Poor? Black? White? Hispanics? Men? Women? Pacifists? Businessmen? etc.....
3. Critique the ad.
Next week we will be creating our own ads so try and get ideas from the things you see.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Senate Committees

Go to the Senate Committees Homepage
Read the About the Committee System Section.
Go back to the homepage
Pick 1 committee that sounds interesting to you or a committee that you may want your bill to be in.
Create a powerpoint that explains the following:
1. Jurisdiction of the committee (what areas are under its responsibility)
2. Who is the chairman?
3. Describe two bills that are currently in committee

Political Ads
1. Find 4 political ads from this 2012 election

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Senate Research

Your objective today is to research a current US Senator who is up for reelection and find the following information:
Go to for list of all current US Senators
1. What state? and party?
2. List 5 things you think are important to know about the Senator's biography.
3. How many terms has the Senator served?
4. On what committees does the Senator serve?
5. Describe the current polling data of the election.
a. Find a current political advertisement  in favor of your candidate
b. Find one against him/her . describe
5. Go to find one piece of legislation that the Senator sponsored or co-sponsored. Find one that makes sense to you and summarized into a few sentences what the bill does.

8. Finally pick an issue that your Senator feels passionately about and write a 30 sec sound bite, to be delivered in class, writing as if you are that Senator. The sound bite should be written as if your senator is answering a question from a reporter, so give the question then give your 30 sec answer.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Senator, What Political party are you?

Today you will officially pick the political party that you will represent in your role as a US Senator.
Take all three political party quizes:
1. Are you a republican or democrat?
2. What political party are you?
3. What political party is right for you?
After reading the results of the quizes go to an official site of the party that the test said you most closely resembled; democratic party, republican party, Libertarian Party,
Green Party , Tea Party
Post a one paragraph declaration explaining the party you will join
Paragraph must include
a. name of the party
b. an explanation of the major beliefs of that party and why you chose to join it.
c. include any things that you do not agree with

Friday, October 19, 2012

Criminal Justice

The goal for today is to understand the case and to be able to discuss the complexities of it.
Read Officers in the Bronx Fire 41 Shots both pages.
Read The Diallo Verdict
answer the following questions:
1. what were the officers charged with?
2. what was the prosecution's argument?
3. What was the defense's argument?
4. What do you think?
5. List three words/ phases you do not understand. Look up and define those words.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Go to
Read at least 4 different  articles on the debate
1. Based on all of your reading and your viewing of debate two, post a one paragraph comment expressing your ideas/ opinion/ observation/ concerns etc
2. Find current polling data that reflects the current popular vote polling data.
3. Find current polling data that projects the current electoral count.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lobby groups and their role in legislation

Go to The National Rifle Association's website 
1. Explain one piece of legislation they are for and one they are against.

Go to the National Restaurant Association's website
1. Explain who they are, what they do and 5 companies that are members.
Check out Issues for Action
2. Describe in three sentences the proposed NY Beverage Ban
3. Describe the NRA position on the ban.
4. Describe the NRA reasoning for their position on the ban.
5. What do you think about the ban.

Check out other issues of interest to the NRA lobby.
6. What is the H-2B Visas? And what is the NRA's position on them?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

criminal justice

Go to Crime Causation Theories.
Read, comprehend and explain.

Today's lesson focus is on interest groups or lobby groups. By the end of class you will know what they are, how they operated and be able to identify the particulars of their influence.
Go to
click on lobbying on the left hand side of the page.Read
click on ranked sectors. Read and look at all the different sectors. Click around.
click on top spenders. Read and look around.
post a one paragraph comment on the blog explaining one specific interest group and their influence/ interest on a particular bill.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bill to law

Represent Me Do activity.
What does this activity say about the role of a Congressman.
Read How Old is Too Old To Drive

- List 3 reasons the article offers to support the idea that there may be a crisis on the highways because of elderly drivers.
Read House Approves Mandating Regular Vision Tests for Seniors
Answer the following questions:
1. Is this a state or federal law? How do you know?
2. What does the law for seniors to do?
3. What other requirements are there in the bill?
4. According to Donna Erdman which age group has the most accidents?

Watch South Park Grey Dawn

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Go to realclearpolitics
Read many of the different opinions of the debate then post a 1 paragraph comment on the debate.

Go to
Read different opinions of the debates. You can also check out more partisan news organizations such as Drudge(r) or Msnbc(l) or Foxnews(r) or Huffingtonpost(l) then post a one paragraph comment with your opinion of the debate.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Judicial Review is the concept by which the Judicial Branch of the government reviews the constitutionality of laws and actions by the government on its citizens.
In this activity you will research examples of laws/ actions that were reviewed for their constitutionality.
Go to
1. Find a first amendment case that you find interesting and understand.
2. In your own words explain the constitutional question under review and explain how the Supreme Court ruled on the issue.
3. Do the same thing for an 8th amendment case. ( cruel and unusual punishment)
4. Do the same thing for a 5th Amendment case.( self incrimination or Double Jeopardy)

Test on Friday or Monday review on quizlet

Friday, September 28, 2012

the US Constitution

You are responsible for knowing the information in lessons 3 and 4 on the Constitution. These lessons are a great review for the test.
Today's assignment- Read the above lessons and answer the following:
Read Lesson 3 on Article 1 of the Constitution
1. Explain what an ex post facto law is, what congress can do in regards to them , and give real world historical or current example of a law that was deemed to be ex post facto.

2. What does Article 1 of the Constitution say about congress' power when it comes to commerce?
a. What is commerce?
b. Find a current example of a law passed by congress that exemplifies congress' ability to make laws regulating commerce.
3. What does Article IV sec III say about new states?
a. Find out and describe any information on Puerto Rican statehood movements.
Read Lesson 4 and answer the following:

4. What does Article II say about the President's role over the military?
a. Find one example of a recent decision or action by President Obama in his role over the military.
5. How does Article II set up the election of the President? Do the people elect him or what?
6. Which article describes how to change the Constitution?
a. What was the last change to the Constitution?
b. Find an example of a current proposal to amend the Constitution.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Article II of the Constitution sets up the Executive Branch of the government.
Read Obama's Way. After reading the article post a well thought out comment explaining a piece of the author's portrayal of the President that you found interesting or informative. Include comments on your impressions of the President and /or  the powers of the office of the President based on Michael Lewis' portrayal. Must be at least 1 paragraph.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Unit 1 test today
Current event assignment
go to any one of the following news organizations.
pick a news story that interest you and do the following:
write a 1 paragraph summary of the article
write a 1 paragraph commentary giving your thoughts, reactions criticism or connections etc...
drudge report
fox news

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

1. Go to test 1 review and use this in addition to your notes as a study guide for test.
2. Read Feds use new strategy against employers of illegal immigrants. 
  -list three things mentioned in the article that the Federal government uses to deter illegal immigration
- List two concerns or ideas / thoughts you have about the issue of illegal immigration.
- list one solution you have for the issue of illegal immigration.
3. What do you suppose the liberal and conservative positions on the issue of illegal immigration may be?

Read more here:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ideas on Government- What is the role of government?

1. Go to Political spectrum quiz
Take quiz. Post a comment on the blog summarizing the results of your quiz.
2. Go to liberal v conservative
Pick any four topics that are of interest to you. Read each competing view. On a piece of loose leaf write your own view of the topic. Explain your view and explain if you are liberal / conservative or somewhere in the middle. Each explanation should be about a paragraph or more in length.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Nature of Mankind

Great political thinkers often look to answer the question of "what is the nature of mankind?" before they begin their thinking on what is the best way for a society to be governed.
Read What Makes Us Moral. On a separate piece of paper take notes on the each of the pages. Break down each page and list at least two bullets that capture the main points for each topic headline. Headlines are: pg 1 What makes us moral. pg 2 the Moral Ape pg 3. How we stay good. pg 4 Why we turn bad.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Read Household Debt article. Post a 2 sentence comment that summarized the article and gives your opinion of the problem.
Try to balance the federal budget by playing the budget game.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fiscal Policy webquest

click here this will take you to the assignment for today. You can do this online, print it out and hand it in or you can do it on the hardcopy. Whatever you prefer is ok. Research and answer questions 1-21
You will have until 8:30 to complete the assignment. Upon returning to class you will watch 60 Minutes interview with Mark Zuckerberg Pt.1 and then pt 2

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gdp- and the "Great Recession"

Read Great Recession to understand the facts and statistics behind the "Great Recession"
List 4 conditions that characterized the great recession
Then do the following:
1. Pick out any 4 stocks and answer the following questions about those stocks.
2. What was the stock's price in Dec  2007?

3 . What was the Price in June 2009?
4. What is the Price today?
Finally after researching 4 companies answer the following question
5. How do you think the data you collected on these stocks played a role in the Great Recession?

Monday, May 21, 2012

supply and demand review

click here to look at a review of supply and demand curves

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Read article that analyzes Walmart and Target's stocks. Answer the following questions:
1. According to the a article which companies are taking away market share from Walmart on low end items?
2. In what areas does Walmart face market share competition from Target?
3. Why does the author feel good about the future for Walmart's Stock?
4. What does he say about the future for Target's Stock? Why?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

stock market

Join the stock market game. This contest will run until the end of the semester. The goal is to learn how the market works and to better understand the concepts of supply and demand.Click on the link below. Use your ridley password and create a username that includes your first and last name.
Join my contest
After joining the contest the questions on the below link are the key concepts and terms that you need to know to be successful in this unit. They will all be fair game for the unit test on the market.
Power point project
Pick one company.
You must create a power point for that company.
The goal of the power point is to inform the class on the following things:

What is the company?
What does it do? Use the company’s profile on yahoo finance as the source. ( Research and learn. Don’t tell us what you think they do)
What other companies and or products do they own / produce?
What is the stock's currently price? ( time / date/ price)
Find a current headline( from yahoo finance) that explains something that is going on with the company. Briefly explain it.
How has the company’s stock been doing over the last 52 weeks?
Cut and paste pictures/ charts/ graphs onto the power point. Not a lot of words are needed. Your explanation of these is the important thing.
Do power point on your gmail account.
Make it attractive to the eye!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

senior seminar sub plans
Go to show cocca cola the real story behind the real thing
Have students write 5 facts that they found interesting about coke.
Swoosh inside nike

Have students write 5 facts that they found interesting about Nike

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Making an Effective Speech

Grading rubric for the senate speech have been handed out. Check out the following sites for guidance and ideas on how to make a good speech.
1. Presentation tips for Public Speaking -
2. How to Write a Good Speech-
Key points
1. Know your stuff. If you are unclear about the material you will not do well.
2. Be over- prepared. Rehearse your speech, time yourself, sync your power point with the speech.
3. Know your audience
4. Use various techniques to engage your audience.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Senate Committees

Go to the Senate Committees Homepage
Read the About the Committee System Section.
Go back to the homepage
Pick 1 committee that sounds interesting to you or a committee that you may want your bill to be in.
Answer the following in a comment
1. What does the committee do/what is the committee's jurisdiction?
2. Find a bill that came from the committee or is currently posed to the committee and summarize what that bill does.
3. Explain why that bill is in that committee.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Senate Research

Your objective today is to research a current US Senator and find the following information:
Go to for list of all current US Senators
1. What state? and party?
2. List 5 things you think are important to know about the Senator's biography.
3. How many terms has the Senator served?
4. On what committees does the Senator serve?
5. Go to find one piece of legislation that the Senator sponsored or co-sponsored. Find one that makes sense to you and summarized into a few sentences what the bill does.
6. Describe what the current status is on the bill. ( did it pass, fail, in committee, etc..)
7. Go to the Senator's web site and find a current news story that is of interest to you. Summarize into a few sentences the Senator's position on a current issue.
Do all of this in a gmail word document .
8. Finally pick an issue that your Senator feels passionately about and write a 30 sec sound bite, to be delivered in class, writing as if you are that Senator. The sound bite should be written as if your senator is answering a question from a reporter, so give the question then give your 30 sec answer.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Environmental Protection Agency

Read Understanding the Clean Air Act
Read The Negative Impact of EPA Regulations
Post a comment answering the following...
a. What are the benefits of regulating emissions?
b. What are the negative consequences of regulating emissions?
c. Should the government regulate the emissions from businesses?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Inform and recruit

Objective- create a means to inform people about and attract people to the party.

Republican Party
Democratic Party
Tea Party
Libertarian Party
Green Party

What Political party are you?

Senator, What Political party are you?

Today you will officially pick the political party that you will represent in your role as a US Senator.
Take all three political party quizes:
1. Are you a republican or democrat?
2. What political party are you?
3. What political party is right for you?
After reading the results of the quizes go to an official site of the party that the test said you most closely resembled; democratic party, republican party, Libertarian Party,
Green Party , Tea Party
Post a one paragraph declaration explaining the party you will join
Paragraph must include
a. name of the party
b. an explanation of the major beliefs of that party and why you chose to join it.
c. include any things that you do not agree with

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Legislation and lobbying

Read The Federal Minimum Wage Act.
Go to the National Restaurant Association's website. See what they do. Post a 2-3 sentence answer to the question: What does the NRA think about the minimum wage law? Also surmise what possible influence they may have had on the existing law.

Monday, March 5, 2012

read of 2011 Affordable Heath Care Actprovisions
Go to
click on lobbying on the left hand side of the page.Read
click on ranked sectors. Read and look at all the different sectors. Click around.
click on top spenders. read and look around.
Post the following:
- Define in your own words - lobbyist
post a one paragraph comment on the blog explaining one specific interest group and their influence/ interest on legislation.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Universal Health Care

After viewing the movie Sicko we have seen a strong argument for universal health care. Now we will research arguments against the idea of government run health care. Read
Reality check: Canada's government health care system
Read The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care
View John Stossel' Sick in America: Whose body is it anyway part 3/6 and 3/4
Create a list of 7 rebuttals or arguments against government run health care

Monday, February 27, 2012

Read How Old is Too Old To Drive

- List 3 reasons the article offers to support the idea that there may be a crisis on the highways because of elderly drivers.
Read House Approves Mandating Regular Vision Tests for Seniors
Answer the following questions:
1. Is this a state or federal law? How do you know?
2. What does the law for seniors to do?
3. What other requirements are there in the bill?
4. According to Donna Erdman which age group has the most accidents?

Watch South Park Grey Dawn

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Review for Constitution test

Use notes, previo us bushseniorseminar lessons, and quizlet

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Key terms

Look up the Bill of Rights, read through the 1st 10 amendments to the constitution. Post a brief comment on your thoughts about them.

Define what is meant by the " necessary and proper clause" in article 1 of the constitution.
Define Judicial Review- Google "judicial review ____ amendment" and use that as your current event assignment for the week.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lawmakers make laws to address problems in society.
Read Obama Proposes Longer School Day. Post a 1-2 paragraph comment on President Obama's proposal. Comments must address at least 3 specifics ideas mentioned in the article. #ign your name after comment.
Where in the constitution does President Obama get authority to enact laws?

Monday, February 20, 2012

the US Constitution

You are responsible for knowing the information in lessons 3 and 4 on the Constitution. These lessons are a great review for the test.
Today's assignment- Read the above lessons and answer the following:
Read Lesson 3 on Article 1 of the Constitution
1. Explain what an ex post facto law is, what congress can do in regards to them , and give real world historical or current example of a law that was deemed to be ex post facto.

2. What does Article 1 of the Constitution say about congress' power when it comes to commerce?
a. What is commerce?
b. Find a current example of a law passed by congress that exemplifies congress' ability to make laws regulating commerce.
3. What does Article 1 say about new states?
a. Find out and describe any information on Puerto Rician statehood movements.
Read Lesson 4 and answer the following:

4. What does Article II say about the President's role over the military?
a. Find one example of a recent decision or action by President Obama in his role over the military.
5. How does Article II set up the election of the President? Do the people elect him or what?
6. Which article describes how to change the Constitution?
a. What was the last change to the Constitution?
b. Find an example of a current proposal to amend the Constitution.

Monday, February 13, 2012

quiz Riview- Founding documents

Quiz review - Go to the quizlet review and prepare for the quiz tomorrow. Also study notes on mayflower compact, articles of confederation, declaration of independence and the Philadelphia Convention

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Current Events Homework #3

Read Head of Syrian rebels says no choice but to fight to remove Assad after UN resolution vetoed.
summarize the Syrian situation into 1 paragraph.
-create a paragraph giving your opinions on the situation in Syria and try to relate it to Thomas Jefferson's words in the Declaration of Independence
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Put both paragraphs on a piece of loose leaf and place it in your current events folder

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Review for test 1

go to quizlet to review for test 1

Due on Friday

2. Objectives: to examine and compare Pres Bush's and Pres Obama's tactics in the war on terror.

Read Inside the Killing Machine
Respond to the following the Put into current events folder by friday:
1. Summarize the article into 1-2 paragraphs
2. comment on the following
- Do you think President Obama's actions are legal? Why or why not?
- Why do you think President Obama uses the Predator strikes a lot more than President Bush?
- In the article the "lethal operation" decisions made by the President and Mr. Rizzo are described as morally complex. Describe how you would handled the moral complexities of the decision if you were in Mr. Rizzo's shoes

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ideas on Government- What is the role of government?

1. Go to Political spectrum quiz
Take quiz. Post a comment on the blog summarizing the results of your quiz.
2. Go to liberal v conservative
Pick any four topics that are of interest to you. Read each competing view. On a piece of loose leaf write your own view of the topic. Explain your view and explain if you are liberal / conservative or somewhere in the middle. Each explanation should be about a paragraph or more in length.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Read Hurricane Irene: New Yorkers Prepare for Historic Storm post a comment of one paragraph ( about 5 sentences on the article). Your post should focus on the ideas of what is the role of government in this situation and how much blame should the government face if a Katrina type "government failure" happens. Also comment on how much personal responsibility should people have in a situation like this. Sign the posting with your full name.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Nature of Mankind

Great political thinkers often look to answer the question of "what is the nature of mankind?" before they begin their thinking on what is the best way for a society to be governed.
Read What Makes Us Moral. On a separate piece of paper take notes on the each of the pages. Break down each page and list at least three bullets for each topic headline. Headlines are: pg 1 What makes us moral. pg 2 the Moral Ape pg 3. How we stay good. pg 4 Why we turn bad.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Threat Assessment

Foreign Policy Research

OBJECTIVE- You have been assigned to research and brief the President of the United States on a current threat to US security. Your group must prepare a 10 minute presentation designed to give the President the following information:

1. Historical perspective on the threat.

a. Include maps, statistics, satellite footage, charts and graphs explaining how the threat came to be, where it is located, and other background information you feel is necessary for the President to fully understand the threat.

2. Current Events-

a. Include an assessment of the current status of the threat. Examine and brief the President on at least three news stories that have occurred in the last three months.

b. include an video that you feel will help inform the President of the situation, ie: news reports, demonstrations, recreations etc....

3. Options- Research and brief the President on the various different options available to him on how to effectively deal with the threat.


1. Nuclear Weapons- who has them? When did they get them? How many do they have? What is our current relationship with the country? How stable is the country?

2. IRAN-

3. North Korea-

4. EMP-

5. Al Qaeda-

6. China-

7. Lone Wolf Scenario / Home Grown Terrorism

8. Cyber warfare-

A good site to look at is Greatest threat

Monday, January 2, 2012

Federal budget

After lecture and notes on the federal budget view examines the history of the federal deficit
I. Go to click on explore the budget and see how your tax dollars are spent. Answer the follow questions:
1. In what area is most of our tax dollars spent?
2. What % is spent on social security?
a. What is social security? (research this before you answer)
3. What % is spent on highways & mass transit?
4. How much is spent on Defense?
5. What is Medicare?
a. what % of our budget does it consume?
6. What % is spent on college financial aid?
7. What % do we spend on international (foreign ) aid?
II. Read Hard Choices: Pres. Obama's 2012 budget.
In a paragraph describe what these hard choices are. Give specifics.

III. Go to National Budget Simulator -
attempt to balance the budget.
In a paragraph summarize your actions, problems, successes and possible implications of your new budget.